HV burn in
Begin burn in after at least 3 volume changes.
File:High Voltage Region 1 Sector 1 data.xls
Step 1: Set Voltage to 50 volts on all channels. Probe HVB to be sure that all sense, field, and guard wires have a voltage. (You should set current threshold to 10 microAmps on the HV supply)
Step 2: While monitoring the current, ramp the HV to the following
G:F:S= 525,-700,700
Step 3: Begin to take data recording the time and sense wire current as you ramp up the sense wire HV to 1400 volts while restricting the current draw to less than 10 micraAmps.
keep current under 10 micro amps while moving sense voltage up to 1400
TDC cable test
The following table shows the data for TDC testing input channels using the best cable (looks the other cables were tested to choose the best one) that has the range (32-63), the cable does not a signal in the three channels: 32,35,47.
Cable number range | channels without hits |
Measured Sense wire output
Sense Wire Scope pictures on DAQ machine
Summary of Testing Sense Wires for Scope Picture Signal
Cosmic Runs
Cosmic rays were used to measure drift chamber time spectra with respect to scintillators placed above and below the drift chambers (more details are at the wiki location CLAS12R1_CosmicTestStand)
Cosmic measurements
CLAS6 Drift Chamber NIM paper
Run # | Date | Description |
3806 | 1/10/13 | 3 hour cosmic run, 16 channels with leading edge discriminators (-80 mV, 100 ns pulse width) |
3809 | 1/10/13 | cosmic run on 1/10. Signal cable 4 (ch. 48-63). 16 channels with leading edge discriminators (-80 mV, 100 ns pulse width). |
3810 | 1/10/13 | cosmic run from 1/10 - 1/14. Signal cable 4 (ch. 48-63). 16 channels with leading edge discriminators (-80 mV, 100 ns pulse width). Scintillator paddle F1/F2 on table above Sector 1, paddle I1/I2 below. |
3811 | 1/10/13 | |
3831 | 2/1/13 | Changed disciminator from 80 mV to 60 mV, We improved the window, installed HV & STB boards, purged and started taking cosmic data again, DC is sandwhiched between 2 scints with PMTs aligned (PMT on only one end of Scint is turned on) |
3833 | 2/4/13 | Changed disciminator from 60 mV to 30 mV |
3834 | 2/11/13 | Changed disciminator from 30 mV to 60 mV |
3835 | 2/19/13 | Changed disciminator from 60 mV to 20 mV |
Using ADB crate
(TDC1190[106]-TDC1190[104] = 3 ns) => PMT F1 - PMT I2 = Two PMTs that are on separate paddles and adjacent.
(TDC1190[106]-TDC1190[107] = 40 +/- 10 ns) => PMT F1 - PMT F2 = Two PMTs that are on the SAME paddle. Not sure why there is a 40 ns offset but the 10 ns wide range is because the paddles are about 70 cm long ( see CLAS12R1_CosmicTestStand#Scintillator_Timing_Studies)
TDC-CH# | WIRE | |
104 | PMT I2 | |
106 | PMT F1 | |
107 | PMT F2 | |
00 | U1 | L2W1 |
01 | U2 | L4W1 |
02 | U3 | L6W1 |
03 | U4 | L1W1 |
04 | U5 | L3W1 |
05 | U6 | L5W1 |
06 | U7 | L2W2 |
07 | U8 | L4W2 |
08 | U9 | L6W2 |
09 | U10 | L1W2 |
10 | U11 | L3W2 |
11 | U12 | L5W3 |
12 | U13 | L2W3 |
13 | U14 | L4W3 |
14 | U15 | L6W3 |
15 | U16 | L1W3 |
16 | U17 | L3W3 |
17 | U18 | L5W3 |
18? | U19 | L2W4 |
19 | U20 | L4W4 |
20 | U21 | L6W4 |
21 | U22 | L1W4 |
22 | U23 | L3W4 |
23 | U24 | L5W4 |
24 | U25 | L2W5 |
25 | U26 | L4W5 |
26 | U27 | L6W5 |
27 | U28 | L1W5 |
28 | U29 | L3W5 |
29 | U30 | L5W5 |
30 | U31 | L2W6 |
31 | U32 | L4W6 |
32 | U33 | L6W6 |
33 | U34 | L1W6 |
34 | U35 | L3W6 |
35 | U36 | L5W6 |
36 | U37 | L2W7 |
37 | U38 | L4W7 |
38 | U39 | L6W7 |
39 | U40 | L1W7 |
40 | U41 | L3W7 |
41 | U42 | L5W7 |
42 | U43 | L2W8 |
43 | U44 | L4W8 |
44 | U45 | L6W8 |
45 | U46 | L1W8 |
46 | U47 | L3W8 |
47 | U48 | L5W8 |
48 | U49 | L2W9 |
49 | U50 | L4W9 |
50 | U51 | L6W9 |
51 | U52 | L1W9 |
52 | U53 | L3W9 |
53 | U54 | L5W9 |
54 | U55 | L2W10 |
