GEM and Mini Prototype DC Cosmics Run

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Experimental Setup for efficiency tests

Experimental Setup DC Plastika Metalica Top and Bottom Scintillators GEM Detector.gif

Connector Tables

For Metalica

Metalica Sense Wire # VPI PostAmplifier Output(ADC && TDC) ADC Channel# (VME) TDC Channel# (VME)
1 16 17 1
2 14 19 3
3 12 21 5
4 10 23 7
5 8 25 9
6 6 27 11
7 4 29 13(no cable)

For Plastika

Plastika Sense Wire # VPI PostAmplifier Output(ADC && TDC) ADC Channel# (VME) TDC Channel# (VME)
1 15 18 2
2 13 20 4
3 11 22 6
4 9 24 8
5 7 26 10
6 5 28 12
7 3 30 14(not connected)

Setting Electronics

VPI postamp range

The VPI postamp has an adjustable gain on the TDC output. The peap to peak pulse amplification ranges from x2 to x10.

VPI gain for Plateau Measurements using scaler minimum gain.png VPI gain for Plateau Measurements using scaler maximum gain.png


Using The Stanford Pulse Generator, Model DG535, four identical pulses were injected into the GEM(I mean output),, two PMTs and DC(first Metalica and then Plastika).

Four injected pulses into the Detectors 12-22-08.png

Data taking


Noise Level PMTs Bottom1000Volts Top1052Volts.png

Mini DCs and GEM detectors are sandwiched between the two PMTs. The top scintillator is operated at 1050 Volts and bottom one-1000 Volts.

HV settings on GEM detector: [math]V_{Drift}=3300[/math] Volts and [math]V_{GEM}=3000[/math] Volts
HV settings on DCs: Sense=1450 Volts, Field=-725 Volts && Guard=724 Volts.

The coincidence pulse from two PMTs is used as a trigger and gate for GEM and DCs.

The PreAmp voltage on DCs is set to 6.4 Volts, the pulse form DC is amplified using PostAmplifier(amplification is on maximum). The TDC output of the amplified pulse is discriminated using the Leading Edge Discriminator and putted to the NIM-ECL converter, which than goes to the TDC(VME). The ADC output of the PostAmp was used for ADC(VME).

Run Number is r685


The GEM ADC measurements from the last cosmic run do not show a GEM signal while the DC has a clear ADC signal. Is the GEM output in time with the ADC gate?

I only saw one GEM signal from Trig out when triggering the scope on the bottom scintillator. It looked like

GEM TrigOut 1-5-08.png

Some drift chamber signals start hat before the gate suggesting there is too much delay on the gate line.

DC BottomScint Output 1-5-08.png

I observed more DC signals from channel 7 than GEM trigger signals when I triggered the scope on the bottom scintilator. Could the GEM gain/efficiency be substantially lower than the DC?

When running with HRRL electrons we should probably set the HV for each detector so they have the same rate.

Changed integrate gate from 150 ns to 300ns

Increased GEM HV 25 volts from 3325/2925 to 3350/2950


starting cosmic run # 686 on Jan 6 17:54.

Next week let's do plateau measurements, change HV and measurements cosmics for 1 day to plot rate -vs- voltage
Mac will double check his calculations for the correct sense wire HV.

Plateau measurement when S:F:G=2:-1:1

Voltage is changing only on Metalica. The HV setting for Plastika are set to the fixed values: [math]V_Sense=1450[/math] V, [math]V_F=-725[/math] V and [math]V_G=725[/math] V.

The Sense, Field, and Guard (S:F:G) wire HV ratios are 2:-1:1

HV settings on Sense Wire (Volts) Run Number Run Period (minutes) ADC23 Signal Counts/scint trigger (bin 70:4000)" ADC24 Signal Counts/scint trigger (bin 70:4000)" Cosmic Coincidence Rate (Counts/min) ADC23 Rate (Counts/min) ADC24 Rate (Counts/min)
1600 r695 1774 1376/1842 = 0.747 1404/1842 = 0.762 1.028185 0.775648253 0.791431793
r708 1034.69 1099/1103=0.996 1099/1103=0.996 1.06602 1.0621538 1.0621538
1550 r693 635.3 557/746 = 0.747 562/746 = 0.753 1.174248 0.876751141 0.884621439
1500 r691 1459.7 1201/1502 = 0.800 1168/1502 = 0.778 1.028978 0.822771802 0.800164417
1450 r692 1007.85 796/1049 = 0.759 793/1049 = 0.756 1.040829 0.789800069 0.786823436
1400 r696 2874.25 2124/2867 = 0.741 2146/2867 = 0.749 0.997477 0.738975385 0.746629556
1350 r710 872.25 668/791=0.8445 653/791=0.825 0.9068 0.765835 0.764835483

The efficiency for Plastika (ADC24) seemed to track with Metalik's efficiency even though the HV on Metalika was changing while Plastica's HV stayed constant. We believe we are still in the plateau region and should make measurements with a sense wire voltage less than 1350 Volts.

