TF IsotopeTracers4Cracks

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Yittrium in Shale

A simulation of the penetration of the 0.895 and 1.8 MeV photons from Yittrium through shale.

GEANT4 create a point source or 895 keV photon and another with 1800 keV photons iostropically distributed.

A 4" thick piece of shale was placed between the source and the detector.

shale was defined as:

G4Element* O = new G4Element("Oxygen"  , "O", z=8., a= 16.00*g/mole);
G4Element* Al = new G4Element("Aluminum"  , "Al", z=13., a= 26.98*g/mole);
G4Element* Si = new G4Element("Silicon"  , "Si", z=14., a= 28.085*g/mole);
G4Element* H = new G4Element("Hydrogen"  , "H", z=1., a= 1.008*g/mole);

G4Material* Shale = new G4Material("Shale", density= 2.6*g/cm3, nel=4);
Shale->AddElement(Al, 15*perCent);
Shale->AddElement(Si, 15*perCent);
Shale->AddElement(O, 38*perCent);
Shale->AddElement(H, 32*perCent);

Two ratios were constructed.

[math]R_p = \frac{\mbox{counts under the 1800 keV peak}}{\mbox{counts under the 895 keV peak}}[/math]

[math]R_I = \frac{\mbox{number of photon from 1800 keV source penetrating shale}}{\mbox{number of photon from 895 keV source penetrating shale}}[/math]

Y88ShaleNoCrack 1.png
