Se170063 Nickel Foil Wide Gauss Window Expansion

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This analysis was done by weighting the histogram by the mass of the sample. The window is [1356,1368] and was expanded by one channel on each side to find the error in the counts.

5/25/17 5/26/17 5/27/17 5/29/17 5/30/17 5/31/17 6/1/17
Original Window Counts 98320 173200 228300 85940 148900 109100 64250
Original Window Background (Integrated) 3954.6 8499.51 19328.4 2969.18 8652.05 5097.77 2584.57
Original Window Difference 94365.4 164700.49 208971.6 82970.82 140247.95 104002.23 61665.43
Expanded Window Counts 98870 174300 230500 86340 149900 109700 64540
Expanded Window Background 4058.92 8644.64 19114.1 3150.02 8755.1 5390.22 2565.2
Expanded Window Difference 84811.48 165655.36 211385.9 83189.98 141144.9 104309.78 61974.8
Error in counts 446.08 954.87 2414.3 219.16 896.95 307.55 309.37
Position 50 cm 30 cm 20cm 20 cm 10cm 10cm 10cm
Efficiency 0.00017 0.000422 0.000847 0.000847 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031
.dat file entry 14.42641264 +/- 0.0047271564 14.07896028 +/- 0.0057976148 13.5315612 +/- 0.0115532446 12.69531211 +/- 0.0026414106 12.01862017 +/- 0.0063922503 11.62243763 +/- 0.0029571481 11.07892229 +/- 0.0050169114

Below is a plot of the activity as a function of time

170063 Nickel WideGauss HLPlot.png

This gives the constant of 14.5046 +/- 0.00345043. Now find the initial activity

[math] A_t = e^{14.5046} = 1991900.96 Hz [/math]

Since the plot is made with reference to the mixture's measurement time (first point plotted 108 minutes after the mix was measured) means that the constant should be the activity at the time the mixture was being measured.