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According to

Originally Federal Standard 209E defined a class 10,000 clean room based on the particle counts given below. A class 10,000 clean room is currently defined as an ISO 7 clean room using the ISO standard 146441.

Clas maximum particles/m³
ISO-146441 Federal Standard 209E ≥0.3 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥1 µm ≥5 µm
ISO-6 1,000 102,000 35,200 8,320 293
ISO-7 10,000 352,000 83,200 2,930

The clean room using the same above particle counts.

PCR specific

The Physics clean room is about 200 [math]m^3[/math]

Clas Counts
ISO-146441 Federal Standard 209E ≥0.3 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥1 µm ≥5 µm
ISO-6 1,000 102,000 35,200 8,320 293
ISO-7 10,000 70,400,000 83,200 2,930

The average and SD are calculated by taking 5 minute measurements 5 times.

Date Counts
≥0.3 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm
Goal 79,400,000 16,640,000 586,000
8/11/11 6040 [math]\pm[/math] 2532 914 [math]\pm[/math] 491 33[math]\pm[/math] 34

Measurements in ISO mode

Date maximum particles/m³
≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm comment
Goal 352,000 2,930
8/12/11 1,480 0
8/16/11 12,100 1,700 drapes have been open over weekend (painting floor)
8/21/11 4,240 283

Measurements in Single mode

Since 0.3 µm measurements are not a required measurement for Class 10,000, they are not included here.


maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
8/21/11 6,990 353 25,000 3,880
8/22/11 33,400 3,770 35,800 3,770
8/23/11 9,300 353 38,100 3,770
8/24/11 19,100 824 10,700 1,650


Turned on Clean room in the afternoon of 8/23/11


maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
9/24/11 83,700 6,950 45,200 4,940
9/25/11 23,100 2,120 45,200 4,360
9/26/11 22,800 2,240 5,300 118
9/27/11 1,060 235 25,800 2,710 Adjustments to the chamber were being made within an hour of taking the evening particle count, this required the curtains being opened frequently
9/28/11 1,180 0 7,060 471
9/29/11 19,100 1,530 12,600 1,180
9/30/11 10,100 824 4,470 471 a concrete floor in the next room was cut before noon today (perhaps last night between 5pm and 10 pm)



maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
10/3/11 14,200 1,180 18,200 353 Snap fasteners were being installed late this afternoon to close gaps in our clean room wall
10/4/11 8,120 824 9,060 824
10/5/11 2,240 353 1,410 0
10/6/11 3,300 353 3,060 118
10/7/11 824 118 6,710 235
10/10/11 4,000 118 2,240 118
10/11/11 1,650 235 2,830 118
10/12/11 1,530 0 1,060 235
10/13/11 2,240 353 5,060 118
10/14/11 7,300 589 4,830 235
10/17/11 4,830 235 15,300 471
10/18/11 4,710 353 5,530 235
10/19/11 8,710 353 4,120 235
10/20/11 6,710 589 24,700 1,180 They were cutting concrete in the adjacent room
10/21/11 4,360 353 3,770 235
10/22/11 3,180 235 5,410 118
10/24/11 6,590 118 11,900 283 The construction crew was digging outside and installing duct work in the adjacent rooms
10/25/11 11,100 0 2,830 353
10/26/11 3,060 0 7,180 353 New pre-filters were installed last night
10/27/11 942 0 5,410 353
10/28/11 6,950 942 4,940 118
10/31/11 3,060 0 4,360 0



maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
11/1/11 942 118 8,360 471
11/2/11 1,880 118 1,180 118
11/3/11 824 0 7,890 118
11/4/11 0 0 5,890 118 The morning values are not a typo
11/5/11 12,900 1,060 2,000 0
11/6/11 1,650 353 1,650 0
11/7/11 4,240 0 8,830 235
11/8/11 4,710 2,350 471 118 The morning 5.0 µm counts were high, but still under class 10,000 specifications
11/9/11 2,000 118 3,410 353
11/10/11 1,650 0 13,800 1,060
11/11/11 2,240 118 1,410 235
11/14/11 1,410 0 2,240 118
11/15/11 2,240 235 2,940 118
11/16/11 1,060 118 2,000 235
11/17/11 3,650 235 2,240 353
11/18/11 589 0 2,120 118
11/19/11 2,000 235
11/21/11 5,180 235 1,180 0
11/22/11 4,120 353 6,830 235
11/23/11 471 235 824 235
11/28/11 235 0 1,650 0
11/29/11 3,530 118 6,120 235
11/30/11 1,530 0 4,830 235



maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
12/1/11 706 0 5,180 589
12/2/11 1,180 118 1,180 118
12/3/11 1,650 471
12/5/11 118 0 3,060 0
12/6/11 2,470 235 5,180 589
12/7/11 5,530 0 3,880 118
12/8/11 2,240 0 10,500 942
12/9/11 1,530 118 5,060 471
12/12/11 9,530 471 4,120 353
12/13/11 4,830 353 7,420 589
12/14/11 1,770 118 13,100 824
12/15/11 942 235 The large roll up doors were installed earlier today.
12/19/11 6,000 118 8,000 118
12/20/11 26,700 1,180 2,590 0
12/21/11 824 235 7,300 235
12/22/11 2,470 353 4,360 235
12/23/11 1,530 235 2,120 0



maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
1/3/12 1,290 118 4,470 589
1/4/12 3,180 235 1,880 0
1/5/12 2,240 235 3,530 235
1/6/12 2,470 471 2,590 0
1/9/12 1,880 471 4,000 118
1/10/12 5,180 471 1,650 0
1/11/12 8,830 706 3,060 471
1/12/12 2,590 118 9,060 706
1/13/12 2,000 118 5,890 353
1/17/12 1,410 0 824 118
1/18/12 2,240 0 2,350 0
1/19/12 8,590 1,530 2,470 118
1/20/12 5,300 235 2,940 235
1/23/12 6,830 706 4,000 942
1/24/12 2,350 353 20,500 1,180
1/25/12 1,880 235 12,100 706
1/26/12 33,900 3,060 2,710 471
1/27/12 4,590 353 3,880 706
1/30/12 1,290 353 2,350 235
1/31/12 11,200 1,290 235 0



maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
2/1/12 2,710 471 2,000 118
2/2/12 9,060 471 5,890 706
2/3/12 9,180 824 4,590 1,650
2/6/12 13,900 1,180 10,600 589
2/7/12 5,530 118 15,300 824
2/9/12 4,000 471
2/14/12 16,400 1,180 14,200 5,770
2/15/12 1,180 118 12,600 1,650
2/16/12 7,420 1,060 39,800 4,830
2/17/12 7,180 824 6,000 7,060
2/21/12 11,700 471 1,180 118
2/22/12 2,350 118 10,000 1,290
2/23/12 21,300 589 10,100 706
2/24/12 5,890 824 37,800 3,180
2/27/12 11,700 2,240 12,600 706
2/28/12 7,300 1,180 8,830 353
2/29/12 3,530 235 3,720 389


March 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
3/01/12 17,800 1,770 39,200 2,940
3/02/12 6,710 353 33,200 7,530
3/05/12 3,300 942 11,100 1,770
3/06/12 9,060 1,770 20,800 3,060
3/07/12 32,210 2,120 49,000 4,940
3/08/12 56,300 8,120 61,300 8,890
3/09/12 10,500 2,470 6,500 1,100
3/12/12 7,530 1,060 52,700 2,940
3/13/12 26,000 4,590 2,120 118
3/14/12 34,500 4,590 53,900 5,180
3/15/12 4,120 235 8,710 824
3/16/12 1,410 471 7,890 1,290
3/19/12 9,180 353 17,000 1,530
3/20/12 2,830 471 3,650 452
3/21/12 4,510 558 19,300 1,180
3/22/12 11,100 1,770 12,100 942
3/23/12 5,650 589 1,770 471
3/26/12 3,530 218 2,120 314
3/27/12 2,940 353 14,600 1,650
3/28/12 1,900 239 10,040 1,530
3/29/12 13,700 942 4,710 706
3/30/12 36,600 1,400 9,300 471


