HV burn in
File:High Voltage Region 1 Sector 1 data.xls
Measured Sense wire output
Link to pictures on DAQ machine
Measurements with source
4/20/12 1hour counts:
SL2 HVB1 Column 18 Row 5
-With source 14459 pulses/1502 sec
SL1 HVB7 column 203 row 4
-With source 50681 pulses/3760 sec.
4/26/12 Overnight Cosmic pulse count:
SL2 HVB4 Column 118 Row 5
53122 pulses/49793 Sec.
Preamp voltage 5V
Background measurements
HV off 4/5/12 Background counts:
27 pulses/61806 Sec.
SL2 Column 132 row 2
Preamp voltage 6.3V
Discriminator threshold 46mV
Preamp on= 6.3
4/9/12: Back ground count measurements
4531 counts/69564 seconds
2044 counts/24620 seconds
4/10/12 Background counts:
3 pulses/ 74500 sec.
SL1 HVB7 Column 196 Row 2
Preamp voltage 6.3 V
Discriminator threshold 46mV
Background counts:
280 pulses/245850 sec
SL1 HVB7 column 226 row 2
preamp voltage 5V
Discriminator threshold 46mV
4/17/12 Background counts:
6 pulses/62407 sec
SL2 HVB7 column 226 row 8
preamp voltage 5V
discriminator threshold 46mV
Background counts:
63 pulses/ 71724 Sec.
SL1 HVB7 column 226 row 8
Preamp voltage 5V
Discriminator threshold 46mV
Background counts:
41078 pulse/ 245104 sec.
SL1 HVB7 Column 203 Row 4
Preamp voltage 5V
Discriminator threshold 46mV