Rates for Metalica Plastika CosmicCoincidence HVRatios S F G 2 -1 1.jpg

  • Histograms for Each ADC
HV settings on Sense Wire (Volts) Run Number ADC17_tot ADC17_peak ADC17_gaussian_fit ADC18_tot ADC18_peak ADC18_gaussian_fit ADC19_tot ADC19_peak ADC19_gaussian_fit ADC20_tot ADC20_peak ADC20_gaussian_fit ADC21_tot ADC21_peak ADC21_gaussian_fit ADC22_tot ADC22_peak ADC22_gaussian_fit ADC23_tot ADC23_peak ADC23_gaussian_fit ADC24_tot ADC24_peak ADC24_gaussian_fit ADC25_tot ADC25_peak ADC25_gaussian_fit ADC26_tot ADC26_peak ADC26_gaussian_fit ADC27_tot ADC27_peak ADC27_gaussian_fit ADC28_tot ADC28_peak ADC28_gaussian_fit ADC29_tot ADC29_peak ADC29_gaussian_fit ADC30_tot ADC30_peak ADC30_gaussian_fit
1600 r695 R695 ADC17 tot.gif R695 ADC17 peak.gif R695 ADC17 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC18 tot.gif R695 ADC18 peak.gif R695 ADC18 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC19 tot.gif R695 ADC19 peak.gif R695 ADC19 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC20 tot.gif R695 ADC20 peak.gif R695 ADC20 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC21 tot.gif R695 ADC21 peak.gif R695 ADC21 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC22 tot.gif R695 ADC22 peak.gif R695 ADC22 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC23 tot.gif R695 ADC23 peak.gif R695 ADC23 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC24 tot.gif R695 ADC24 peak.gif R695 ADC24 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC25 tot.gif R695 ADC25 peak.gif R695 ADC25 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC26 tot.gif R695 ADC26 peak.gif R695 ADC26 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC27 tot.gif R695 ADC27 peak.gif R695 ADC27 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC28 tot.gif R695 ADC28 peak.gif R695 ADC28 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC29 tot.gif R695 ADC29 peak.gif R695 ADC29 gaussian fit.gif R695 ADC30 tot.gif R695 ADC30 peak.gif R695 ADC30 gaussian fit.gif
1550 r693 R693 ADC17 tot.gif R693 ADC17 peak.gif R693 ADC17 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC18 tot.gif R693 ADC18 peak.gif R693 ADC18 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC19 tot.gif R693 ADC19 peak.gif R693 ADC19 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC20 tot.gif R693 ADC20 peak.gif R693 ADC20 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC21 tot.gif R693 ADC21 peak.gif R693 ADC21 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC22 tot.gif R693 ADC22 peak.gif R693 ADC22 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC23 tot.gif R693 ADC23 peak.gif R693 ADC23 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC24 tot.gif R693 ADC24 peak.gif R693 ADC24 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC25 tot.gif R693 ADC25 peak.gif R693 ADC25 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC26 tot.gif R693 ADC26 peak.gif R693 ADC26 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC27 tot.gif R693 ADC27 peak.gif R693 ADC27 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC28 tot.gif R693 ADC28 peak.gif R693 ADC28 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC29 tot.gif R693 ADC29 peak.gif R693 ADC29 gaussian fit.gif R693 ADC30 tot.gif R693 ADC30 peak.gif R693 ADC30 gaussian fit.gif
1500 r691 R691 ADC17 tot.gif R691 ADC17 peak.gif R691 ADC17 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC18 tot.gif R691 ADC18 peak.gif R691 ADC18 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC19 tot.gif R691 ADC19 peak.gif R691 ADC19 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC20 tot.gif R691 ADC20 peak.gif R691 ADC20 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC21 tot.gif R691 ADC21 peak.gif R691 ADC21 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC22 tot.gif R691 ADC22 peak.gif R691 ADC22 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC23 tot.gif R691 ADC23 peak.gif R691 ADC23 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC24 tot.gif R691 ADC24 peak.gif R691 ADC24 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC25 tot.gif R691 ADC25 peak.gif R691 ADC25 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC26 tot.gif R691 ADC26 peak.gif R691 ADC26 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC27 tot.gif R691 ADC27 peak.gif R691 ADC27 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC28 tot.gif R691 ADC28 peak.gif R691 ADC28 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC29 tot.gif R691 ADC29 peak.gif R691 ADC29 gaussian fit.gif R691 ADC30 tot.gif R691 ADC30 peak.gif R691 ADC30 gaussian fit.gif
1450 r692 R692 ADC17 tot.gif R692 ADC17 peak.gif R692 ADC17 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC18 tot.gif R692 ADC18 peak.gif R692 ADC18 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC19 tot.gif R692 ADC19 peak.gif R692 ADC19 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC20 tot.gif R692 ADC20 peak.gif R692 ADC20 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC21 tot.gif R692 ADC21 peak.gif R692 ADC21 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC22 tot.gif R692 ADC22 peak.gif R692 ADC22 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC23 tot.gif R692 ADC23 peak.gif R692 ADC23 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC24 tot.gif R692 ADC24 peak.gif R692 ADC24 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC25 tot.gif R692 ADC25 peak.gif R692 ADC25 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC26 tot.gif R692 ADC26 peak.gif R692 ADC26 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC27 tot.gif R692 ADC27 peak.gif R692 ADC27 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC28 tot.gif R692 ADC28 peak.gif R692 ADC28 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC29 tot.gif R692 ADC29 peak.gif R692 ADC29 gaussian fit.gif R692 ADC30 tot.gif R692 ADC30 peak.gif R692 ADC30 gaussian fit.gif
1400 r696 1089/1477 = 0.737


