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gcard for Solenoid
gcard for Solenoid
<!-- minumal detectors for HB tracking -->
<!-- minumal detectors for HB tracking -->
Line 117: Line 117:
=== Solenoid Off===
=== Solenoid Off===

Revision as of 05:06, 28 February 2016

Inclusive electron scattering

Theta and Phi graphs

Solenoid off

TS 11162015 GenTheta.pngTS 11162015 Theta.png

Solenoid On

Inclusive Track Reconstruction efficiencies

Plot the reconstruction efficiency for an electron as a function of the angles Theta and Phi

I used the following: UBUNTU 14, coat-java-1.0

No Solenoid gcard:

<!-- minumal detectors for HB tracking -->

        <detector name="../../../../clas12/fc/forwardCarriage" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <detector name="../../../../clas12/dc/dc"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <detector name="../../../../clas12/ftof/ftof"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <option name="SCALE_FIELD" value="clas12-torus-big, -1"/>
        <option name="OUTPUT" value="evio,eg12.ev"/>

        <!-- Solenoid apparatus and field -->

        <!--detector name="../../../../clas12/magnets/solenoid" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/-->
          <!--option name="HALL_FIELD"  value="clas12-solenoid"/-->

<!-- other CLAS detectors -->

c       <detector name="../../../../clas12/ec/ec"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../../../clas12/ctof/ctof"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../../../clas12/htcc/htcc"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../../../clas12/pcal/pcal"            factory="TEXT" variation="javageom"/>
       <detector name="../../../../clas12/micromegas/micromegas"  factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>

<!-- Beamline material -->
         <!--detector name="../../../../clas12/beamline/beamline" factory="TEXT" variation="ft"/-->

          <option name="BEAM_P"   value="e-, 4.0*GeV, 20.0*deg, 0*deg"/>
           <option name="SPREAD_P" value="0.0*GeV, 20*deg, 180*deg"/>
           <!-- option name="RANDOM" value="TIME"/ -->

<!-- minumal detectors for HB tracking -->

        <detector name="../../../../clas12/fc/forwardCarriage" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <detector name="../../../../clas12/dc/dc"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <detector name="../../../../clas12/ftof/ftof"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <option name="SCALE_FIELD" value="clas12-torus-big, -1"/>
        <option name="OUTPUT" value="evio,eg12.ev"/>

gcard for Solenoid

<!-- minumal detectors for HB tracking -->

        <detector name="../../../../clas12/fc/forwardCarriage" factory="TEXT" variation="origi\
        <detector name="../../../../clas12/dc/dc"            factory="TEXT" variation="origina\
        <detector name="../../../../clas12/ftof/ftof"            factory="TEXT" variation="ori\
        <option name="SCALE_FIELD" value="clas12-torus-big, -1"/>
        <option name="OUTPUT" value="evio,eg12.ev"/>

        <!-- Solenoid apparatus and field -->

        <!detector name="../../../../clas12/magnets/solenoid" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
          <option name="HALL_FIELD"  value="clas12-solenoid"/>

<!-- other CLAS detectors -->

c       <detector name="../../../../clas12/ec/ec"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../../../clas12/ctof/ctof"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../../../clas12/htcc/htcc"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../../../clas12/pcal/pcal"            factory="TEXT" variation="javageom"/>
       <detector name="../../../../clas12/micromegas/micromegas"  factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>

<!-- Beamline material -->
         <!--detector name="../../../../clas12/beamline/beamline" factory="TEXT" variation="ft"/-->

          <option name="BEAM_P"   value="e-, 4.0*GeV, 20.0*deg, 0*deg"/>
           <option name="SPREAD_P" value="0.0*GeV, 20*deg, 180*deg"/>
           <!-- option name="RANDOM" value="TIME"/ -->

<!-- minumal detectors for HB tracking -->

        <detector name="../../../../clas12/fc/forwardCarriage" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <detector name="../../../../clas12/dc/dc"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <detector name="../../../../clas12/ftof/ftof"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <option name="SCALE_FIELD" value="clas12-torus-big, -1"/>
        <option name="OUTPUT" value="evio,eg12.ev"/>


=== Solenoid Off===
Generated with no solenoid.
Reconstructed with no solenoid.
reconstructed divided by generated with no solenoid.

