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Getting the analysis software

Minimal CLAS software for EG1 analysis

download files from the JLAB CVS repository using the command

type the command below in order to tell CVS to use ssh

setenv CVS_RSH ssh

if you have an account on the JLAB computers you can do

cvs -td co packages

where USERNAME is your JLab username

I will get all packages for convenience but in the end I will remove some subdirectories which the EG1 dst reader doesn't need.

I only kept the following subdirectories under the "packages" subdirectory. bankdefs bos bosbank bosio c_bos_io cc c_cern clasbos clasutil cms c_sql CVS fdump fpack fputil include Makefile rtm utilities

EG1 DST reader

The EG1 dsts reader is used to uncompress the EG1 DST data files for analysis. The DST library has at least 3 version now so you must use the correct DST library with your data file.

UNIX software

apt-get install paw apt-get install paw++ apt-get install xemacs

Getting Data files from JLAB

downloading to offsite place

running on JLAB farm