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== Overview ==
==Class Admin==
=== Particle Detection ===
A device detects a particle only after the particle transfers energy to the device.
Energy intrinsic to a device depends on the material used in a device
Some device of material with an average atomic number (<math>Z</math>) is at some temperature (<math>T</math>).  The materials atoms are in constant thermal motion (unless T = zero degrees Klevin).
== Homework Problems==
Statistical Thermodynamics tells us that the canonical energy distribution of the atoms is given by the Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics such that
<math>P(E) = \frac{1}{kT} e^{-\frac{E}{kT}}</math>
<math>P(E)</math> represents the probability of any atom in the system having an energy <math>E</math> where
= Energy Loss =
<math>k= 1.38 \times 10^{-23} \frac{J}{mole \cdot K}</math>
Note:  You may be more familiar with the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution in the form
Ann. Phys. vol. 5, 325, (1930)
<math>N(\nu) = 4 \pi N \frac{m}{2\pi k T}^{3/2} v^2  e^{-mv^2}{2kT}</math>
=Interactions of Electrons and Photons with Matter=
=== The Monte Carlo method ===
=== A Unix Primer ===
=== A Root Primer ===
==== Example 1: Create Ntuple  and Draw Histogram====
=== Cross Sections ===
= Hadronic Interactions =
==== Deginitions ====
==== Example : Elastic Scattering ====
==== Lab Frame Cross Sections ====
== Stopping Power ==
=== Bethe Equation ===
====Classical Energy Loss ====
====Bethe-Bloch Equation ====
=== Energy Straggling ===
==== Thick Absorber ====
====Thin Absorbers====
=== Range Straggling===
=== Electron Capture and Loss ===
=== Multiple Scattering ===
== Interactions of Electrons and Photons with Matter==
= Final Project=
=== Bremsstrahlung===
=== Photo-electric effect===
=== Compton Scattering ===
=== Pair Production ===
== Hadronic Interactions ==
A final project will be submitted that will be graded with the following metrics:
=== Neutron Interactions ===
==== Elastic scattering====
==== Inelasstic Scattering====
1.) The document must be less than 15 pages.
2.) The document must contain references in a bibliography (5 points) .
3.) A comparison must be made between GEANT4's prediction and either the prediction of someone else or an experimental result(30 points).
4.) The graphs must be of publication quality with font sizes similar or larger than the 12 point font (10 points).
5.) The document must be grammatically correct (5 points).
6.) The document format must contain the following sections: An abstract of 5 sentences (5 points) , an Introduction(10 points), a Theory section (20 points) , if applicable a section describing the experiment that was simulated, a section delineating the comparisons that were made, and a conclusion( 15 points).
[http://geant4.web.cern.ch/geant4/  GEANT4 Home Page]
[http://root.cern.ch ROOT Home page]
[http://conferences.fnal.gov/g4tutorial/g4cd/Documentation/WorkshopExercises/  Fermi Lab Example]
[http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/Star/Text/ESTAR.html NIST Range Tables]
[http://ie.lbl.gov/xray/  X-ray specturm]
== Saving/restoring Random number seed==
You save the current state of the random number generator with the command
/random/setSavingFlag 1
/run/beamOn 100
A file is created called
/control/shell mv currentEvent.rndm currentEvent10.rndm
You can restore the random number generator and begin generating random number from the last save time
/random/resetEngineFrom currentEvent.rndm
==Building GEANT4.11==
==Building GEANT4.10==
==Building GEANT4.9.6==
==Building GEANT4.9.5==
An old version of Installation notes for versions prior to 9.5
[http://brems.iac.isu.edu/~tforest/NucSim/Day3/ Old Install Notes]
Visualization Libraries:
[http://www.opengl.org/ OpenGL]
[http://geant4.kek.jp/~tanaka/DAWN/About_DAWN.html  DAWN]
[http://doc.coin3d.org/Coin/  Coin3D]
==Compiling G4 with ROOT==
These instruction describe how you can create a tree within ExN02SteppingVerbose to store tracking info in an array (max number of steps in a track is set to 100 for the desired particle)
==Using SLURM==
===simple batch script for one process job===
create the file submit.sbatch below
#SBATCH --time=1
cd src/PI
./PI_MC 100000000000000
the execute
:sbatch submit.sbatch
check if its running with
to kill a batch job
:scancel JOBID
===On minerve===
Sample script to submit 10 batch jobs.
the filename is minervesubmit and you run like
source minervesubmit
cd /home/foretony/src/GEANT4/geant4.9.5/Simulations/N02wROOT/batch
qsub submit10mil
qsub submit20mil
qsub submit30mil
qsub submit40mil
qsub submit50mil
qsub submit60mil
qsub submit70mil
qsub submit80mil
qsub submit90mil
qsub submit100mil
The file submit10mil looks like this
#PBS -l nodes=1
#PBS -M foretony@isu.edu
#PBS -m abe
source /home/foretony/src/GEANT4/geant4.9.5/geant4.9.6-install/bin/geant4.sh
cd /home/foretony/src/GEANT4/geant4.9.5/Simulations/N02wROOT/batch/10mil
../../exampleN02 run1.mac > /dev/null
to check that the process is still running
qdel jobID#
if you want to kill the batch job, the jobID number shows up when you do stat.
for example
[foretony@minerve HW10]$ qstat
Job id                    Name            User            Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
27033.minerve            submit          foretony        00:41:55 R default       
[foretony@minerve HW10]$ qdel 27033
[foretony@minerve HW10]$ qstat
==Definitions of Materials==
==Minerve2 GEANT 4.10.1 Xterm error==
On OS X El Capitan V 10.11.4 using XQuartz
# Use this open statement to create an OpenGL view:
/vis/open OGL 600x600-0+0
/vis/sceneHandler/create OGL
/vis/viewer/create ! ! 600x600-0+0
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  150 (GLX)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)
  Value in failed request:  0x0
  Serial number of failed request:  25
  Current serial number in output stream:  26

