Lab 25 TF EIM

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OP Amp applications

Construct the OP amp circuits and measure their range of operation with respect to the input frequency, voltage, and when appropriate their output load.

It will be a good idea to connect a [math]0.1 \mu[/math] F capacitor between [math]V_{cc}[/math] and ground.

voltage follower/buffer amplifier

  1. Why is this a buffer amplifier?
  2. What is the input impedance ([math]R_{in}[/math])?

Difference Amplifier

  1. How can you make the input impedance the same for [math]V_A[/math] and [math]V_B[/math]?
  2. Measure [math]V_{out}[/math] for several values of [math]V_A[/math] and [math]V_B[/math]. Plot [math]V_{out} -vs- (V_B-V_A)[/math] and compare the slope to R1 and R2.

Summing Amp

  1. Measure [math]V_{out}[/math] for several values of [math]V_A[/math] and [math]V_B[/math].
  2. Use the above measurement to show how [math]V_A[/math] and [math]V_B[/math] are summed.

I-to-V converter

  1. Plot the measured valued of I_{in} and V_{out} for the circuit above.

V-to-I converter

  1. Plot the measured valued of V_{in}and I_{out} for the circuit above.