55 | U56 | L4W10 |
56 | U57 | L6W10 |
57 | U58 | L1W10 |
58 | U59 | L3W10 |
59 | U60 | L5W10 |
60 | U61 | L2W11 |
61 | U62 | L4W11 |
62 | U63 | L6W11 |
63 | U64 | L1W11 |
64 | U65 | L3W11 |
65 | U66 | L5W11 |
66 | U67 | L2W12 |
67 | U68 | L4W12 |
68 | U69 | L6W12 |
69 | U70 | L1W12 |
70 | U71 | L3W12 |
71 | U72 | L5W12 |
72 | U73 | L2W13 |
73 | U74 | L4W13 |
74 | U75 | L6W13 |
75 | U76 | L1W13 |
76 | U77 | L3W13 |
77 | U78 | L5W13 |
78 | U79 | L2W14 |
79 | U80 | L4W14 |
80 | U81 | L6W14 |
81 | U82 | L1W14 |
82 | U83 | L3W14 |
83 | U84 | L5W14 |
84 | U85 | L2W15 |
85 | U86 | L4W15 |
86 | U87 | L6W15 |
87 | U88 | L1W15 |
88 | U89 | L3W15 |
89 | U90 | L5W15 |
90 | U91 | L2W16 |
91 | U92 | L4W16 |
92 | U93 | L6W16 |
93 | U94 | L1W16 |
94 | U95 | L3W16 |
95 | U96 | L5W16 |
Runlist Disc=100 mv
Run # | Date | Description |
4008 | 4/11/13 | set ADB threshold to 100 , installed all 6 STB connectors, key was on the left as you face the ADC crate. Two top PMTs and one bottom PMT were in coincidence. The rate was about 0.5 Hz. at 9:41 on 4/12/13 I observed no voltage coming out of the discriminator monitor, the fuses were NOT blown. Hits seemed to disappear in the data. I recycled the ADB crate power and saw 100 mV on the discriminator monitor. Start a new run 40009 |
4009 | 4/12/13 | ADC threshold at 100 mV |
4014 | 4/16/13 | Removed cable from J10 connector on ADB crate and becan a cosmic run, the ROC & EB1 segfaulted after 57702 events |
4082 | 4/17/13 | first run with fully installed ADC crate & known map; ROC crashed after 5522 event around 20:53 |
4099 | 4/17/13 | ROC & EB crash after 4702 events, restarted all processes prior to taking this data |
4127 | 4/24/13 | 100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 ROC crashed because there was not enough memory for all the data, increased memory in the readoutlist R4127Histos |
4128 | 4/24/13 | run ended on 4/29 at 10:43,100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 re-centered scintillator based on occupancy plot from 4127, the event rate dropped after 2 hrs (event 5000) , TDC chan 32 -> 63 dropped out between event number 5000 and 360000, why did they start working? |
4129 | 4/29/13 | 100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , lost hits after 50000 events |
4130 | 4/30/13 | 100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , only 3, 16 channel ADB inputs are working (TDC channels 16->31, 64->95) |
4131 | 5/1/13 | 100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , Moved DC output connectors so the channels centered on the scintillator are on the working ADB inputs (ribbon cable 3 is on ADB input 2, cable 4 is on input 5, and cable 5 is on ADB input 6); Only ADB input 6 shows hits |
4132 | 5/2/13 | 100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , Moved DC output connectors so ribbon cable 2 is on ADB input 1, cable 5 is on input 4, and cable 6 is on ADB input 6, all others are unplugged |
4134 | 5/3/13 | 100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , Moved DC output connectors so ribbon cable 2 is on ADB input 3, cable 5 is on input 5, and cable 6 is on ADB input 6, all others are unplugged |
4135 | 5/4/13 | 100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , replaced preamp power supply, CLAS12_r4135 |
4136 | 5/6/13 | 100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , CLAS12_r4136 |
4138 | 5/8/13 | 100 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , CLAS12_r4138,internet failed and lost connection to rocdaq1 after 479752 events on 5/13/13 at 6:11 am |
Runlist Disc=30 mv
4139 | 5/13/13 | 30 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 CLAS12_r4139, run started at 9:05:57 on 5/13 and ended at 12:52:44 on 5/20 |