===Solenoid On ===

Generated with solenoid.
Reconstructed with solenoid.
Reconstructed divided by generated with solenoid.

=== Ratio Solenoid Off / On ===

No solenoid reconstructed divided by solenoid reconstructed.

===Phi angle shift===

Phi angle Solenoid on - off difference

spread from 0 to 5 GeV.

=== Observations===

 Why does the Solenoid off events only extend to 25 degrees whereas the solenoid on go to 40.

 Insert the two cards and normalized graphs.

=Vertex Reconstruction=

== For particle at origin==

 plot Generated xpos - Reconstructed x position

==With Beam rastering==

==Simulation commands==

cd ~/src/CLAS/GEMC
source setup
cd experiments/eg12/lh2
gemc -HALL_MATERIAL="Vacuum" eg12.gcard
gemc -USE_GUI=0 -HALL_MATERIAL="Vacuum" -N=10 eg12.gcard

to edit files

emacs -nw filename

without solenoid

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/clas12-reconstruction -config DCHB::torus=1.0 -config DCHB::solenoid=0.0 -config DCTB::kalman=true  -s DCHB:DCTB:EC:FTOF:EB -i eg12.ev -o eg12_rec.evio

with solenoid

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/clas12-reconstruction -s FMT:DCHB:DCTB:FTOF:EC:EB -config MAG::fields=nominal -i eg12_5GeVe.evio -o eg12_rec.evio

evio analysis program

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/run-groovy Analysis.groovy eg12_rec.0.evio

dump file contents

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/evio-dump -i eg12_rec.0.evio

batch job cheat

nohup gemc -USE_GUI=0 -HALL_MATERIAL="Vacuum" -N=75000 eg12.gcard > /dev/null &

Analysis commands

cat Analysis.groovy Analysis.groovy.old1 Sim.dat > trash

Converting files to ROOT

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/run-groovy Evio2Text.groovy eg12_rec.0.evio > Sim.dat

edit Sim.dat and remove the first few lines until you have only numbers

minerve2:~/src/CLAS/GEMC/experiments/eg12/lh2> root -l

root [0] .L Asci2Root.C

root [1] Asci2Root("Sim.dat");

Using ROOT to analyze a file

minerve2:~/src/CLAS/GEMC/experiments/eg12/lh2> root -l Sim.root

root [0] Attaching file Sim.root as _file0...

root [1] new TBrowser();

root [2] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta");

root [3] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta:evt.Phi");

root [4] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta:evt.Phi","","colz");

root [5] TH2D *Rec=new TH2D("Rec","Rec",400,-200,200, 50, 0,50);

root [6] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta:evt.Phi>>Rec","","colz");

root [7] TH2D *Gen=new TH2D("Gen","Gen",400,-200,200, 50, 0,50);

root [9] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta:evt.Phi>>Gen","","colz");

root [10] Gen->Draw("colz")

root [11] Rec->Draw("colz")

root [12] Rec->Divide(Gen)

root [4] TH1D *RecPhi=new TH1D("RecPhi","RecPhi",400, -200,200); root [5] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Phi>>RecPhi");

go to Generated Events File

root [8] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Phi>>GenPhi"); root [9] RecPhi->Divide(GenPhi);

return to ROOT file with reconstructed events and do

root [6] RecPhi->Divide(GenPhi); root [7] RecPhi->Draw();

scp to laptop

scp stoktyle@minerve2.cose.isu.edu:src/CLAS/GEMC/experiments/eg12/lh2/Sim.root ./
