Difference between revisions of "TF MOOSE-MARMOT"

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Line 95: Line 95:
and set your path to it
and set your path to it
now setup your cloned version so it tracks the origin
foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git remote -vv
origin  https://github.com/vanwdani/GEANT_BCA.git (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/vanwdani/GEANT_BCA.git (push)
foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git fetch
foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git fetch origin
foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git remote -vv
origin  https://github.com/vanwdani/GEANT_BCA.git (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/vanwdani/GEANT_BCA.git (push)
foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git checkout -b Freya origin/Freya
Branch 'Freya' set up to track remote branch 'Freya' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'Freya'

Revision as of 19:47, 1 July 2020


Running at INL

MOOSE Documentation:

After following th MOOSE install directions I encountered the following error on the INL server

python 2.7 is required to run the test harness

I need to tell the INL server to use python 2.7

Loading packages using "module"

first load user modules

module load use.projects
module load use.spack
module load moose-dev/5.7.0-gmvolf-5.5.7


GitHUb install

Install petsc

git clone -b maint https://bitbucket.org/petsc/petsc petsc

cd petsc

./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran --download-mpich --download-fblaslapack

make all test

export PETSC_DIR=$pwd/petsc

export PETSC_DIR=/Users/foretony/src/MOOSE/projects/moose/petsc/

export PETSC_ARCH=arch-darwin-c-debug check

Install libmesh

git clone git://github.com/libMesh/libmesh.git 

cd libmesh


make install

Install Moose

git clone https://github.com/idaholab/moose.git

cd moose

git checkout master

local Moose

Daniel V's Binary collision Approx


git clone https://github.com/vanwdani/GEANT_BCA.git

files are in


  see README file for installation instructions

need to install xerces

 brew install xerces-c

brew install jsoncpp

check the version number of json

  ls /usr/local/Cellar/jsoncpp/

and set your path to it

now setup your cloned version so it tracks the origin

foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git remote -vv
origin  https://github.com/vanwdani/GEANT_BCA.git (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/vanwdani/GEANT_BCA.git (push)
foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git fetch
foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git fetch origin
foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git remote -vv
origin  https://github.com/vanwdani/GEANT_BCA.git (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/vanwdani/GEANT_BCA.git (push)
foretony093457:GEANT_BCA foretony$ git checkout -b Freya origin/Freya
Branch 'Freya' set up to track remote branch 'Freya' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'Freya'

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/jsoncpp/1.9.3/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