Runlist Disc=58 mv
4140 | 5/20/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1280:-750:550 CLAS12_r4140, run started at 13:57:34 on 5/20 and ended at 16:43:39 on 5/20 |
4141 | 5/20/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 CLAS12_r4141, run started at 16:47:48 on 5/20 and ended , TDC channels 62->76 were failing after event 80000 and then seemed to turn on and off for a while |
4142 | 5/20/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , run started at , TDC channels 62->76 were failing they seemed to turn on and off for a while |
4143 | 5/27/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , swapped last two inputs to ADB board for channels 64->96. Check if hits start failing on ch 80->96 |
4145 | 5/28/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , swapped middle inputs between two ADC boards (ch 17->32 echanged with ch 64->80), all channels were working??? lets switch it back, perhaps connector had bad connection? |
4146 | 5/29/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , everything connected back to order used in run 4142, run started at 08:12:35 on 5/29/13, ended at 07:39 on 6/10/13. 1,238,205 events , may have run low on ArC02 near the last day or two. |
HV-vs- Efficiency
Keep the discriminator constant and change the HV.
The HV should stay at the ratios of S:F:G=1:0.5:4/11
4146 | 5/29/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1500:-750:550 , everything connected back to order used in run 4142, run started at 08:12:35 on 5/29/13, ended at 07:39 on 6/10/13. 1,238,205 events , may have run low on ArC02 near the last day or two. |
4147 | 6/10/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1350:-675:495 , run started at 10:13:23 on 6/10/13, ended at on . Network went down and as a result DAQ failed after about 20k events. |
4148 | 6/11/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1350:-675:495 , run started at 07:44:11 on 6/11/13, DAQ crashed after about 14k events with error message ..." Can not find container_admin"... |
4153 | 6/12/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1350:-675:495 , run started at 13:35:25 on 6/12/13, ended at 17:30:45 on 6/13/13. Internet outage expected after 6pm today |
4154 | 6/14/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1250:-625:458 , run started at 08:55:07 on 6/14/13, ended at 7:39:16 on 6/17/13. The ADB crate was turned off. |
4155 | 6/17/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1250:-625:458 , run started at 07:40:43 on 6/17/13, ended at on 6/20/21. ISU network is going down for maintenance, Guard voltage may have been 489 when I looked to set the HV for run 4157 the readback showed 489 Volts. |
4157 | 6/21/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1300:-650:473 , run started at 11:34:46 on 6/21/13, ended at 13:57 on 6/24/13. |
4158 | 6/24/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , run started at 14:04:11 on 6/24/13, ended at 11:05 on 6/25/13. Error message at 15:38:48 on 6/25/13 said ER was not responding it seemed to recover but event number -vs- TDC had gaps for TDC ch 8-> 15, it looks like all the events came out in TDC ch 11 after the ER client recovered?, starting a new run |
4159 | 6/25/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , run started at 11:06:05 on 6/25/13, ended at 11:12:55 on 6/26/13. ROC |
4160 | 6/26/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , run started at 13:26:51 on 6/26/13, ER failed |
4161 | 6/26/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , run started at 21:13:27 on 6/26/13, ended at 09:16:32 on 6/27/13, TDC40->TDC43 have events that are way out of time, restart run |
