IAC-Peak Sensing Measurements

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Detector voltage is 2.8, 3.4 kV for cathode and GEM.

Run Number Notes
5869 shutter open x
5872 shutter close x
5873 shutter open x
5876 shutter open x
5877 shutter close x
5884 shutter close 1 R5884 shutterclose.png
5885 shutter open 1 R5885 shutteropen.png

Run Number Amp level discriminator level Notes
5925 50, 4 3.6 shutter close
5926 50, 4 3.6 shutter open
5927 100 3.6 shutter open
5928 200 3.6 shutter open, high amp level
5929 100, 10 3.6 shutter open high amp level
5930 100, 7 3.6 shutter open
5936 100, 7 0.1 shutter open, noise peak channel 74
5937 100, 7 0.1 shutter open, V_cath = V_GEM,noise peak channel 74
5948 100, 7 1.15 shutter open, detector is on, no signal overlapping, reached to te signal highest rate, with almost 100% signal to noise ratio.

The following run has the same setting as the last run, unless there is achange written in the notes.

Charge Calibration

The peak sensing ADC was calibrated using stanford pulse generator, using hte same settings for the spectroscopic amplifier (coarse gain is 100, intergrate is 1, BLR high), the amp. (bipolar) output is delayed then send to the peak sensing ADC ch#7.

Run Number +ve sqaure input pulse amplitute (v) +_ 0.02 CH# Notes
6078 3.10 1538 +_ 2
6079 4.10 1405 +_ 3
6080 1.10 1265 +_ 6
6082 2.10 1265 +_ 6

Cath_3400 GEM_2800V

Run Number start time end time time difference Unix Start time Unix End time Unix Time diff Scaler time shutter Notes
5948 14:22:14 14:36:09 00:13:55 20:22:14 20:36:07 00:13:53 305,502 open scalar time does not match the others
5949 15:02:43 15:19:59 00:17:16 21:02:43 21:19:56 00:17:13 377,148 open scalar time does not match the others
5950 15:20:42 15:35:07 00:14:25 21:20:42 21:35:04 00:14:22 open r5951 and r5952 has the shutter close and integrate 1
5951 22:41:29 22:08:12 00:32:47 close
5952 22:12:44 22:35:34 00:22:50 close
5953 16:37:03 15:35:07 00:02:04 22:37:03 22:45:38 00:07:35 close integrate lower from 1 to 0.5,sthg strange happened, root does not show a picture and the rate increased suddenly to 450 Hz
5957 09:01:07 09:25:12 00:24:05 15:01:07 15:25:10 00:24:03 open integrate 0.5
5959 09:30:21 09:55:15 00:24:53 15:30:21 15:55:12 00:24:50 close integrate 1

Cath_3350 GEM_2750V

Run Number start time end time time difference Unix Start time Unix End time Unix Time diff shutter Notes
5960 09:58:42 10:30:28 00:31:46 15:58:42 16:30:25 00:31 :43 close
5961 10:30:49 11:11:50 41'01" 16:30:49 17:11:47 40' 58" close
5962 11:13:03 11:28:21 15'18" 17:13:03 17:28:18 15' 15" close
5963 11:32:44 11:58:39 25' 55" 17:32:43 17:58:37 25' 52" open
5964 11:59:17 12:21:59 22' 42" 17:59:17 18:21:56 22' 39" open
5965 12:22:24 12:42:38 20'14" 18:22:24 18:42:36 20' 12" open

Cath_3300 GEM_2700V

Run Number start time end time shutter Notes
5967 19:22:05 19:48:42 open scaler not counting Hz pulse (run 5976 was counting)
5968 19:49:04 20:15:44 open
5969 20:15:44 20:47:18 open
5978 11:33:33 11:48:05 close
5979 11:48:27 11:59:49 close
5980 12:00:17 12:31:03 close

Cath_3250 GEM_2650V

Run Number start time end time shutter Notes
5972 20:52:15 21:15:18 open
5973 06:43:29 07:29:57 open
5974 07:30:49 08:17:48 open
5975 08:23:58 09:30:48 close
5976 09:33:58 10:42:48 close
5977 10:43:11 11:31:26 close

Cath_3200 GEM_2600V

Run Number start time end time shutter Notes
5983 17:42:06 22:07:02 close
5984 17:42:06 06:43:46 N close very low noise level, 0.000023148
5985 06:44:44 12:10:48 close
5986 12:14:53 12:59:45 open 0.000371471
6047 18:44:41 21:21:49 open

Cath_3150 GEM_2550V

Run Number start time end time shutter Notes
5954 16:55:52 08:44:23 N close rate changed from 1.2 Hz to 57 Hz due to increase the noise level overnight only.
5966 12:44:21 19:15:35 open


3.4,2.8 kV 3.35,2.75 kV 3.3,2.7 kV 3.25,2.65 kV 3.2,2.6 kV
S O C 2.8-3.4.png S O C 2.75-3.35.png S O C 2.7-3.3.png S O C 2.65-3.25.png S O C 2.6-3.2.png

Peak sensing is sensitive shows not show any difference between shutter open and shutter close, but it shows the change in rate for each case. The charge is directly proportional to the channel number except for the last case that shows the opposite. Also it shows a change of 40 channels as the voltage drops 50V, except for the last two cases, one shoes a drop of 20 channels and the other shows an increase to channel 500. The peak resolution increases as the GEM voltage increases, a jump to channel 500 at lowest value of voltage for the GEM, but it still does not improve the peak resolution.