Multi-hit data

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Thick DU target run# # of multi-hit events per run Total # of events per run Run duration, sec
4118 0 1,668,482 5,562
4119 0 2,135,901 7,120
4133 0 1,704,331 5,681
4134 0 1,732,490 5,775
4135 0 1,603,604 5,345
4137 0 800,699 2,669
4144 0 1,645,667 5,486
4145 0 1,544,605 5,149
4146 0 510,826 1,703
4153 0 1,750,657 5,836
4154 0 1,631,436 5,438
4155 0 1,062,048 3,540
4166 0 214,600 715
4169 0 191,592 639
4170 0 429,974 1,433
4171 0 1,141,113 3,804
4172 0 650,734 2,169
4173 0 354,992 1,183
4174 0 953,831 3,179
4175 0 299,086 997
4176 0 144,774 483
4177 0 225,877 753
4203 0 659,050 2,197
4204 0 1,636,192 5,454

The data above mean that there were no events when specific TDC channel was fired more than one time per event.