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=Getting the analysis software=
=Getting the analysis software=
== Minimal CLAS software for EG1 analysis==
== Minimal CLAS software for EG1 analysis==
== EG1 DST reader==
=== download BOS file utilities from the CLAS/packages CVS repositroy===
download files from the JLAB CVS repository using the command
type the command below in order to tell CVS to use ssh
setenv CVS_RSH ssh
if you have an account on the JLAB computers you can do
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/fpack
where USERNAME is your JLab username
The above  will download packages from JLAB's CVS repository<br>
I only needed  the following subdirectories under the "packages" subdirectory to compile the EG1 reader code.<br>
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/fpack
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/cms
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/Makefile
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/bosio
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/include
unless the environmental variable OS_NAME is set the Makefile will default to Linux. 
Then "cd" to the "packages" subdirectory and type "make"
If you get the error
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-fwritable-strings"
then you need to remove this depreceated switch from the file<br>
near line 45 in the above file change <br>
CFLAGS += $(CLEVEL) -fwritable-strings <br>
Re-type "make" within the "packages subdirectory if you got the above error.
otherwise look in the lib subdirectory and see if you have make the fpack library
packages >ls ../lib/Linux/
bosiodiff.o  bosiodump.o  bosioserver.o  bosiosubjob.o  libbosio.a  libfpack.a
=== Download the EG1 dsts library===
now checkout the EG1 dst library after moving up a subdirectory back to the "CLAS" subdirectory.
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co eg1_dst/dstlib
Before you can compile the EG1 software using "make" set environmental variable telling the makefile where to look for the Makefile scripts
setenv CLAS_CMS /home/tforest/src/CLAS/packages/cms
An also tell the dst make file where to put the libraries it is going to built
setenv TOP_DIR /home/tforest/src/CLAS
Now go to the dstlib subdirectory
cd eg1_dst/dstlib
and type
make lib
you should see the dst library in the CLAS/lib subdirectory
dstlib >ls ../../lib/Linux/
bosiodiff.o  bosioserver.o  dst_read.o  libdstlib.a
bosiodump.o  bosiosubjob.o  libbosio.a  libfpack.a
dstlib >
=== Compile the dstdump utility ===
now lets compile a program to read the contents of an EG1 dst file called dstdump
return to the CLAS subdirectory
cd ../../
checkout dtsdump
  cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co eg1_dst/dstdump
you will also need header include files from packages/bosio to compile dstdump
  cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/bosio
  cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/include
You will need to tell the Makefile where to look for the bosio headers by setting the environmental below
setenv CLAS_PACK /home/tforest/src/CLAS/packages
go  the dstdump subdirectory and compile dstdump by typing "make"
cd eg1_dst/dstdump/
if you get teh erro message
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldstlib
Then you need to edit the Makefile in eg1_dst/dstdump so the line
DSTLIB = -L$(CLAS_LIB) -L$(TOP_DIR)/lib/LinuxRH7 -ldstlib
points to the CLAS/lib/Linux subdirectory or whatever OS name you are using inder CLAS/lib
I changed mine to
DSTLIB = -L$(CLAS_LIB) -L$(TOP_DIR)/lib/Linux -ldstlib
and set the CLAS_LIB environemental variable
setenv CLAS_LIB /home/tforest/src/CLAS/lib/Linux
now when you type "make" under the subdirectory eg1_dst/dstdump you should get and executable
I got the following file from JLAB
then I ran dstdump with a switch to dump out events
dstdump >dstdump -dump 5 ~/dst28509_00.B00 -dump 15 | less
== EG1 DST Histogramer HistDST==
The EG1 dsts reader is used to uncompress the EG1 DST data files for
analysis.  The DST library has at least 3 version now so you must use the correct
DST library with your data file.
The source code for HistDST can be checked out from cvs with the following command
cvs -td :ext:tforest@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co eg1_dst/HistDST
You will need to install the c_bos_io package so "cd" to the CLAS subdirectory and do