April 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
4/02/12 3,180 471 56,600 2,830
4/03/12 1,180 235 3,180 235
4/04/12 706 118 7,420 824
4/05/12 13,200 1,180 1,650 235
4/06/12 2,710 589 26,500 1,370
4/09/12 1,650 235 2,350 118
4/10/12 7,530 353 8,590 471
4/11/12 5,690 129 8,480 353
4/12/12 1,180 235 6,120 471
4/13/12 2,710 353 1,170 942
4/16/12 2,480 589 11,500 471
4/17/12 2,350 591 4,590 471
4/18/12 8,120 706 3,410 482
4/19/12 2,510 445 13,500 942
4/20/12 1,290 353 4,120 235
4/23/12 8,000 706 8,360 727
4/24/12 8,410 589 4,360 353
4/25/12 2,020 224 6,360 824
4/26/12 9,060 1,180 4,940 353
4/27/12 6,240 471 9,180 589
4/30/12 1,770 235 4,360 265


May 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
5/1/12 5,890 471 2,240 482
5/2/12 7,410 589 13,500 353
5/3/12 3,300 489 8,240 400
5/4/12 6,470 1,410 6,710 589
5/7/12 1,180 118 3,880 471
5/8/12 5,890 353 5,300 118
5/9/12 7,180 471 5,180 824
5/10/12 2,950 318 2,350 353
5/11/12 7,300 353 3,880 329
5/14/12 5,180 706 4,830 353
5/15/12 1,650 118 4,360 118
5/16/12 4,680 853 2,830 235
5/17/12 1,060 589 2,240 351
5/18/12 1,290 118 3,650 435
5/21/12 1,980 128 824 235
5/22/12 5,650 353 9,770 824
5/23/12 2,830 118 1,650 706
5/24/12 1,680 148 3,650 118
5/25/12 3,060 471 10,200 706
5/29/12 6,000 706 9,770 1060
5/30/12 6,240 353 4,470 353
5/31/12 706 235 1,060 128


June 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
6/1/12 3,770 353 3,880 353
6/4/12 2,120 353 1,880 235
6/5/12 3,180 471 3,300 118
6/6/12 1,290 235 2,590 218
6/7/12 3,770 471 4,000 353
6/8/12 2,710 118 2,240 589
6/11/12 3,880 589 15,200 1,650
6/12/12 3,770 353 10,700 1,180
6/13/12 2,350 118 1,650 235
6/14/12 1,770 118 4,830 942
6/15/12 2,710 235 5,650 824
6/18/12 4,000 706 5,180 706
6/19/12 7,420 589 2,710 235
6/20/12 4,240 353 9,300 1,060
6/21/12 2,940 589 4,000 589
6/25/12 4,240 471 3,410 353
6/26/12 2,830 353 2,830 118
6/27/12 1,020 106 25,200 2,000
6/28/12 2,590 118 10,400 1,060

July 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
7/2/12 2,710 589 9,530 353
7/3/12 2,590 235 3,770 589
7/5/12 3,410 589 11,800 235
7/9/12 3,300 471 3,410 706
7/11/12 2,590 353 7,530 942
7/12/12 3,410 235 5,410 706
7/16/12 7,300 1,060 4,590 706
7/17/12 3,060 118 6,830 824
7/18/12 2,350 118 6,240 942
7/19/12 2,000 589 6,590 824
7/23/12 3,180 824 1,530 235
7/24/12 3,060 706 26,700 706
7/25/12 3,530 589 3,650 235
7/26/12 4,120 471 5,890 1,060
7/30/12 3,770 353 3,650 235
7/31/12 3,650 235 4,240 1,410


