Spectra Analysis

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Neutron analysis No Target, Empty Target, H20 Target

The weighted neutron count was found by dividing the total neutron count by the flux recorded by the NaI detector corresponding to those runs.

Run/File Total Neutron Count Weighted Neutron Count Average Neutron Rate
110 H2O 2952 9.57 E-07 H2O Avg [math](5.93 \pm 2.75) \times 10^{-07}[/math]
111 H2O 1245 4.04 E-07
112 H2O 1424 4.62 E-07
114 H2O 2834 9.35 E-07
115 H2O 1177 3.88 E-07
116 H2O 1251 4.13 E-07
118 No Target 2574 1.20 E-06 No Target Avg [math](7.7 \pm 3.73) \times 10^{-07}[/math]
119 No Target 1164 5.44 E-07
120 No Target 1212 5.66 E-07
122 Empty Target 4161 1.10 E-06 Empty Target Avg [math](7.11 \pm 3.38 ) \times 10^{-07}[/math]
123 Empty Target 1839 4.85 E-07
124 Empty Target 2078 5.48 E-07
The above neutron rate from each of the above targets is statistically the same and two standard deviations above zero.

Graphs for Neutron analysis

Run 110.jpg Run 111.jpg

Run 112.jpg Run 114.jpg

Run 115.jpg Run 116.jpg

Run 118.jpg Run 119.jpg

Run 120.jpg

Run 122.jpg Run 123.jpg

Run 124.jpg

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