Forest UCM Ch3 Rockets

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Consider a rocket of mass [math]m[/math] moving at a speed [math]v[/math] ejecting rocket fuel for propulsion.

Forest UCM Ch3 Rockets Fig.pngFile:Forest UCM Ch3 Rockets Fig.xfig.txt

[math]m =[/math] mass of Fuel + Rocket

[math]-dm =[/math] mass of Fuel ejected over time interval [math]dt[/math] ( [math]dm[/math] = mass lost by rocket < 0)

[math]u =v_{FR}[/math] velocity of Fuel relative to the Rocket

[math]v =[/math] velocity of rocket relative to the ground before ejecting fuel of mass [math](-dm)[/math]

[math]v+dv =[/math] velocity of the rocket relative to the ground after ejecting fuel