cvs -td :ext:tforest@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/c_bos_io
then "cd" to the packages subdirectory and type "make"
go to the  eg1/HistDST subdirectory
you need to set environmental variables so you can load the CERN libraris
setenv CERN_ROOT /home/tforest/src/CLAS/eg1_dst/HistDST
== UNIX software ==
apt-get install paw
apt-get install paw++
apt-get install xemacs
=Getting Data files from JLAB=
=Getting Data files from JLAB=
== downloading to offsite place==
== downloading to offsite place==
scp tforest@ftp.jlab.org:/cache/mss/clas/eg1b/production/pass1/v1/4p2gev/misc/dst/dst28181_03.B00 ~/data/
==running on JLAB farm==
==running on JLAB farm==
=Contents of EG1 DST files=
!Name ||BOS bank         ||Description
|p_id ||EVNT.ID         ||Particle ID 1= electron ...
| ||      ||1= electron
| ||      ||2= proton
| ||      ||3= neutron
| ||      ||4= <math>\pi^+</math>
| ||      ||5= <math>\pi^-</math>
| ||      ||6= <math>K^+</math>
| ||      ||7= <math>K^-</math>
| ||      ||8= deuteron
| ||      ||9= Helium 3
| ||      ||10= Helium 4
| ||      ||11= photon
| ||      ||12= positron
|p_x ||EVNT.P*EVNT.dir_cos[o]||Momentum in X direction
|p_y ||EVNT.P*EVNT.dir_cos[1]||Momentum in Y direction
|p_z ||EVNT.P*EVNT.dir_cos[2]||Momentum along beam pipe
|v_x ||EVNT.vertex[0] ||position of vertex in X
|v_y ||EVNT.vertex[1] ||in Y
|v_z ||EVNT.vertex[2]        ||in Z
|q ||EVNT.Charge ||Particle's Charge
|beta ||EVNT.Beta|| Beta particle
|sector ||DCPB.SCTR or ECPB.ScHT or LCPB.ScHT or SCPB.ScPdHT ||sector
|chi_sqr||DCPB.Chi2||track goodness of fit
|cc_pe||CCPB.Nphe/10||number of photoelectrons in Cerenkov detector
|cc_chi_sqr||CCPB.Chi2CC||geometrical matching angle between CC hit and nearest SC hit(in rad)
|trl1_theta||TRL1.DC1||angle on tracking layer one
|trl1_phi||TRL1.DC1|| angle
|trl1_x||TRL1.DC1_pos[0]||position at first DC layer in X
|trl1_y||TRL1.DC1_pos[1]||position at first DC layer in Y
|trl1_z||TRL1.DC1_pos[2]||position at first DC layer in Z
|sc_e||SCPB.Edep||energy deposited in the scintillator
|ec_in||ECPB.Ein||energy deposited into inner part of electron calorimeter
|ec_out||ECPB.Eout||into outer part of electron calorimeter
|ec_tot||ECPB.Etot||total energy deposited into calorimeter
|ec_pos_x||ECPB.Position[0]||the position in electron calorimeter in X
|ec_pos_y||ECPB.Position[1]||the position in electron calorimeter in Y
|ec_pos_z||ECPB.Position[2]||the position in electron calorimeter in Z
|ec_m2hit||ECPB.M2_hit||second moment hit pattern in the calorimeter
|sc_paddle||SCPB.ScPdHt||SC paddle number
|tdc_time||SCPB.Time||flight time
|track_length||SCPB.Path||track length
|flag||based on EVNT.Status and TRL1.hits||If value is > 10 then 6 superlayer were used in track fit
|sc_x||DCPB.SCplane[0]||intersection with SC plane in X
|sc_y||DCPB.SCplane[1]||intersection with SC plane in Y
|sc_z||DCPB.SCplane[2]||intersection with SC plane in Z
|sc_cx||DCPB.SCdir_cos[0]||direction cosine in X at SC plane
|sc_cy||DCPB.SCdir_cos[1]||direction cosine in Y at SC plane
|sc_cz||DCPB.SCdir_cos[2]||direction in Z
=ROOT color pallete=
const Int_t colNum = 6 ;
Int_t palette[colNum] ;
for(Int_t i=0;i<colNum;i++) palette[i]=colNum-i+1;
#  set ROOTSYS to the `root' directory:
sh family:
export ROOTSYS=<path>/root<br>
csh family:
setenv ROOTSYS <path>/root
# now type the build commands: all shells:
./configure --help
./configure [<arch>]      [set arch appropriately if not default]
(g)make                  [or, make -j2 for dual CPU machines]
# add $ROOTSYS/bin to PATH and $ROOTSYS/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<br>
sh family:<br>
export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH
csh family:<br>
setenv PATH ${ROOTSYS}/bin:${PATH}
# try running root: all shells:<br>
[http://root.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ROOT/Installation#Getting_Ready_to_Build Reference]
==fwriteable-strings error==
cclose.c -o /home/didbtama/src/CLAS/obj/Linux/fpack/cclose.o
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-fwritable-strings" <br>
To get rid of this error we copied
flags.LinuxRH.mk to flags.Ubuntu.mk
and changed line
      CFLAGS += $(CLEVEL) -mcpu=pentium -fwritable-strings
to be
    CFLAGS += $(CLEVEL) -mcpu=pentium
we also needed to copy the file <br>
    link.LinuxRH.mk to link.Ubuntu.mk