4162 | 6/27/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , run started at 09:17:02 on 6/27/13, ended at on TDC40->TDC43 still have events that are way out of time, APlatform:ERROR Lost connection to the container = daq2.physics.isu.edu_admin. 15:39:54 06/24 |
4163 | 6/27/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , run started at 09:17:02 on 6/27/13, ended at on |
4165 | 7/3/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , ADB cards were swapped to see if the out of time events in TDC ch 40->43 move to the channels in the other ADC, they did not, switch the cables back and check the ADC cables. |
4166 | 7/5/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , swapped the ADB output cables such that ADB outputs in TDC chan 32->47 are now going into TDC channels 81->96. The problems with ut of time hits moved with the ADC output cables. The question now; Is it the cable, the connectors, or the TDC? |
4168 | 7/22/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , out timing on channel 15,21,31 before swapped the ADB output cables 0-31 and 64->95 |
4168 | 7/22/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , out timing on channel 15,21,31 before swapped the ADB output cables 0-31 and 64->95 |
4173 | 08/04/13 | 58 mv Threshold, S:F:G=1400:-700:509 , out timing on channel: 11,15,16,18,21,23,25,27,31,80,82,85,86,88,89,90,91,92,95. The highest number of events: 96. Zero events: 0,74. Events less than 300: 8,9,10,12,13,14,24,26,29,30. Over timing on a specific event number interval:28,40,42,46,59,81,84,93. |
The network will be down Thursday (6/20) night until Friday morning. Stop the DAQ Thursday at 5pm
Readout Map
Wire | PostAmpOut (CH 1-96) | TDC Channel | |
L | W | ||
5 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
3 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
1 | 1 | 3 | 3 |
6 | 1 | 4 | 4 |
4 | 1 | 5 | 5 |
2 | 1 | 6 | 6 |
5 | 2 | 7 | 7 |
3 | 2 | 8 | 8 |
1 | 2 | 9 | 9 |
6 | 2 | 10 | 10 |
4 | 2 | 11 | 11 |
2 | 2 | 12 | 12 |
5 | 3 | 13 | 13 |
3 | 3 | 14 | 14 |
1 | 3 | 15 | 15 |
6 | 3 | 16 | 16 |
4 | 3 | 17 | 17 |
2 | 3 | 18 | 18 |
5 | 4 | 19 | 19 |
3 | 4 | 20 | 20 |
1 | 4 | 21 | 21 |
6 | 4 | 22 | 22 |
4 | 4 | 23 | 23 |
2 | 4 | 24 | 24 |
5 | 5 | 25 | 25 |
3 | 5 | 26 | 26 |
1 | 5 | 27 | 27 |
6 | 5 | 28 | 28 |
4 | 5 | 29 | 29 |
2 | 5 | 30 | 30 |
5 | 6 | 31 | 31 |
3 | 6 | 32 | 32 |
1 | 6 | 33 | 33 |
6 | 6 | 34 | 34 |
4 | 6 | 35 | 35 |
2 | 6 | 36 | 36 |
5 | 7 | 37 | 37 |
3 | 7 | 38 | 38 |
1 | 7 | 39 | 39 |
6 | 7 | 40 | 40 |
4 | 7 | 41 | 41 |
2 | 7 | 42 | 42 |
5 | 8 | 43 | 43 |
3 | 8 | 44 | 44 |
1 | 8 | 45 | 45 |
6 | 8 | 46 | 46 |
4 | 8 | 47 | 47 |
2 | 8 | 48 | 48 |
5 | 9 | 49 | 49 |
3 | 9 | 50 | 50 |
1 | 9 | 51 | 51 |
6 | 9 | 52 | 52 |
4 | 9 | 53 | 53 |
2 | 9 | 54 | 54 |
5 | 10 | 55 | 55 |
3 | 10 | 56 | 56 |
1 | 10 | 57 | 57 |
6 | 10 | 58 | 58 |
4 | 10 | 59 | 59 |
2 | 10 | 60 | 60 |
5 | 11 | 61 | 61 |
3 | 11 | 62 | 62 |
1 | 11 | 63 | 63 |
6 | 11 | 64 | 64 |
4 | 11 | 65 | 65 |
2 | 11 | 66 | 66 |
5 | 12 | 67 | 67 |
3 | 12 | 68 | 68 |
1 | 12 | 69 | 69 |
6 | 12 | 70 | 70 |
4 | 12 | 71 | 71 |
2 | 12 | 72 | 72 |
5 | 13 | 73 | 73 |
3 | 13 | 74 | 74 |
1 | 13 | 75 | 75 |
6 | 13 | 76 | 76 |
4 | 13 | 77 | 77 |
2 | 13 | 78 | 78 |
5 | 14 | 79 | 79 |
3 | 14 | 80 | 80 |
1 | 14 | 81 | 81 |
6 | 14 | 82 | 82 |
4 | 14 | 83 | 83 |
2 | 14 | 84 | 84 |
5 | 15 | 85 | 85 |
3 | 15 | 86 | 86 |
1 | 15 | 87 | 87 |
6 | 15 | 88 | 88 |
4 | 15 | 89 | 89 |
2 | 15 | 90 | 90 |
5 | 16 | 91 | 91 |
3 | 16 | 92 | 92 |
1 | 16 | 93 | 93 |
6 | 16 | 94 | 94 |
4 | 16 | 95 | 95 |
2 | 16 | 96 | 96 |
Measurements with source
4/20/12 1hour counts:
SL2 HVB1 Column 18 Row 5
-With source 14459 pulses/1502 sec
SL1 HVB7 column 203 row 4
-With source 50681 pulses/3760 sec.
