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Y-88 half life =106.626 days = 9212486.2 seconds

run 6063 lines : 898 keV, 1836 seen run 6064 background lines are close to the above lines

Energy (keV) Relative Intensity
850.6 0.065
898.042 93.7
1382.2 0.021
1836.063 99.2
2734.0 0.71
3219.7 0.0070

E(γ) Coincidence

  850.6	898.042, 1836.063, 2734.0
  850.6	898.042, 1836.063, 2734.0
  898.042	850.6, 850.6, 1836.063
  898.042	1836.063
 1382.2	1836.063
 1382.2	1836.063
 1836.063	850.6, 850.6, 898.042, 898.042, 1382.2, 1382.2
 2734.0	850.6, 850.6


Started irradiation at 15:06 and ended at 16:06 on 8/22/13

Irradiation finished at August 22, 2013 1:52:41 PM MDT(unix seconds = 1377201161)

Run Number Date (Seconds since 1970) Sec since irradiation Running Time (sec) 898 Rate 1836 rate Calibration Desc
5825 Aug 23 (1377299361) 98200 1143 Y-88 130100-010, only counting with detector 180-3 (no TDC) 19 min 7 sec long, 500 Hz
5901 Sept 3 (1378246063) 1044902 1201 7.261 Y-88 130100-010, only counting with detector 180-3 20 min 6 sec long, 184 Hz
5905 Sept 3 (1378249601) 923 Y-88 130100-010 changed post amp 8.92 to 4.62 , only counting with detector 180-3 15 min 28 sec long, 70 Hz
6022 9/16 (1379343487) 298 Y-88 1 uCi 1219-33-5, Using only Det B , 4 min 35sec long, 219 Hz
6023 9/16 (1379343834) 178 Y-88 1 uCi 1219-33-5, Using only Det B , 3 min 3 sec long, Hz ,Moved source up 2" closer, no difference, I think I am just measureing background with this source
6025 9/16(1379344382) 214 Y-88 1 uCi 130100-010, Using only Det B , 3 min 4 sec long, 223 Hz , not much above background here
6029 9/16(1379346383) 980 Y-88 1 uCi 130100-010, Using only Det B , increase CFD threshold to 49 mv (~430 keV) , 17 min 28 sec long, Hz , The shielded HpGe detector saw both Y-88 lines and had a FWHM width of 3 keV on the 898 line I get a FWHM = 3.44 keV, PAA_8-22-13#Calibration
6041 9/16 (1379349793) 2145222 11923 1.064 0.3358 Y-88 130100-010, Using only Det B , , 3 hrs, 18 min 48 sec long, (scaler = 23850/2 seconds) 84 Hz , ntuple->Draw("-14.1773+ADC9*0.676674>>(4096,0,4096)")
6562 10/31(1383237042) 6035881 760 0.1408 0.05921 Y-88 1 uCi 130100-010, Using only Det B , 10312013_TestRun#Calibration, ntuple->Draw("ADC7*0.737543 - 94.978 >>r6573(2200,0,4400)")

run 5825

On 8/23 at measured singles rate of Y-88 foils that was irradiated on 8/22/13

R5825 ADC5 raw.png

run 6063

calibrated draw command

