TGEM WasteHandling

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The procedure to combine Thorium and a resistive paste are given below. The guiding principle will be to generate radioactive waste within portable enclosures in order to minimize dispersal. The portable enclosures will be place in radioactive waste barrels after use.

Portable Enclosures

The plan will be to work with the radioactive material in a portable enclosure which itself is in a fume hood. Possible portable enclosures are given below.

All waste created when processing the Thorium rods into filings which will dope the resistive paste will be contained within a portable enclosure. The filings are removed from the enclosure after they have been absorbed by the uncured resistive paste. The uncured resistive paste is a very viscous glue similar to honey which hardens after curing at 150-165 Celsius. The filings will be mixed into the resistive paste inside the portable enclosure and then removed to be placed in an over.

We need a way to enclose the glue which has been doped with Thorium so it can be transported to the oven. Perhaps an oven bag used 

H: Or we may use IR-curing for the paste. We need to contact the company for the procedure.

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