Latest revision as of 14:55, 31 August 2008

Getting the analysis software

Minimal CLAS software for EG1 analysis

download BOS file utilities from the CLAS/packages CVS repositroy

download files from the JLAB CVS repository using the command

type the command below in order to tell CVS to use ssh

setenv CVS_RSH ssh

if you have an account on the JLAB computers you can do

cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/fpack

where USERNAME is your JLab username

The above will download packages from JLAB's CVS repository

I only needed the following subdirectories under the "packages" subdirectory to compile the EG1 reader code.

cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/fpack
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/cms
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/Makefile
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/bosio
cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/include

unless the environmental variable OS_NAME is set the Makefile will default to Linux.

Then "cd" to the "packages" subdirectory and type "make"

If you get the error

cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-fwritable-strings"

then you need to remove this depreceated switch from the file


near line 45 in the above file change

CFLAGS += $(CLEVEL) -fwritable-strings 



Re-type "make" within the "packages subdirectory if you got the above error.

otherwise look in the lib subdirectory and see if you have make the fpack library

packages >ls ../lib/Linux/ bosiodiff.o bosiodump.o bosioserver.o bosiosubjob.o libbosio.a libfpack.a

Download the EG1 dsts library

now checkout the EG1 dst library after moving up a subdirectory back to the "CLAS" subdirectory.

cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co eg1_dst/dstlib

Before you can compile the EG1 software using "make" set environmental variable telling the makefile where to look for the Makefile scripts

setenv CLAS_CMS /home/tforest/src/CLAS/packages/cms

An also tell the dst make file where to put the libraries it is going to built

setenv TOP_DIR /home/tforest/src/CLAS

Now go to the dstlib subdirectory

cd eg1_dst/dstlib

and type

make lib

you should see the dst library in the CLAS/lib subdirectory dstlib >ls ../../lib/Linux/ bosiodiff.o bosioserver.o dst_read.o libdstlib.a bosiodump.o bosiosubjob.o libbosio.a libfpack.a dstlib >

Compile the dstdump utility

now lets compile a program to read the contents of an EG1 dst file called dstdump

return to the CLAS subdirectory

cd ../../

checkout dtsdump

 cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co eg1_dst/dstdump

you will also need header include files from packages/bosio to compile dstdump

 cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/bosio
 cvs -td :ext:USERNAME@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/include

You will need to tell the Makefile where to look for the bosio headers by setting the environmental below

setenv CLAS_PACK /home/tforest/src/CLAS/packages

go the dstdump subdirectory and compile dstdump by typing "make"

cd eg1_dst/dstdump/

if you get teh erro message

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldstlib

Then you need to edit the Makefile in eg1_dst/dstdump so the line

DSTLIB = -L$(CLAS_LIB) -L$(TOP_DIR)/lib/LinuxRH7 -ldstlib

points to the CLAS/lib/Linux subdirectory or whatever OS name you are using inder CLAS/lib I changed mine to

DSTLIB = -L$(CLAS_LIB) -L$(TOP_DIR)/lib/Linux -ldstlib

and set the CLAS_LIB environemental variable

setenv CLAS_LIB /home/tforest/src/CLAS/lib/Linux

now when you type "make" under the subdirectory eg1_dst/dstdump you should get and executable

I got the following file from JLAB


then I ran dstdump with a switch to dump out events

dstdump >dstdump -dump 5 ~/dst28509_00.B00 -dump 15 | less

EG1 DST Histogramer HistDST

The EG1 dsts reader is used to uncompress the EG1 DST data files for analysis. The DST library has at least 3 version now so you must use the correct DST library with your data file.

