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Followings are data after fitting images I got. These data are the sigma (rms) of the super-Gaussian fitting, for the electron beam image. They are in pixel unit.

From the data we can see that sigma (rms) of Y-projection are more spread, ie. has bigger standard deviation, than the of X-projection.

I think this is due to the beam profile in Y-projection contains less pixels than X- projection. (This is due to Y-projection observed with 45 degree angle, so Y-profile got squeezed).

So, Y-projection has less data for fitting, thus this creates bigger standard deviation for sigma (rms) value of the Y-projection.



Scan Current -2.00

V =
  53.4182   42.0102
  52.6788   41.4027
  52.3318   39.8134
  52.9486   39.7293
  52.6714   40.2054
  52.4353   41.1214
  52.3231   41.1394


Other Examples

V =
  44.0115   40.3589
  43.5656   39.8155
  43.7984   40.6379
  43.6525   39.0963
  43.8725   39.3260
  43.6928   40.7139
  43.6312   40.5133
V =
  38.8291   43.2795
  39.3348   44.5998
  39.1682   45.4537
  39.7081   43.7739
  39.1740   44.4580
  39.3295   45.2239
  39.2697   45.0546


ans =
 Columns 1 through 6
  42.2362   42.5862   41.4363   40.7984   40.5781   42.0102
  42.8432   42.5230   42.2562   41.0488   41.0408   41.4027
  40.9867   42.0619   41.8279   40.6385   39.9443   39.8134
  40.6418   41.1698   39.8651   40.2531   39.9620   39.7293
  41.4117   43.3210   41.3430   39.8634   40.1429   40.2054
  43.5686   42.4641   42.1411   40.3618   40.9855   41.1214
  43.1452   41.6849   41.8198   41.2401   41.0329   41.1394
 Columns 7 through 12
  40.1363   40.4423   39.3089   39.0079   40.0994   39.7462
  40.3803   40.2116   40.2316   39.8870   39.3986   38.9503
  39.4660   39.5327   40.1774   40.1260   39.4720   40.0648
  39.3911   38.3882   39.3313   38.8733   38.6890   39.0388
  39.4644   40.0347   39.6176   39.6716   39.0263   39.2982
  41.9006   39.7029   40.1429   39.2387   40.2394   40.6941
  40.5896   40.5801   40.3792   39.7173   40.2535   39.0049
 Columns 13 through 18
  39.6814   40.0409   39.9497   40.3589   41.6251   41.3629
  40.2519   40.1951   40.4002   39.8155   40.2671   40.8325
  39.2974   39.4905   40.3512   40.6379   40.4390   41.1352
  39.4519   38.7722   39.5048   39.0963   39.9297   39.6736
  39.4584   39.9660   40.1200   39.3260   39.3389   40.0520
  40.3398   40.8941   41.0482   40.7139   40.1787   41.6581
  39.6458   40.0141   40.8396   40.5133   41.1001   40.3030
 Columns 19 through 24
  40.8839   41.0510   42.6378   42.6591   41.9686   43.2696
  41.4536   42.2499   41.8480   41.8344   42.1475   43.8288
  41.5670   41.6958   41.9320   42.9299   42.9902   44.4371
  40.5738   39.1509   41.0872   41.3494   42.3497   42.1499
  41.0491   40.4748   40.9623   41.2936   43.2125   43.5557
  42.4095   42.4440   43.5395   43.7092   44.1884   45.2852
  41.9471   42.0490   42.6696   43.3656   43.9589   44.9338
 Columns 25 through 30
  43.3945   43.2795   45.2918   45.2683   46.0860   47.0622
  43.8377   44.5998   45.4853   45.7957   45.6485   47.5075
  44.3256   45.4537   45.8318   45.9686   47.4039   46.4006
  44.2940   43.7739   43.8458   44.8241   46.3123   47.1092
  43.5046   44.4580   45.3270   44.9765   45.5788   46.3149
  45.3441   45.2239   46.5795   47.2898   46.8373   46.5048
  45.4614   45.0546   46.4330   46.6146   47.0671   47.6553
 Column 31


ans =

 Columns 1 through 6
  58.5469   57.0309   56.4855   54.9864   54.3867   53.4182
  57.8599   56.7720   55.5703   54.9572   53.6933   52.6788
  56.2267   55.9048   55.4824   54.1255   53.0805   52.3318
  57.4481   56.4372   55.7643   54.4256   53.4663   52.9486
  57.2575   56.0395   55.0674   54.3565   53.3015   52.6714
  57.3984   56.4432   55.5591   54.3333   53.4407   52.4353
  57.2688   56.3993   55.5582   54.7040   53.6861   52.3231
 Columns 7 through 12
  52.2624   51.1838   49.7036   49.2442   48.2924   47.6821
  51.2357   50.5660   49.5454   48.7951   47.9216   46.7483
  51.2027   50.3999   49.6916   48.5433   47.7783   46.3039
  51.3760   50.0240   49.4146   48.7383   47.8996   46.7620
  51.4416   50.6063   49.4335   48.6179   48.0801   46.7803
  51.4326   50.4026   49.6251   48.8763   47.6445   47.2187
  51.5955   50.9246   49.7193   48.5577   48.0401   47.0092
 Columns 13 through 18
  46.4037   45.6824   45.0259   44.0115   43.0097   42.5585
  46.3703   45.2318   44.5099   43.5656   43.1263   42.5650
  46.2068   45.5989   44.3762   43.7984   42.7541   42.0201
  45.8564   45.3265   44.5286   43.6525   43.0707   42.5474
  46.2192   45.3172   44.2489   43.8725   42.7820   42.5925
  45.9510   44.9174   44.2901   43.6928   42.7743   42.5136
  45.9699   45.3366   44.6569   43.6312   42.8199   42.3034
 Columns 19 through 24
  41.9983   41.2115   40.5606   40.6618   39.9021   39.7640
  41.5995   41.3772   40.9215   40.6037   40.3696   39.8386
  41.5138   40.9141   40.9717   40.4180   39.7895   39.2242
  41.6112   40.9250   40.3404   40.0924   39.7975   39.8885
  41.7692   40.9021   41.0668   39.9695   39.5293   39.2965
  41.5129   40.9869   41.1635   40.0297   39.9950   39.6508
  41.8770   41.3289   40.8872   40.2962   39.8315   39.3695
 Columns 25 through 30
  39.1846   38.8291   39.1634   38.8664   38.7292   39.4828
  39.7251   39.3348   39.4741   39.5937   39.7092   39.7271
  39.7121   39.1682   39.1497   39.6613   39.3210   40.0253
  39.3721   39.7081   39.2449   39.5551   39.4977   39.7915
  39.5331   39.1740   39.2753   39.5351   39.8399   39.9026
  39.4359   39.3295   39.1483   39.3554   39.4549   39.9204
  39.1698   39.2697   39.6177   39.4633   39.6953   39.8468
 Column 31

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