August 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
8/1/12 2,350 235 4,710 589
8/2/12 2,710 118 2,590 118
8/6/12 7,530 1,410 2,240 589 AM reading high. Ran again at 11:30, 2000 and 118
8/7/12 3,650 471 4,470 471
8/8/12 5,410 824 4,710 706
8/9/12 3,880 471 4,830 353
8/13/12 5,300 706 1,770 118
8/14/12 4,000 471 2,000 118
8/15/12 8,480 1,530 18,000 1,650 AM reading high. Ran again at 11:20, 7,180 and 706. Complete clean performed before leaving.
8/16/12 1,410 235 5,180 824
8/20/12 9,300 824 6,470 706
8/21/12 3,880 353 3,650 471
8/22/12 8,120 589 5,650 824
8/23/12 4,240 589 6,590 942
8/27/12 3,410 706 1,650 235
8/28/12 2240 353 6,120 1,230
8/29/12 9,060 942 11,400 471
8/30/12 1410 353 9060 1650


September 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
9/4/12 4,470 235 1,180 353
9/5/12 4,000 353 1,530 235
9/6/12 4,830 824 1,060 235
9/10/12 5,770 824 2,120 118
9/11/12 8,120 589 1,410 118
9/12/12 4,240 353 4,120 471
9/13/12 3,880 942 4,830 706
9/17/12 5,650 942 11,000 824
9/18/12 5,060 118 2,120 118
9/19/12 2,940 235 3,410 118
9/20/12 1,290 118 1,290 235
9/24/12 5,060 824 1,410 235
9/25/12 3,060 589 1,060 235
9/26/12 5,180 353 1,530 471
9/27/12 1,770 235 2,350 353


October 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
10/1/12 4,360 589 2,120 471
10/2/12 2,120 118 3,180 589
10/3/12 1,650 471 706 353
10/4/12 2,350 235 1,290 353
10/8/12 2,470 235 2,830 118
10/9/12 2,940 589 1,180 118
10/10/12 471 118 2,240 942
10/11/12 4,590 1,290 3,650 824
10/15/12 1,060 118 1,060 0
10/16/12 6,710 1,180 5,060 589
10/17/12 942 235 3,180 589
10/18/12 1,880 353 3,530 824
10/22/12 2,240 471 5,060 706
10/23/12 2,120 118 4,940 235
10/24/12 3,770 706 1,530 353
10/25/12 2,120 118 1,290 118
10/29/12 3,300 471 4,120 706
10/30/12 3,880 1,060 2,830 353
10/31/12 1,410 118 1,530 471


November 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
11/1/12 824 235 1,410 353
11/5/12 3,410 235 7,060 471
11/6/12 6,470 589 3,180 353
11/7/12 2,710 235 4,710 824
11/8/12 3,880 706 2,830 353
11/12/12 1,060 471 4,710 235
11/13/12 3,650 353 3,060 1,060 Sent particle counter to Kanomax for calibration. These readings and all subsequent readings until noted are from a loaner counter of the same model.
11/14/12 2,710 235 3,770 471
11/15/12 3,060 706 1,290 118
11/19/12 7,420 942 6,120 589
11/20/12 5,650 1,060 5,890 235
11/27/12 6,590 471 4,590 589
11/28/12 9,890 706 3,880 235
11/29/12 7,300 706 2,710 471
11/30/12 3,060 824 5,060 589


December 2012

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
12/03/12 3,530 706 3,650 353
12/04/12 8,000 706 2,470 235
12/05/12 1,410 118 2,590 353
12/06/12 4,000 471 1,530 471
12/10/12 3,880 353 9,420 589
12/11/12 2,120 471 5,180 942 The pm particle count was done with the original ISU counter that we just received after calibration at Kanomax.
12/12/12 2,830 706 2,000 471
12/13/12 3,300 1,410 2,940 706
12/17/12 942 118 1,770 235
12/18/12 3,880 1,530 1,290 353
12/19/12 2,240 235 3,650 589


