Feb 2017 Geometric Efficiency Calculations

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Below are the theoretical calculations for the theoretical decay frequencies

Na-22, 9.427micro Ci on July 1, 2008, half life 2.602 +/- 0.002 years, 99.937% for 1274.52 and 178.8 for 511 line , activity in March 31, 2016 =1.196micro Ci

= [math]\left (1.788 \right )\left ( 1.196 \times 10^{-6} \mbox{Ci} \right) \left (\frac{ (3.7 \times 10^{10} \mbox{Hz}}{\mbox{Ci}} \right)= 79122.6 Hz [/math] for the 511 line

Below is a table where the actual efficiency will be calculated for position R (farthest position).

Run Source Energy (keV) Expected Rate (Hz) HpGe Rate (Hz) HpGe Det D Efficiency (%)
r5825 Na-22 511 79122.6 (480:540) (4.309-0.065=4.244) 0.005
r5826 Na-22 511 28091.2 (480:540)(1.105-0.02281=1.0821) 0.004
r5827 Na-22 511 861.1 (480:540)(0.04037-0.009123=0.031247) 0.004
r5829 Na-22 511 137692 (480:540)(3.686-0.01939=3.67) 0.003
r5830 Na-22 511 44224 (480:540) (1.073-0.0057=1.0673) 0.002
r5831 Na-22 511 139058.52 (480:540)(3.283-0.05702=3.22598) 0.002