CHIPS IAC Run 5-29-08

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Run # MPA file name Description
40 NaI040.mpa Na-22 source in front of HpGe and Co-60 on top of NaI detector
41 NaI019.mpa Co-60 source in front of HpGe and Na-22 on top of NaI detector

Last Dipole Sweep

Tune 10 Mev onto Tungsten and 4 MeV into Cell

We put in two thin pieces (thickness ~1/4" each) making a ~1/2" of lead angled at ~30 degrees wrt vertical between the NaI detector and the collimator to cut down on low-energy (< 200 keV) photons.

Chad Tune

Run # MPA file name W Ta Description
45 NaI045.mpa IN IN Dipole at 2 MeV (0.78 on Pot), 60 Hz rep rate
46 NaI046.mpa IN IN Dipole at 2 MeV (0.78 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, 116 [math]\pm[/math] 15 counts at 500 keV, Live=929 seconds
47 NaI047.mpa IN Out Dipole at 2 MeV (0.78 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, 53 [math]\pm[/math] 9 counts at 500 keV, Live=607 seconds, (Tant IN/Out ratio =116/53 [math]\times[/math] 607/929 = 1.4)
48 NaI048.mpa IN Out Dipole at 3 MeV (1.13 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, 90 [math]\pm[/math] 11 counts at 500 keV, Live=600 seconds, ignore NaI (cable not plugged into scope)
49 NaI049.mpa IN In Dipole at 3 MeV (1.13 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, 113[math]\pm[/math] 12 counts at 500 keV, Live=634 seconds,plugged NaI cable back into scope in middle of run. ((Tant IN/Out ratio =113/90 = 1.26 )

Accelerator Gun problem (ground wire shielding was worn away and creating path for short)

Kevin Tune

Restore tune with settings below.:

Device setting
RS1 -14.96
RS2 +0
FS1 0
FS2 8.58
0Q1 -14.75
0Q2 +2.26
45Q1 -0.62
45Q2 +1.88
L90Q1 -2.62
L90Q2 +2.83
Bend1 -3.42
Bend2 -5.3 (3 MeV)
Gun HV 3 kV
Grid 1.64
802 15.7 kV
SOL1 0
SOL2 3.58
Run # MPA file name W Ta Description
56 NaI056.mpa IN In Dipole at 3 MeV (1.11 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, (802 set to 15.7 kV. 48[math]\pm[/math] 8 counts at 500 keV, Live=600 seconds, grid = 1.64, Gun = 3 kV.
57 NaI057.mpa IN Out Dipole at 3 MeV (1.11 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, (802 set to 15.7 kV, 24 [math]\pm[/math]6 counts at 500 keV, Live=600 seconds, grid = 1.64, Gun = 3 kV. ( Tant In/out ratio = 2/1)
58 NaI058.mpa IN Out Dipole at 4 MeV (1.44 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, (802 set to 15.7 kV, 25[math]\pm[/math]6 counts at 500 keV, Live=600 seconds, grid = 1.64, Gun = 3 kV.
59 NaI059.mpa IN In Dipole at 4 MeV (1.44 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, (802 set to 15.7 kV, 25[math]\pm[/math]6 counts at 500 keV, Live=600 seconds, grid = 1.64, Gun = 3 kV.
60 NaI060.mpa IN In Dipole at 3 MeV (1.44 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, (802 set to 15.7 kV, 27[math]\pm[/math]6 counts at 500 keV, Live=600 seconds, grid = 1.64, Gun = 3 kV.
61 NaI061.mpa IN In Dipole at 3 MeV (1.44 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, (802 set to 15.7 kV, 1kG Permanent sweeper magnet upstream of last quad. 14 [math]\pm[/math]7 counts at 500 keV, Live=600 seconds, grid = 1.64, Gun = 3 kV.
62 NaI062.mpa IN In Dipole at 3 MeV (1.44 on Pot), 300 Hz rep rate, (802 set to 15.7 kV, [math]\pm[/math]6 counts at 500 keV, Live=600 seconds, grid = 1.64, Gun = 3 kV.

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