G4Beamline PbBi
Development of a Positron source using a PbBi converter and a Solenoid
Converter target properties
Definition of Lead Bismuth
1cm diameter target
2 mm thick PbBi
0.5 Tesla solenoid
Desire to know
Emmittance (mrad * mm)
dispersion (Delta P/P) (mradian/1000th mm/1000th)
of electrons after the PbBi target.
pole face rotation in vertical plane.
G4BeamLine and MCNPX
Target thickness optimization
2mm thick PbBi, 10 MeV, 1 cm cylindrical incident electron distribution
G4beamline pencil beam 10 cm radius
beam ellipse particle=e- nEvents=1000000 beamZ=0.0 beamX=0. beamY=0. \ sigmaX=10.0 sigmaY=10.0 sigmaXp=0.000 sigmaYp=0.000 \ meanMomentum=10. sigmaE=0. maxR=10.
Incident Electron spatial distribution and energy
Positron and Electron Momentum after the converter
PbBi Thickness (mm) | #positrons/million electrons (G4Beamline) | #positrons/million electrons (MCNPX) |
1 | 1169,1083,1068,1090,1088 =1100 | 401091 |
1.5 | 1723, 1668,1671, 1687,1726=1695 | 281728 |
2 | 1902,1921,1886,1967,1922=1920 | 301984 |
3 | 1920,1880,1883,1864,1857=1881 | 241986 |
4 | 1688, 1766, 1712, 1709, 1753=1726 | 331858 |
5 | 1569,1585,1509 ,1536,1551=1550 | 291646 |
7 | 1475,1450,1457,1428,1477 =1457 | 201541 |
10 | 1250,1180,1178,1186,1166=1192 | 331216 |
2mm thick PbBi, 10 MeV, point source
G4beamline pencil beam 10 cm radius
beam ellipse particle=e- nEvents=1000000 beamZ=0.0 beamX=0. beamY=0. \ sigmaX=10.0 sigmaY=10.0 sigmaXp=0.000 sigmaYp=0.000 \ meanMomentum=10. sigmaE=0. maxR=10.
PbBi Thickness (mm) | #positrons/million electrons (G4Beamline) | #positrons/million electrons (MCNPX) |
1 | 1091 | |
1.5 | 1728 | |
2 | 1902 | 431984 |
2.5 | 2062 | |
3 | 13 | 1986 |
3.5 | 1938 | |
4 | 39 | 1858 |
5 | 1646 | |
6 | 37 | 1541 |
10 | 1216 |