Revision as of 22:31, 15 January 2024

Class Admin


Homework Problems




Energy Loss


Ann. Phys. vol. 5, 325, (1930)

Interactions of Electrons and Photons with Matter


Hadronic Interactions


Final Project

A final project will be submitted that will be graded with the following metrics:

1.) The document must be less than 15 pages.

2.) The document must contain references in a bibliography (5 points) .

3.) A comparison must be made between GEANT4's prediction and either the prediction of someone else or an experimental result(30 points).

4.) The graphs must be of publication quality with font sizes similar or larger than the 12 point font (10 points).

5.) The document must be grammatically correct (5 points).

6.) The document format must contain the following sections: An abstract of 5 sentences (5 points) , an Introduction(10 points), a Theory section (20 points) , if applicable a section describing the experiment that was simulated, a section delineating the comparisons that were made, and a conclusion( 15 points).


GEANT4 Home Page

ROOT Home page

Fermi Lab Example

NIST Range Tables

X-ray specturm


Saving/restoring Random number seed

You save the current state of the random number generator with the command

/random/setSavingFlag 1

/run/beamOn 100


A file is created called


/control/shell mv currentEvent.rndm currentEvent10.rndm

You can restore the random number generator and begin generating random number from the last save time

/random/resetEngineFrom currentEvent.rndm

Building GEANT4.11



Building GEANT4.10





Building GEANT4.9.6


Building GEANT4.9.5


An old version of Installation notes for versions prior to 9.5

Old Install Notes

Visualization Libraries:




Compiling G4 with ROOT

These instruction describe how you can create a tree within ExN02SteppingVerbose to store tracking info in an array (max number of steps in a track is set to 100 for the desired particle)





simple batch script for one process job

create the file submit.sbatch below

#SBATCH --time=1
cd src/PI
./PI_MC 100000000000000

the execute

sbatch submit.sbatch

check if its running with


to kill a batch job

scancel JOBID

On minerve

Sample script to submit 10 batch jobs.

the filename is minervesubmit and you run like

source minervesubmit
cd /home/foretony/src/GEANT4/geant4.9.5/Simulations/N02wROOT/batch
qsub submit10mil
qsub submit20mil
qsub submit30mil
qsub submit40mil
qsub submit50mil
qsub submit60mil
qsub submit70mil
qsub submit80mil
qsub submit90mil
qsub submit100mil

The file submit10mil looks like this

#PBS -l nodes=1
#PBS -M foretony@isu.edu
#PBS -m abe
source /home/foretony/src/GEANT4/geant4.9.5/geant4.9.6-install/bin/geant4.sh
cd /home/foretony/src/GEANT4/geant4.9.5/Simulations/N02wROOT/batch/10mil
../../exampleN02 run1.mac > /dev/null 



to check that the process is still running


qdel jobID#

if you want to kill the batch job, the jobID number shows up when you do stat.

for example

[foretony@minerve HW10]$ qstat
Job id                    Name             User            Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
27033.minerve             submit           foretony        00:41:55 R default        
[foretony@minerve HW10]$ qdel 27033
[foretony@minerve HW10]$ qstat

Definitions of Materials

File:MCNP Compendium of Material Composition.pdf

Minerve2 GEANT 4.10.1 Xterm error

On OS X El Capitan V 10.11.4 using XQuartz


# Use this open statement to create an OpenGL view:
/vis/open OGL 600x600-0+0
/vis/sceneHandler/create OGL
/vis/viewer/create ! ! 600x600-0+0
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  150 (GLX)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)
  Value in failed request:  0x0
  Serial number of failed request:  25
  Current serial number in output stream:  26