January 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
1/02/13 1,530 353 3,530 589
1/03/13 706 353 1,180 589
1/07/13 1,880 118 3,650 353
1/08/13 2,120 589 4,240 1,290
1/09/13 3,300 471 7,300 2,000
1/10/13 1,650 589 3,180 1,060
1/14/13 942 353 2,240 824
1/15/13 3,180 118 4,940 1,060
1/16/13 3,300 589 3,650 824
1/17/13 471 235 1,530 353
1/22/13 471 235 6,000 1,530
1/23/13 471 118 706 353
1/24/13 706 235 8,240 2,120
1/28/13 471 235 2,000 471
1/29/13 942 589 3,880 1,880
1/30/13 2,240 706 2,000 118
1/31/13 4,830 1,410 1,180 353


February 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
2/04/13 471 118 19,400 4,120
2/05/13 1,650 589 11,800 4,360
2/06/13 3,770 1,290 2,830 471
2/07/13 3,060 824 10,000 3,060
2/11/13 2,830 589 3,180 353
2/12/13 2,350 235 4,190 1,290
2/13/13 1,530 706 8,950 2,240
2/14/13 1,880 824 14,500 4,000
2/19/13 2,240 942 7,650 1,650
2/20/13 4,940 706 1,290 471
2/21/13 824 235 2,710 1,060
2/25/13 235 118 2,940 235
2/26/13 1,180 235 2,470 824
2/27/13 706 353 5,180 1,770
2/28/13 471 235 8,120 1,650


March 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
3/04/13 4,360 1,060 10,400 2,120
3/05/13 2,470 589 4,940 824
3/06/13 1,180 589 1,770 353
3/07/13 942 235 6,240 1,650
3/11/13 9,420 942 2,240 589
3/12/13 1,410 824 4,470 1,060
3/13/13 353 118 3,410 1,410
3/14/13 589 471 1,770 589
3/18/13 1,180 471 4,710 1,180
3/19/13 471 118 2,940 353
3/20/13 1,180 706 942 471
3/21/13 706 235 1,650 235
3/25/13 1,290 353 4,240 589
3/26/13 589 235 3,880 353
3/27/13 471 353 5,300 1,410
3/28/13 1,530 589 7,300 1,770


April 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
4/01/13 5,060 1,060 706 118
4/02/13 589 118 942 235
4/03/13 1,180 706 2,240 353
4/04/13 1,180 589 2,350 706
4/08/13 6,360 1,650 2,470 589
4/09/13 353 353 1,410 589
4/10/13 471 118 2,000 706
4/11/13 4,470 942 1,290 353
4/15/13 3,770 824 118 118
4/16/13 942 353 6,830 1,060
4/17/13 353 118 1,180 942
4/18/13 2,240 118 3,410 1,060
4/22/13 2,590 824 235 118
4/23/13 942 706 2,940 942
4/24/13 1,880 235 471 235
4/25/13 1,290 353 2,240 824
4/29/13 3,180 824 3,300 942
4/30/13 2,710 589 942 118


May 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
5/01/13 2,000 471 589 118
5/02/13 1,060 235 1,650 471
5/06/13 118 118 2,240 471
5/07/13 1,770 706 3,060 1,060
5/08/13 2,120 706 2,470 824
5/09/13 824 235 4,120 1,650
5/13/13 5,180 1,410 5,180 1,650
5/14/13 824 353 2,120 706
5/15/13 3,530 706 3,530 1,290
5/16/13 2,120 589 1,530 824
5/20/13 2,000 824 3,180 471
5/21/13 1,650 471 1,770 471
5/22/13 2,240 118 1,880 942
5/23/13 2,470 589 5,300 1,060
5/28/13 2,120 353 1,410 353
5/29/13 942 118 4,120 1,060
5/30/13 1,290 118 2,590 824


