Y-88 Half-life

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Y-88 Halflife 898 custom.pngY-88 Halflife 898 coin nocuts.png

898 keV Singles

Y-88 Halflife 898 sig.png

Averaging over the half-life fits: 100.77 +/- 37.397

898 keV Singles Using Ratios

Y-88 Halflife 898 sig ratios.png

898 keV Coincidence

Y-88 Halflife 898 coin.png

Averaging over the half-life fits: 4630.602 +/- 7728.132

Using the Event Number cut on run 7236

Y-88 Halflife 898 coin cuts.png

Averaging over the half-life fits: 159.105 +/- 65.381

898 keV Integral Table (With Event Cuts)

Days [math]T_{1/2}[/math] Trig Integral
47 0.44 coin 0.0214 +/- 1.535e-4
105 0.98 sing 1.364 +/- 0.0457
coin 0.0052 +/- 9.117e-5
156 1.46 sing 0.8697+/- 0.0159
coin 0.0042 +/- 1.103e-4
226 2.12 sing 0.6069 +/- 0.0184
coin 0.0021 +/- 4.305e-5
242 2.27 sing 0.5807 +/- 0.0457
coin 0.0014 +/- 8.033e-5

Integral vs Time for singles:

Use the p-values from the regression analysis to decide which fit is better.  The smaller the p-value the better the fit.

Y-88 HalfLife 898 singles.pngHalfLife Fit singles.png

Black Line:y=-0.00614762*t+0.90238 Half-life:162.7+/- 18.6 days

Green Line: y=-0.00626604*t+0.881547 Half-life: 159.6 +/- 8.79 days

Integral vs Time for coincidence:

Y-88 HalfLife ln coin.pngHalfLife Fit coin.png

Black Line: y=-0.00926265*t-4.17913 Half-life:107.96 +/- 20.3 days

Green Line: y=-0.00788375*t-4.36373 Half-life: 126.84 +/- 3.41 days

1836.1 keV Integral Table (With Event Cuts)

Days [math]T_{1/2}[/math] Trig Integral
47 0.44 coin 0.0130 +/- 1.168e-4
105 0.98 sing 0.8414 +/- 0.00897
coin 0.0062 +/- 6.463e-5
156 1.46 sing 0.5015 +/- 0.0024
coin 0.0046 +/- 1.742e-5
226 2.12 sing 0.1934 +/- 0.0115
coin 0.0020 +/- 7.250e-5
242 2.27 sing 0.2449 +/- 0.0084
coin 0.0017 +/- 2.191e-4

Y-88 HalfLife 1836 singles.pngHalfLife Fit 1836 singles.png

Black Line: y=-0.0102535*t+0.890494 Half-life:97.53 +/- 18.1 days

Green Line: y=-0.00989653*t+0.85652 Half-life: 101.05 +/- 1.93 days

Y-88 HalfLife 1836 coin.pngHalfLife Fit 1836 coin.png

Black Line: y=-0.0098011*t-3.978 Half-life:102.03 +/- 10.156 days

Green Line: y=-0.00689077*t-4.31681 Half-life: 145.12 +/- 4.130 days

Cs-137 Half-life
