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===Solenoid On ===
===Solenoid On ===
Generated solenoid
Reconstructed solenoid
Reconstructed divided by generated.

Revision as of 09:44, 16 February 2016

Inclusive electron scattering

Theta and Phi graphs

Solenoid off

TS 11162015 GenTheta.pngTS 11162015 Theta.png

Solenoid On

Inclusive Track Reconstruction efficiencies

Plot the reconstruction efficiency for an electron as a function of the angles Theta and Phi

I used the following: UBUNTU 14, coat-java-1.0

Solenoid Off

Generated no solenoid. ThetaPhiNoSolGen.png Reconstructed no solenoid. ThetaPhiRecNoSol.png reconstructed divided by generated no solenoid. ThetaPhiDivNoSol.png

Solenoid On

Generated solenoid ThetaPhiGenSol.png Reconstructed solenoid ThetaPhiRecSol.png Reconstructed divided by generated. DivThetaPhiSol.png

Ratio Solenoid Off / On

No solenoid reconstructed divided by solenoid reconstructed. NSRecDivRec.png

Phi angle shift

Phi angle Solenoid on - off difference

spread from 0 to 5 GeV.


Simulation commands

cd ~/src/CLAS/GEMC
source setup
cd experiments/eg12/lh2
gemc -HALL_MATERIAL="Vacuum" eg12.gcard
gemc -USE_GUI=0 -HALL_MATERIAL="Vacuum" -N=10 eg12.gcard

to edit files

emacs -nw filename

without solenoid

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/clas12-reconstruction -config DCHB::torus=1.0 -config DCHB::solenoid=0.0 -config DCTB::kalman=true  -s DCHB:DCTB:EC:FTOF:EB -i eg12.ev -o eg12_rec.evio

with solenoid

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/clas12-reconstruction -s FMT:DCHB:DCTB:FTOF:EC:EB -config MAG::fields=nominal -i eg12_5GeVe.evio -o eg12_rec.evio

evio analysis program

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/run-groovy Analysis.groovy eg12_rec.0.evio

dump file contents

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/evio-dump -i eg12_rec.0.evio

batch job cheat

nohup gemc -USE_GUI=0 -HALL_MATERIAL="Vacuum" -N=75000 eg12.gcard > /dev/null &

Analysis commands

cat Analysis.groovy Analysis.groovy.old1 Sim.dat > trash

Converting files to ROOT

~/src/CLAS/coatjava-1.0/bin/run-groovy Evio2Text.groovy eg12_rec.0.evio > Sim.dat

edit Sim.dat and remove the first few lines until you have only numbers

minerve2:~/src/CLAS/GEMC/experiments/eg12/lh2> root -l

root [0] .L Asci2Root.C

root [1] Asci2Root("Sim.dat");

Using ROOT to analyze a file

minerve2:~/src/CLAS/GEMC/experiments/eg12/lh2> root -l Sim.root

root [0] Attaching file Sim.root as _file0...

root [1] new TBrowser();

root [2] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta");

root [3] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta:evt.Phi");

root [4] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta:evt.Phi","","colz");

root [5] TH2D *Rec=new TH2D("Rec","Rec",400,-200,200, 50, 0,50);

root [6] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta:evt.Phi>>Rec","","colz");

root [7] TH2D *Gen=new TH2D("Gen","Gen",400,-200,200, 50, 0,50);

root [9] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Theta:evt.Phi>>Gen","","colz");

root [10] Gen->Draw("colz")

root [11] Rec->Draw("colz")

root [12] Rec->Divide(Gen)

root [4] TH1D *RecPhi=new TH1D("RecPhi","RecPhi",400, -200,200); root [5] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Phi>>RecPhi");

go to Generated Events File

root [8] CLAS12Sim->Draw("evt.Phi>>GenPhi"); root [9] RecPhi->Divide(GenPhi);

return to ROOT file with reconstructed events and do

root [6] RecPhi->Divide(GenPhi); root [7] RecPhi->Draw();

scp to laptop

scp stoktyle@minerve2.cose.isu.edu:src/CLAS/GEMC/experiments/eg12/lh2/Sim.root ./
