Finding the Space Between Lead Shots

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Plan 1

By Mass

Lead Shot

1 - Empty box, m 1

2 - Box filled with Lead, m 2

3 - Box filled with Lead and H 2 0, m 3

4 - Box filled with H 2 0, m 4

m Pb = m 2 - m 1

V Pb = (m 2 - m 1) / ρ Pb

m H 2 0 = m 3 - m 2

V H 2 0 = (m 3 - m 2) / ρ Pb = V SP (The space between the lead)

ratio = V Pb / V tot

Plan 2

By Volume

1 - V H 2 0 1 = V tot

2 - V H 2 0 2 = V SP

V Pb = V tot - V SP

R = V Pb / V tot = (V tot - V SP) / V tot => 1 - (V SP / V tot)


Plan 1

We had 2 scales to measure the weight. Let's call them scale #1 and scale #2, measurement on them were called weight #1 and Weight respectively.

Mesurements Discriptions masses weight #1 (£) weight #2 (£) Weight AVE (£) Weight AVE (g)
1 Box m 1 3 4 3.5 1587.6
2 Box+Pb m 2 102 103 102.5 46493.2
3 Box+Pb+[math]H_{2}[/math]O m3 105 111 108 48988.0
4 Box+[math]H_{2}[/math]O m4 15 18 16.5 7484.3


VPb = (m2 - m1)/ρPb=3959.2 [math]cm^3[/math]

VPb = (m4 - m1)/ρH2O=5896.8 [math]cm^3[/math]

Ratio = VPb/Vtot =67%

Plan 2

Measurements Descriptions VH2O = Vsp ([math]cm^3[/math]) Vtot ([math]cm^3[/math]) Ratio
1 without shaking 2600 6500 60%
2 without shaking 840 2000 58%
2 with a lot of shaking 210 510 64.7%


Ratio = 1 - Vsp/Vtot


We believe the plan 2 is more precise. The reason is in the plan 1 the scales we had are not precise and there are error propagation when use mass to calculate volume. However, in plan 2 we directly measured the volume.

Experiment also shows that shaking will increase the packing ratio significantly.

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