Beam Test Jul 20 2012

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We started up the accelerator where we left from yesterday.


Energy Switch Out (High En)
Solenoid 1 6.1 A
Solenoid 2 3.2 A
Gun Hor -0.2 A
Gun Ver 0 A
Output Hor -0.3 A
Output Ver 0 A
Rep Rate 8
Gun HV 10 (Knob Setting)
Gun Grid Voltage 2.85 (Knob Setting)
RF frequency 2856.310 MHz
Modulator HV Power Supply 4.28 (Knob Setting)
RF macro Pulse Length (FWHM) 300 ns
Q1 (A) -3.7
Q2 (A) -5.5
Q3 (A) +0.6

Detector tests

Beam Left Detector

Beam left detector is at 14.5 cm from the edge of the 6-way cross. Beam right detector is pushed right next to the edge of the 6-way cross.

Electron gun trigger and detector diode signal put into and logic. We want to put the annihilation target in and out, see how it affects the rate.

quad settings after T1 (Target 1, positron production target).

q4     q5    q6     q7    q8     q9     q10        
-0.0   +0.5  +0.0   +0.0  -1.0   -0.0   +0.0
Mode  Annihilation Target     Slit width   D1(A) D2(A)   Counts  /    Time(s)     Rate(Hz)
e+    in                      1.00 cm      4.2   4.2     445     /    199.9         2.2
e+    out                     1.00 cm      4.2   4.2     545     /    199.9         2.7
e+    in                      1.00 cm      4.2   4.2     241     /    99.8          2.4
e+    out                     1.00 cm      4.2   4.2     268     /    99.9          2.7
e+    out                     0.20 cm      4.2   4.2     692     /    200           3.5
e+    in                      0.20 cm      4.2   4.2     1178    /    199.9         5.9
e+    in                      0.20 cm      4.2   5.8     724     /    200           3.6
e+    out                     0.20 cm      4.2   5.8     1175    /    299.9         3.9

Added 10 inches of Polyethylene brick wall to shield detector left.

Mode  Annihilation Target     Slit width   D1(A) D2(A)   Counts  /    Time(s)     Rate(Hz)
e+    out                     0.20 cm      4.2   5.8     942     /    200         4.7
e+    in                      0.20 cm      4.2   5.8     960     /    200.1       4.8
e+    in                      0.20 cm      4.2   4.2     1037    /    199.8       5.2
e+    out                     0.20 cm      4.2   4.2     1106    /    199.9       5.5

Changed to optimized value from yesterday.

q4     q5    q6     q7    q8     q9     q10        
-0.0   +0.5  +0.4   +4.5  -1.0   -0.0   +0.0

Mode  Annihilation Target     Slit width   D1(A) D2(A)   Counts  /    Time(s)     Rate(Hz)
e+    out                     0.20 cm      4.2   4.2     1213    /    200.3       6.1
e+    in                      0.20 cm      4.2   4.2     1221    /    199.9       6.1

Beam left detector is moved to 7 cm from the edge of the 6-way cross.

Mode  Annihilation Target     Slit width   D1(A) D2(A)   Counts  /    Time(s)     Rate(Hz)
e+    in                      0.20 cm      4.2   4.2      657    /      220.1      3.0
e+    out                     0.20 cm      4.2   4.2      537    /      200        2.7

Beam left detector is moved to 3 cm from the edge of the 6-way cross.

Mode  Annihilation Target     Slit width   D1(A) D2(A)   Counts  /    Time(s)     Rate(Hz)
e+    out                     0.20 cm      4.2   4.2     659     /    200         3.3
e+    in                      0.20 cm      4.2   4.2     965     /    200         4.8

Chad's Tune

max 2 MeV electron

Chad optimized the 12 MeV transmission on the 90 deg FC.

Energy Switch Out (High En)
Solenoid 1 12 A
Solenoid 2 5.5 A
Gun Hor -0.2 A
Gun Ver -0.4 A
Output Hor -1 A
Output Ver -0.3 A
Rep Rate 7
Gun HV 10 (Knob Setting)
Gun Grid Voltage 10 (Knob Setting)
RF frequency 2856.269 MHz
Modulator HV Power Supply 4.19 (Knob Setting)
RF macro Pulse Length (FWHM) 300 ns
Q1 (A) -0.3
Q2 (A) -0.7
Q3 (A) +1.6

The he put the T1 in and optimized settings looking at the electron signal at the scintillator. Voltage on the Scintilator PMT: 1068 V

quad settings after T1 (Target 1, positron production target).

D1   D2      q4     q5    q6     q7    q8     q9     q10        
4.2  4.41    +6.5   -3.7  -1.1   +1.5  +0.2   +0.3   +0.0

e-/e+ ratio

Scintilator HV: 1200

electron signal, T2 in: Hrrl pos 20jul2012 electron Chad Tune T2 In Sint HV 1200V.png electron signal, T2 out: Hrrl pos 20jul2012 electron Chad Tune T2 Out Sint HV 1200V.png

positron signal, T2 in: Hrrl pos 20jul2012 Positron Chad Tune T2 In Sint HV 1200V.png positron signal, T2 out:Hrrl pos 20jul2012 Positron Chad Tune T2 Out Sint HV 1200V.png