GEMC V2.4 Angle Change

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Analyzing Angle change

Using evio2RootAnalysis_AngleChange.C

root -l evio2rootAnalysis_AngleChange.C

The total number of hits that deviate from the LUND value of Theta by 0.5 degrees is collected
{Δθ=-0.00, Δφ(Th)=-0.00, hit=0}
{Δθ=0.00, Δφ(Th)=-0.00, hit=1}
{Δθ=-0.00, Δφ(Th)=-0.00, hit=2}
{Δθ=0.00, Δφ(Th)=-0.01, hit=9997}
{Δθ=-0.00, Δφ(Th)=-0.00, hit=9998}
{Δθ=0.00, Δφ(Th)=-0.00, hit=9999}
Total hits=10000
Total Change in abs(Theta) >= .5 degrees=0