PAA ResultsFromTheIAC

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Nickel Normaization


Flux Rates on Jack

Jack Photon Flux


Jack Neutron Flux


Scotch Tape -vs- Kapton tape

A 20 MeV electron was used to make a bremsstrahlung beam that impinged a sample of regular Scotch Tape and Kapton tape. Both tapes had similar areas of 2.5 x 3 cm. The Kapton had twice as much mass as the Scotch (0.1247 g -vs 0.0699 g).

The scotch taper became brittle after 4 hours of irradiation on the 25 N machine.

Below is an uncalibrated spectrum using Thorium rods. Lines should appear at 238.8,338.8, 511, 583.4, 911.2, and 2614.6 keV

Channel Energy (keV)
242 238.8
342 338.8
514 511
586 583
914 911.2
2617 2614.6

slope=1.0003 +/- 0.000156023 y-intercept=-3.12645 +/- 0.185346


Scotch tape run was 6663.4 seconds long (MPA->Draw("-3.12645+1.0003*evt.Chan>>NScotchTape(8000,0,8000)","0.00015");)

Kapton Tape run was 488.44 seconds long (MPA->Draw("-3.12645+1.0003*evt.Chan>>NKaptonTape(8000,0,8000)","0.0020473344");)

IrradiatedKapton-vsScotchTapeRates 9-22-16.png

HEU disks

A 20 MeV electron was used to make a bremsstrahlung beam that impinged HEU disks

Below is an uncalibrated spectrum using Thorium rods on Detector D. Lines should appear at 238.8,338.8, 511, 583.4, 911.2, and 2614.6 keV

The HEU samples were measured on two different HpGe detectors that has similar efficiencies. Get B was used for the Unirradiate sample and Detector D for the Irradiated HEU disk.

Det D calibrations

Channel Energy (keV)
236 238.8
334 338.8
505 511
576 583
901 911.2
2586 2614.6

slope=1.0108 +/- 0.000328475 y-intercept=0.6533 +/- 0.385247


HEU comparison Before and After irradiation

Uniradiated HEU sample was measured for 2671.8 seconds


Iradiated HEU sample was measured overnight for 50554.469 seconds (14 hours)