1 hour counts:
SL2 HVB4 Column 118 row 5
- Without source: 33145 pulses/3610 Sec.
- With source(CS-137):38262 pulses/3600 Sec.
- Without source: 37548 pulses/3715 Sec.
Preamp voltage:5V
Background measurements
HV off 4/5/12 Background counts:
27 pulses/61806 Sec.
SL2 Column 132 row 2
Preamp voltage 6.3V
Discriminator threshold 46mV
Preamp on= 6.3
4/9/12: Back ground count measurements
4531 counts/69564 seconds
2044 counts/24620 seconds
4/10/12 Background counts:
3 pulses/ 74500 sec.
SL1 HVB7 Column 196 Row 2
Preamp voltage 6.3 V
Discriminator threshold 46mV
Background counts:
280 pulses/245850 sec
SL1 HVB7 column 226 row 2
preamp voltage 5V
Discriminator threshold 46mV
4/17/12 Background counts:
6 pulses/62407 sec
SL2 HVB7 column 226 row 8
preamp voltage 5V
discriminator threshold 46mV
Background counts:
63 pulses/ 71724 Sec.
SL1 HVB7 column 226 row 8
Preamp voltage 5V
Discriminator threshold 46mV
Background counts:
41078 pulse/ 245104 sec.
SL1 HVB7 Column 203 Row 4
Preamp voltage 5V
Discriminator threshold 46mV
Cosmic measurements
4/24/12 Cosmic count:
SL1 HVB1 Column 3 Row 10
14534 pulses/11547 sec.
Preamp voltage 5V
Overnight Cosmic pulse count:
SL2 HVB4 Column 118 Row 5
53122 pulses/49793 Sec.
Preamp voltage 5V
Primitive Tracking
Linfit to layer -vs- y distance
The staggered layering of the cells in a single drift chamber super layer results in cells that are offset from each other by 30 degrees (PI/6). Below is a event illustrating the observation of ionization signals observed by 6 of the 96 instrumented wires caused by the passage of a cosmic ray.
A coordinate system is established which defines the X-direction along the depth of the superlayer and the Y-direction along the endplate of the chamber. The chamber is facing towards the sky so cosmic rays may enter the front face of a chamber. The location of the cells, with this coordinate system, may be determined using the equations below along with the row and column of the hit.
- TDC2row[]={5,3,1,6,4,2};
- x=TDC2row[TDCChannelNumber%6)];
- y=(TDCChannelNumber/6+1)*(1+0.25*sin(PI/3)/(1+sin(PI/6)))=(TDCChannelNumber/6+1)*(1.14434);
- if the layer number (X) is even then the Y position center needs to be shifted backward in the Y direction by
- y[HitNumber]-=sin(PI/3)/(1+sin(PI/6));
The uncertainty in the position is
- DeltaX=1/sqrt(12);
- DeltaY=sin(PI/3)/(1+sin(PI/6))/sqrt(3);
TDCChannelNumber is used to locate the row and column of the wire that saw an ionization signal.
Layer(X) Wire(Y) Time 3(3) 6(7.26221) 1415 1(1) 6(7.26221) 1368 6(6) 6(6.42074) 1308 4(4) 6(6.42074) 1311 2(2) 6(6.42074) 1332 5(5) 7(8.47257) 1419
A linear fit is performed assuming that the ionization event occurs in the center of the cell. Later a drift time function should be used to offset each hit from the center according to the drift time function that uses the TDC measurement as an input.
Below is the incident cosmic ray angle when only 6 hits occur in the chamber for run CLAS12_r4135