IAC LeadFlourideCherenkovCrystalTests 5-09

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Previous Tests: IAC_LeadFlourideCherenkovCrystalTests

Run Plan


Task Time Budget
Beam setup 0.5 days
Testing 20 new blocks 2.5 days
Silicon test 1.0 day
Bleaching/Re-irradiation test 0.5-1 day
Testing old blocks 12 blocks/day

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 30 Hz
I_peak: 60 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

Day 0

Experiment Set-up Tasks:

1) Translator table -positioned in front of 0 degree exit port and manual operation (50,000/inch).

2) Faraday Cup - positioned at z = 30 cm, clipped (alligator to BNC & grounded), connected to cable C6, terminated into Channel 1 on the scope.

3) Green pick-up loop -Sits freely atop poly blocks in front of exit window with poly spacers between loop and exit window to prevent grounding, connected to cable C7, terminated into channel 3 (?) on scope (re-check this on morning of Day 1).

4) Fluke multimeter & camera set-up for real-time temperature monitoring - camera positioned and focused, connected via cable C5 to DAQ monitor.

5) Glass plate -unable to locate small size plate on Day 0, will look again morning of Day 1. Beam spot size measurement not crucial given properly operating beam scan software.

6) Beam scan -Brian is troubleshooting this software, will show Adrianne how to use the morning of Day 1.

Day 1

Beam setup & 2-3 hours

11:25 AM -


12:00 PM -


1) Shoot glass plate at 30cm from exit port

2) Temperature test with 1 old block

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

23 deg C at start 33 max at finish -1 hour 40 min beam on.

Total count on Ortec counter -361931

Oscope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization\20090511\pbf2irradtemprun-Ch1-003.dat - pbf2irradtemprun-int.meas

3) Irradiation batch 1:4 old blocks -Blocks 15, 27, 109 and 89. Here is the transmission before irradiation:

B15averagebeforeexp.jpg B39averagebeforeexp.jpg B109averagebeforeexp.jpgB27averagemay11beforeexp.jpg

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

2.5 hours beam on.

O-scope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization\20090511\pbf2irrad1strunday1_1-Ch1.meas-9999.dat

Day 2

1) Irradiation batch 2:4 new blocks

Blocks 200, 201, 202, 203.

Here is the transmission before irradiation -

B200averagebeforeexp.jpg B201averagebeforeexp.jpg B202averagebeforeexp.jpg B203averagebeforeexp.jpg

Beam on: 9:15 AM

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

o Beam off at 1:00 PM.

o Pulse count: 1412543

o Block 100 will be used as a reference for transmission measurements for the rest of the week. Here is its transmission:


o O-scope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization Data\20090512\_2-Ch1-0001.dat-_2-Ch1-0843.dat

2) Irradiation batch 1 (Blocks 15, 27, 109 and 89) removed from hall (7:45 AM) and transmission measured.

Translator table origin @ exit window:

Axis 1 - 0 (beamline)

Axis 2 - -14925 (Horizontal)

Axis 3 - -111750 (Vertical)

3) Irradiation batch 3:4 new blocks -Blocks 204, 205, 206, 207.

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

o Beam on 1:09 PM

o 2:19 PM -no optical bleach yet. Block 89 shows gains in transmission after 2.5 hour irradiation.

o Beam off at 2:23 PM

Pulse count: 455378.

O-scope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization Data\20090512\_2-Ch1-0845.dat-0853.dat

o Beam on 2:28 PM

o Beam off 5:00 PM

Pulse count: 1379080

O-scope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization Data\20090512\_2-Ch1-0854.dat -0862.dat

4) Bleach blocks 200, 201, 202, 203 5:15 PM.

Transmission Measurements:

Day 3

1) Irradiate blocks 208, 209, 210, 211 (new blocks)

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

o Beam on 7:00 AM

o Beam off 10:30 AM

Count: 1144922 Pulses.

2) Irradiate new blocks 212, 213, 214, 215.

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

o Beam on 10:40

o Beam off 11:30 -Suspicion of misaligned beam.

3) Beam scan 12:35 PM

O-scope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization Data\20090513\_2-Ch1-0863.dat - _2-Ch1-1105.dat

o Beam back on 1:10 PM

4) Remove blocks 200, 201, 202, 203 from blue light. 11:00 AM.

5) Bleach blocks 204, 405, 206, 207 8:55 AM.

o 1:46 PM -Green Pick-up Loop was not tracking before this time. Was previously set to 1 M-ohm input as well. Is now on 50-ohm. O-scope online & recording pulse data. Invert off.

o Beam off 5:05 PM

Count: 1057765.

Oscope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization Data\_2-Ch1-1106.dat -3068.dat

6) Bleach blocks 208 - 215 3:15 7) Bleach blocks 89, 15, 27, 109 4:25 8) Bleach blocks 200-203 5:35 PM

Day 4

1) Irradiate silicon detector at z = 16 cm

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

o Beam on 8:30 AM o Beam off 11:00 AM

2) Irradiate 4 blocks. 200, 201, 208, 211.

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

o Beam on 11:10 AM

o Beam off 2:20 PM

Count: 1159068.

O-scope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization Data|20090514\_2-Ch1-3742.dat - _2-Ch1-3761.dat

3) Irradiate four blocks. 216, 217, 218, 219.

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

o Beam on 2:29 PM.

o Beam off 5:01 PM

Count: 909618

O-scope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization Data\20090514\_2-Ch1-3762.dat -_2-Ch1-3791.dat

Day 5

1) Irradiate four blocks. 200, 201, 209, 210.

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

o Beam on 7:30 AM

o Beam off 10:20 AM

O-scope data: C:\My Computer\Current Normalization Data\20090515\_2-Ch1-3937.dat - 3983.dat

2) Irradiate 212, 213, 214, 215.

Accelerator Settings
beam energy 20 MeV
Rep Rate: 100 Hz
I_peak: 111 mA/pulse
pulse width: 0.1 [math]\mu[/math]s (100 ns)

o Beam on 11:10 AM


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