The source code for HistDST can be checked out from cvs with the following command

cvs -td :ext:tforest@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co eg1_dst/HistDST

You will need to install the c_bos_io package so "cd" to the CLAS subdirectory and do

cvs -td :ext:tforest@cvs.jlab.org:/group/clas/clas_cvs co packages/c_bos_io

then "cd" to the packages subdirectory and type "make"

go to the eg1/HistDST subdirectory

you need to set environmental variables so you can load the CERN libraris

setenv CERN_ROOT /home/tforest/src/CLAS/eg1_dst/HistDST

UNIX software

apt-get install paw apt-get install paw++ apt-get install xemacs

Getting Data files from JLAB

downloading to offsite place

scp tforest@ftp.jlab.org:/cache/mss/clas/eg1b/production/pass1/v1/4p2gev/misc/dst/dst28181_03.B00 ~/data/

running on JLAB farm

Contents of EG1 DST files

Name BOS bank Description
p_id EVNT.ID Particle ID 1= electron ...
1= electron
2= proton
3= neutron
4= [math]\pi^+[/math]
5= [math]\pi^-[/math]
6= [math]K^+[/math]
7= [math]K^-[/math]
8= deuteron
9= Helium 3
10= Helium 4
11= photon
12= positron
p_x EVNT.P*EVNT.dir_cos[o] Momentum in X direction
p_y EVNT.P*EVNT.dir_cos[1] Momentum in Y direction
p_z EVNT.P*EVNT.dir_cos[2] Momentum along beam pipe
v_x EVNT.vertex[0] position of vertex in X
v_y EVNT.vertex[1] in Y
v_z EVNT.vertex[2] in Z
q EVNT.Charge Particle's Charge
beta EVNT.Beta Beta particle
sector DCPB.SCTR or ECPB.ScHT or LCPB.ScHT or SCPB.ScPdHT sector
chi_sqr DCPB.Chi2 track goodness of fit
cc_pe CCPB.Nphe/10 number of photoelectrons in Cerenkov detector
cc_chi_sqr CCPB.Chi2CC geometrical matching angle between CC hit and nearest SC hit(in rad)
trl1_theta TRL1.DC1 angle on tracking layer one
trl1_phi TRL1.DC1 angle
trl1_x TRL1.DC1_pos[0] position at first DC layer in X
trl1_y TRL1.DC1_pos[1] position at first DC layer in Y
trl1_z TRL1.DC1_pos[2] position at first DC layer in Z
sc_e SCPB.Edep energy deposited in the scintillator
ec_in ECPB.Ein energy deposited into inner part of electron calorimeter
ec_out ECPB.Eout into outer part of electron calorimeter
ec_tot ECPB.Etot total energy deposited into calorimeter
ec_pos_x ECPB.Position[0] the position in electron calorimeter in X
ec_pos_y ECPB.Position[1] the position in electron calorimeter in Y
ec_pos_z ECPB.Position[2] the position in electron calorimeter in Z
ec_m2hit ECPB.M2_hit second moment hit pattern in the calorimeter
sc_paddle SCPB.ScPdHt SC paddle number
tdc_time SCPB.Time flight time
track_length SCPB.Path track length
flag based on EVNT.Status and TRL1.hits If value is > 10 then 6 superlayer were used in track fit
sc_x DCPB.SCplane[0] intersection with SC plane in X
sc_y DCPB.SCplane[1] intersection with SC plane in Y
sc_z DCPB.SCplane[2] intersection with SC plane in Z
sc_cx DCPB.SCdir_cos[0] direction cosine in X at SC plane
sc_cy DCPB.SCdir_cos[1] direction cosine in Y at SC plane
sc_cz DCPB.SCdir_cos[2] direction in Z

ROOT color pallete

const Int_t colNum = 6 ;
Int_t palette[colNum] ;
for(Int_t i=0;i<colNum;i++) palette[i]=colNum-i+1;

  1. set ROOTSYS to the `root' directory:

sh family:

export ROOTSYS=<path>/root

csh family:

setenv ROOTSYS <path>/root
  1. now type the build commands: all shells:
./configure --help
./configure [<arch>]      [set arch appropriately if not default]
(g)make                   [or, make -j2 for dual CPU machines]
  1. add $ROOTSYS/bin to PATH and $ROOTSYS/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

sh family:

export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH

csh family:

setenv PATH ${ROOTSYS}/bin:${PATH}
  1. try running root: all shells:



fwriteable-strings error

cclose.c -o /home/didbtama/src/CLAS/obj/Linux/fpack/cclose.o
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-fwritable-strings" 

To get rid of this error we copied flags.LinuxRH.mk to flags.Ubuntu.mk and changed line

     CFLAGS += $(CLEVEL) -mcpu=pentium -fwritable-strings

to be

    CFLAGS += $(CLEVEL) -mcpu=pentium 

we also needed to copy the file

   link.LinuxRH.mk to link.Ubuntu.mk