Solenoid Magnet

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Solenoid Test

100 million e- incident on the target. Created 97997 Positrons. Target is 2 mm thick Lead-Bismuth target, which yields most positrons. 48 mm diameter virtual detector is placed 500mm down of the target to detect e+.

20 cm long solenoid

Solenoid Inner radius=100 mm outer radius=120 mm length=200 mm. Target planced at the center of the solenoid.

I(A) e+      B(T)@Target
10    6183   0.169142 
20   13675   0.338283 
30   16581   0.507425 
40   18576   0.676566
50   21317   0.845708
60   25011   1.014849
70   28613   1.183991
-70  28639  -1.183991
80   31643   1.353132
90   34540   1.522274 
200  59433   3.382830
400  78415   6.765661
800  84885   13.531321

40 cm long solenoid

Solenoid Inner radius=100 mm outer radius=120 mm length=400 mm. Target planced at the center of solenoid.

I(A) e+      B(T)@Target
23   19359   0.506451 
30   23897   0.660589
45   32971   0.990883
60   41050   1.321178 
200  80715   4.403925

The longer the solenoid, the more positrons delivered to the detector.

off center placement

Solenoid Inner radius=100 mm outer radius=120 mm length=400 mm. Target placed 100 mm down of the top of the solenoid. Some positrons went backward (i.e. upstream) to the e- incident direction. I gave up this setup.

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