SeRun 01-11-16

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Using the 44 Machine at 7 kW power and 44 meV incident electron energy to produce a bremsstrahlung spectrum with a mean energy of 15 MeV.


SeTarget 01-11-16.png
General Target configurations, Selenium pellets are sandwiched between two Nickel foils

Target Mass (g)
Ni Front 0.0994
Se Shot 1.7842
Ni Rear 0.0948
Target A

Target Mass (g)
Ni Front 0.1075 g
Se Shot 1.1984 g
Ni Rear
Target B


On the daq1 machine in the subdirectory /data/IAC you can create ntuples using the list file created that has 3 column (ADCid, Chan, Time) and the ROOT program

.L List2Ntup.C

Create a text file called temp.dat delimited with tabs where the channel number is in the first column, the photon energy in the second, and the sigma from the gaussian fit is in the third column

Then do

.L LinFit.C


Data and root programs are on daq1 in /data/IAC/Se/Jan2016Run

MPA->Draw("evt.Chan>> SeRun_008(8000,0.5,8000.5)");

Run Number Isotope Egamma (keV) Channel
004 Cs-137 661.657 705.88 \pm 0.67
005 Co-57
006 Na-22 511 545.03 \pm 1.38
006 Na-22 1274.537 1359.71 \pm 1.00
007 Ba-133 80.9971 86.21 \pm 0.65
007 Ba-133 276.3997 294.82 \pm 0.59
007 Ba-133 302.8510 323.06 \pm 0.55
007 Ba-133 356.0134 379.71 \pm 0.60
007 Ba-133 383.8480 409.43 \pm 0.65
008 Mn-54 834.848 890.64 \pm 0.76

E_gamma = 0.119322 +- 0.41761 + (0.937227 +- 0.000752989 keV/chan) *Chan#

Using the ROOT ntuple

MPA->Draw("0.119322+0.937227*evt.Chan>> SeRun_008(8000,0.5,8000.5)");


Data and root programs are on daq1 in /data/IAC/Se/Jan2016Run

Run Number Isotope Egamma (keV) Channel
015 Cs-137 661.657 689 \pm 0.6685
016 Co-60 1173.2 1222 \pm 0.7891
016 Co-60 1332.5 1388 \pm 0.8631
017 Na-22 511 531.8 \pm 1.266
017 Na-22 1274.537 1327 \pm 0.7117
018 Ba-133 80.9971 84.54 \pm 0.5847
018 Ba-133 276.3997 288.2 \pm 0.5693
018 Ba-133 302.8510 315.6 \pm 0.5641
018 Ba-133 356.0134 371 \pm 0.6049
018 Ba-133 383.8480 400 \pm 0.6231
20 Mn-54 834.848 869.087 \pm 0.73

Using the linear fit commands above, I got values of A = 0.261148 and B = 0.96049.

MPA->Draw("0.261148+0.96049*evt.Chan>> SeRun_008(8000,0.5,8000.5)");


Run Number Filename Start time Stop Time Deadtime corrected Run time (s) comment)
003 SeRun_003 01/08/16/13:57:33 01/09/16/16:21 94612.50 background run
004 SeRun_004 01/09/16/16:24:30 01/09/16/16:26 82.901 Cs-137 Ser # 129792, 92.11 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
005 SeRun_005 01/09/16/16:28:28 01/09/16/16:31 172.099 Co-57 Ser # 129734, 110.9 nCi in Slot F on Detector D (not useful)
006 SeRun_006 01/09/16/16:32:55 01/09/16/16:34 99.03 Na-22 Ser # 129741, 108.5 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
007 SeRun_007 01/09/16/16:35:29 01/09/16/16:36 84.17 Ba-133 Ser # 129789, 122.4 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
008 SeRun_008 01/09/16/16:37:54 01/09/16/16:39 66.343 Mn-54 Ser # 129807, 11.77 µCi in Slot F on Detector D
009 SeRun_009 01/09/16/16:40:25 01/10/16/19:29:46 96550.106 Se Target A & B in Slot F on Detector D
010 SeRun_010 01/10/16/19:35:07 01/10/16/19:36:31 Ba-133 Ser # 129789, 122.4 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
011 SeRun_011 01/10/16/19:37:35 01/10/16/19:38:30 54.459 Co-60 Ser # 129737, 114.8 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
012 SeRun_012 01/10/16/19:39:29 01/11/16/ background run
014 SeRun_014 01/19/16/15:49:32 01/19/16/15:52 148.601 background run
015 SeRun_015 01/19/16/15:53:48 01/19/16/15:56 136.361 Cs-137 Ser # 129792, 92.11 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
016 SeRun_016 01/19/16/15:57:39 01/10/16/16:00 139.100 Co-60 Ser # 129737, 114.8 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
017 SeRun_017 01/19/16/16:01:09 01/19/16/16:03 139.414 Na-22 Ser # 129741, 108.5 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
018 SeRun_018 01/19/16/16:04:06 01/19/16/16:06 139.374 Ba-133 Ser # 129789, 122.4 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
019 SeRun_019 01/19/16/16:08:42 01/19/16/16:11 151.431 Mn-54 Ser # 129804, 110.4 nCi in Slot F on Detector D
020 SeRun_020 01/19/16/16:17:02 01/19/16/16:19 138.974 Mn-54 Ser # 129807, 11.7 µCi in Slot F on Detector D
023 SeRun_023 01/21/16/16:26:02 1/22/2016/11.42 69396.730 background run
002 Calib002 03/06/16/14:46:16 03/06/16/ 14:47 41.231 Na-22 in DetA Mn-54 in DetD Na-22 Ser # 129743 9.427 microcurie , Mn-54 Ser # 129807 11.77 microcurie
003 Calib003 03/06/16/14:55:02 03/06/16/ 14:57 91.897 Eu-152 in DetA Ba-133 in DetD Eu-152 Ser # 129754 10.97 microcurie, Ba-133 Ser # 1.188 microcurie
004 Calib004 03/06/16/15:00:38 03/06/16/ 15:02 88.699 Mn-54 in DetA Na-22 in DetD Mn-54 Ser # 129807 11.77 microcurie , Na-22 Ser # 129743 9.427 microcurie
005 Calib005 03/06/16/15:11:30 03/06/16/ 15:12 50.647 Ba-133 in DetA Eu-152 in DetD Eu-152 Ser # 129754 10.97 microcurie, Ba-133 Ser # 1.188 microcurie
006 Calib006 03/06/16/15:17:35 03/06/16/ 15:19 89.909 Cs-137 in DetA Background DetD Cs-137 Ser # 129793 1.066 microcurie
007 Calib007 03/06/16/15:20:12 03/06/16/ 15:120 14.221 Background in DetA Cs-137 in DetD Cs-137 Ser # 129793 1.066 microcurie
