JackPhotonFlux 06-04-2018

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Jack Profile from Nickel foils 1m from converter


NiRate-VS-Position 6-4-2018.png

NiThOverlay 6-4-2018.png

The Rate column values were estimates of the rate in a single channel (1376 keV ) observed online during data acquisition. The rates in the graph above were from an offline analysis integrating over about 20 channels around the 1376 keV peak.

EventNum(evt.Sec)Time sample rate (Hz)
0-45000(0-300) Thorium
300-398(430-526) Position 1 4.7
400-500 (642-742) Thorium
500-600 (860-960) Position 2
600-700 (1070-1170) Thorium
700-800 (1290-1390) Position 3 10
800-900 (1500-1600) Thorium
900-1000 (1720-1820) Position 4
1000-1125 (1930-2030 Thorium
1125-1200 (2040-2140) Position 5 22
1200-1300 (2150-2250) Thorium
1300-1400 (2360-2460) Position 6
1400-1500 (2570-2670 Thorium
1500-1600 (2790-2890) Position 7 6.9
1600-1700 (3010-3110) Thorium
1700-1800 (3220-3320) Position 8
1800-1900 (3435-3535) Thorium
1900-2000 (3650-3750) Position 9 3.7


MPA->Draw("evt.Chan*(0.490) >>(6096,0,6096)","evt.Sec > 690 && evt.Sec < 1000");

A clear 583 keV peak can be seen for the Thorium rod runs using the command

MPA->Draw("evt.Chan*(0.490) >>(40,560,600)","evt.Sec > 642 && evt.Sec < 742");

There is no 583 keV peak for the Nickel foil.

I do see a 1376 keV line characteristic of the Nickel foil in the Thorium rod spectrum

MPA->Draw("evt.Chan*(0.490) >>(40,1360,1400)","evt.Sec > 1070 && evt.Sec < 1170");

Filename:Jack_6-4-2018_pos002 : Position 1

Filename:Jack_6-4-2018_pos5_001 : Position 5

Filename:Jack_6-4-2018_pos7_001 : Position 7 PAA_ResultsFromTheIAC#Jack_Photon_Flux