User talk:Brenleyt
LB Summer 2017 JLab Vertex Work
Se170063 Nickel Foil Thin Gauss Window Expansion
Se170063 Pure Se Wide Gauss Window Expansion
Se170063 Nickel Foil Wide Gauss Window Expansion
Se170063 Activity And Half Life
Se170063 Activity and HL Alternate
LB May 2017 Nickel Investigations
LB PAA Runlist 4/01/16 - 06/02/16
LB Se PAA Horse Feed Experiment
LB Se PAA Horse Feed IAC Detector Effiencies
LB PAA IAC Detector Efficiencies
2cm XLineTarg 90 Degree Rotation 09/23/16
2cm XLineTarg 270 Degree Rotation 09/23/16
6cm ZLineTarg 0 Degree Rotation 09/23/16
6cm ZLineTarg 90 Degree Rotation 09/23/16
6cm ZLineTarg 270 Degree Rotation 09/23/16
2cm YLineTarg 30 Degree Rotation 09/23/16
2cm YLineTarg 210 Degree Rotation 09/23/16
2cm XYTarg Z=0 Vx and Vy Differences 09/23/16
2cm YZTarg X=0 Vz and Vy Difference 09/23/16
2cm XZTarg Y=0 Vx and Vz Differences 09/23/16
Small coding error here. The x-axis should be labeled as GenPart.z - Event.z (cm). Here is the original code used:
The error is 2 lines below the definition of h1.
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = 0cm
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (0.0cm,0.25cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (0.25cm,0.5cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (0.5cm,0.75cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (0.75cm,1.0cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (1.0cm,1.25cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (1.25cm,1.5cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (1.5cm,1.75cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (1.75cm,2.0cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (2.0cm,2.25cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (2.25cm,2.5cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (2.5cm,2.75cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (2.75cm,3.0cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (-0.25cm,0.0cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (-0.5cm,-0.25cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (-0.75cm,-0.5cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (-1.0cm,-0.75cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (-1.25cm,-1.0cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (-1.5cm,-1.25cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (-1.75cm,-1.5cm)
Histograms for Increasing Radii, Z = (-2.25cm,-2.0cm)
Recreation of Plots Using GEMC 2.5
Investigation of Centroid Shift in Vz Differences
RMS Investigation in Vz Difference
LB Feb 2017 Energy Efficiency Calculations
LB Feb 2017 Geometric Efficiency Calculations