June 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
6/03/13 1,290 589 6,950 1,530
6/04/13 1,410 589 2,940 1,060
6/05/13 706 353 4,940 842
6/06/13 3,770 1,530 5,060 2,590
6/10/13 3,060 706 3,770 1,290
6/11/13 4,940 1,650 4,000 942
6/12/13 589 353 3,410 824
6/13/13 2,240 471 2,000 353
6/17/13 2,470 942 3,180 353
6/18/13 3,410 942 2,350 706
6/19/13 3,060 1,180 3,530 1,060
6/20/13 471 235 3,770 942
6/24/13 1,180 589 4,240 706
6/25/13 4,590 942 3,180 706
6/26/13 4,710 1,650 1,410 706
6/27/13 1,770 1,180 5,650 1,290


July 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
7/01/13 3,770 824 3,060 824
7/02/13 2,830 589 2,350 824
7/08/13 4,470 1,060 2,240 353
7/09/13 3,060 589 2,120 942
7/10/13 3,180 706 4,470 589
7/11/13 706 235 2,590 471
7/15/13 8,950 1,880 6,360 471
7/16/13 2,940 589 1,770 235
7/17/13 2,590 824 2,830 1,060
7/18/13 3,060 471 2,940 1,060
7/22/13 4,830 1,290 4,710 824
7/23/13 1,650 235 1,060 235
7/24/13 706 118 5,530 1,410
7/25/13 1,290 471 5,060 1,180
7/29/13 2,590 942 2,470 471
7/30/13 1,180 589 2,350 706
7/31/13 1,180 824 2,000 235


August 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
8/01/13 2,240 942 1,290 353
8/05/13 1,880 706 3,410 706
8/06/13 942 118 2,240 589
8/07/13 942 235 5,530 824
8/08/13 1,880 706 2,120 1,060
8/12/13 823 353 942 353
8/13/13 942 353 2,120 353
8/14/13 1,290 471 1,530 471
8/15/13 1,410 589 1,410 118
8/19/13 1,290 353 2470 589
8/20/13 1,290 118 2,000 0
8/21/13 2,000 942 2,350 824
8/22/13 1,650 353 3,770 235
8/26/13 4,940 589 School has started - shifts are 4 hrs or less now so only taking one reading at start of shift.
8/28/13 1,880 235
8/30/13 2,590 353 1,880 118


September 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
9/04/13 3,530 589 3060 235
9/06/13 8,830 760 4240 235
9/09/13 8,480 1,060 942 353
9/11/13 1,650 353 1,770 353
9/13/13 4,000 471 4,240 353
9/17/13 13,100 611 4,000 706
9/21/13 3,180 942 1,650 118
9/23/13 1,530 589 1,290 235
9/25/13 1,880 118 2,470 235


October 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
10/17/13 824 118 942 235
10/18/13 2,000 235
10/19/13 1,770 353 942 118
10/25/13 1,410 0 1,770 118
10/26/13 1,770 235 1,290 118


November 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
11/08/13 3,880 1,060
11/09/13 1,410 0 5,060 706


December 2013

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
12/14/13 589 0
12/20/13 7,890 1,060


January 2014

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
1/17/14 6,710 1,530 706 589 Changed filter on HVAC intake. Particle count is now consistently low, closer to Class 1,000 specs (limit of 35,200 for 0.5 and 239 for 5.0)
1/19/14 589 235 706 0 "0" really means "<118", which is the lowest reading besides "0" the Kanomax LPC 3887 can make.
1/23/14 4,710 1,650 2,000 118


February 2014

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
2/8/14 942 471


March 2014

maximum particles/m³
Morning Evening
Date ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥5 µm Comments
Goal 352,000 2,930 352,000 2,930
3/1/14 2,350 353
3/7/14 824 353
3/8/14 1770 235 824 118 Installed mylar windows