DOE EPSCoR Proposal
A Positron Source for JLAB
Year 1
- Install positron beam line.
- Check positron productions efficiency simulations for 10-20 MeV electrons on Tungsten Target (expecing 17 nA of positrons for a 10mA electron beam at E=?)
- Investigate differences between simulation and data, most likely need another week of beam to change configuration
Year 2
- Measure production efficiency for different Tungsten converter target thicknesses (100 microns -> 1mm in 100 micron steps)
- Measure positron emmitance and compare to simulation predictions
- Measure brightness as a function of quad setting (quads change emmitance)
- measure positron output as a function of beam current
- Begin designing tungsten converter capable of handling high heat load
- CEBAF can accept particles into acceleration stage as long as
- Electrons are injected at 500 MeV (1 GeV) for a 6 GeV (12 GeV) CEBAF. Currently
Year 3
- Conceptual Positron source design level 1 (CD1)
- IAC beam is x 40 less power than what will be needed at JLAB
Parts list
Submitted Proposal