Comparison of two runs: r685_vsr691

The HV for Sense wire in run 685 was set to 1450 Volts and for 691 - 1500 Volts

Charge collected by the sense wires for r685 and r691 HV settings 1450 1500Volts.gif

Plateau Measurements when S:F:G=1:-0.5:0.7

The previous efficiency measurements seems to all be still on the plateau. We need to change the Guard voltage to be 70% of the Sense wire voltage instead of 50%.

Mac's prediction is that the BABY chamber voltages need to be (sense,field,guard) = 1340,-670,940 for the BABY chamber to have a gas gain similar to the present CLAS chambers (which I think is about 1.7*10^4).

Let's set Plastika to those voltages as a control and change Metalika's voltage maintaining the S:F:G=1:-0.5:0.7. Let's try going to lower voltage first.

Gate change HV 1500 750 1050-22-01-09.png

Plastika is set to the following voltages: (Sense,Field,Guard) = 1340,-670,940

HV settings on Sense:Field:Guard (Volts) Run Number Run Length (minutes) Metalica Sense Wire 4 (ADC23) Signal Counts/scint trigger (bin 70:4000)" Plastika Sense Wire 4 (ADC24) Signal Counts/scint trigger (bin 70:4000)" Cosmic Coincidence Rate (Counts/min) Metalica Sense Wire 4 Rate (Counts/min) Plastika Sense Wire 4 Rate (Counts/min)
1500:-750:1050 r715
1300:-650:910 r716 1844.37 1525/1907=0.799685 1544/1907=0.809649 1.033957 0.8268406 0.83714222
1250:-625:875 r718 984.79 824/1031=0.79922405 830/1031=0.80504365 1.04692371 0.8367266 0.84281928
1200:-600:840 r719 1271.3 1067/1331=0.8016529 1075/1331=0.8076634 1.0469598 0.839298 0.84559113
1150:-575:805 r734 1257.3 845/1145=0.7379913 867/1145=0.75720524 0.91068165 0.672075082 0.68957289
1050:-525:735 r735 462.97 277/378=0.7328042 279/378=0.738095 0.81646759 0.5983109 0.60263084

Rates for Metalica Plastika CosmicCoincidence HVRatios S F G 1 -0-5 0-7.jpg

HV settings on Sense:Field:Guard (Volts) Metalica Sense Wire 4 ADC23(bin 70:4000) Plastika Sense Wire 4 ADC24(bin 70:4000) Metalica Sense Wire 4 (ADC23) Gaussian fit Plastika Sense Wire 4 (ADC24) Gaussian fit
1500:-750:1050 ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1500.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1500.gif 150px 150px
1300:-650:910 ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1300.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1300.gif ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1300 gaussian fit.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1300 gaussian fit.gif
1250:-625:875 ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1250.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1250.gif ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1250 gaussian fit.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1250 gaussian fit.gif
1200:-600:840 ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1200.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1200.gif ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1200 gaussian fit.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1200 gaussian fit.gif
1150:-575:805 ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1150.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1150.gif ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1150 gaussian fit.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1150 gaussian fit.gif
1050:-525:735 ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1050.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1050.gif ADC23 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1050 gaussian fit.gif ADC24 HV ratio 1 -0-5 0-7 1050 gaussian fit.gif

HV settings on Sense:Field:Guard (Volts) Run Number Metalica Sense Wire 4 ADC Mean Value Plastika Sense Wire 4 ADC Mean Value
1300:-650:910 r716 277 +/- 3.1 276.1 +/- 2.7
1250:-625:875 r718 277.2 +/- 6.8 278.9 +/- 6.7
1200:-600:840 r719 281.6 +/- 5.1 274.5 +/- 4.2
1150:-575:805 r734 283.9 +/- 14.5 285.4 +/- 14.1
1050:-525:735 r735 272.5 +/- 44.9 286 +/- 58.8

Plateau Measurements of Wire 4 using scaler


For this measurements high voltage on Plastika was fixed(S:F:G=1400:-700:980) and HV on Metalica was changed. Sense wire 4 was used for plateau measurements. The signal from DCs(Plastika and Metalica Seense Wire 4) goes to the UVA 122B Signal Splitter on channels 2(Metalica) and 15(Plastika), after that output is connected to the VPI PostAmp. The Amplified pulse(amplification for Plastika and Metalica is the same) from channel # 16 for Metalica and channel # 3 for Plastika is discriminated using LeCroy Octal Discriminator Model 623B. The discriminator threshold was changed only for Metalica, for Plastika it was set to 300 mV, for whole run.

HV Settings S:F:G=1400:-700:980

Discriminator Threshold On Metalica Run Length(sec) Metalica Sense Wire 4 # of events M4 events/hr P4 events/hr
130 mV 10 110
11 109
12 117 3.68e+4 [math]\pm[/math] 2000
150 mV 879 1626
193 304
87 158 6.3e+3 [math]\pm[/math] 440 399 [math]\pm[/math] 81
250 mV 338 316
88 91
178 171 3.5e+3 [math]\pm[/math] 151 433 [math]\pm[/math] 44
350 mV 203 152
185 118
182 154 2.7e+3 [math]\pm[/math]306 394 [math]\pm[/math] 71
450 mV 245 133
733 405
360 181 1.9e+3 [math]\pm[/math]76 470 [math]\pm[/math] 89
550 mV 238 102
184 91
175 89 1.7e+3 [math]\pm[/math]126 382 [math]\pm[/math] 75
650 mV 409 108
578 150
313 95 9.9e+2 [math]\pm[/math]71 300 [math]\pm[/math] 81
750 mV 497 100
588 135
394 82 7.7e+2 [math]\pm[/math]43 285 [math]\pm[/math] 24

1400Volts DiscriminatorThreshold vs Rate for Metalica.jpg

HV Settings S:F:G=1300:-650:910

Discriminator Threshold On Metalica Run Length(sec) Metalica Sense Wire 4 # of events M4 events/hr P4 events/hr
150 mV 51 162
45 108
466 1034 9.4e+3 [math]\pm[/math] 1495 291 [math]\pm[/math] 153
200 mV 9422 1566
7396 1477 658 [math]\pm[/math] 60 286 [math]\pm[/math] 6
250 mV 3375 112
2745 66
4315 123 103 [math]\pm[/math] 13 396 [math]\pm[/math] 14
300 mV 19605 242
22791 294 45 [math]\pm[/math] 1 379 [math]\pm[/math] 11
350 mV 8812 84
13023 115
13706 112 32 [math]\pm[/math] 2 393 [math]\pm[/math] 12
450 mV 50365 263 19 330

1300Volts DiscriminatorThreshold vs Rate for Metalica.jpg

HV Settings S:F:G=1200:-600:840

Discriminator Threshold On Metalica Run Length(sec) Metalica Sense Wire 4 # of events M4 events/hr P4 events/hr
120 mV 58 129
121 247
130 mV 1422 166
1645 62
150 mV 16426 138
23339 227

HV Settings S:F:G=1100:-550:770

Discriminator Threshold On Metalica Run Length(sec) Metalica Sense Wire 4 # of events M4 events/hr P4 events/hr
130 mV 741 152
842 193 7.8e+2 [math]\pm[/math] 43 289 [math]\pm[/math] 39
140 mV 10719 108 36
150 mV 91588 981 39 245
200 mV 69663 375
129673 705 20 [math]\pm[/math] 1 292 [math]\pm[/math] 12

1100Volts DiscriminatorThreshold vs Rate for Metalica.jpg

HV Settings S:F:G=1000:-500:700

Discriminator Threshold On Metalica Run Length(sec) Metalica Sense Wire 4 # of events M4 events/hr P4 events/hr
150 mV 33285 240 26 440
200 mV 52659 441 30 365
250 mV 8390 48 21 962


Plateau measurement when VPI gain = x10 and Disc thresh = 30 mV

Experimental Setup for tracking tests

Experimental Setup DC Plastika Metalica Top and Bottom Scintillators GEM Detector not finished.gif Experimental Setup DC Plastika Metalica Top and Bottom Scintillators GEM Detector photo.jpg

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