R5718-5716 Ba133Analysis

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Coincidence lines for Ba-133

  1. 276 && 306 keV lines http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nsr/nsrlink.jsp?1995JU02
  2. Ba-132 83 && 360 http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nsr/nsrlink.jsp?1996KU01 http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nsr/nsrlink.jsp?2002GA01
  3. Ba-132 383 && 515 http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nsr/nsrlink.jsp?1975GI11

Run list

Run Description
5716 Coincidences for Ba-133 10 uCi source. The CFD widths were 10 nsec making the coincidence window 20 nsec. running time 7 hrs , 33 min, 14sec. Rate was 1 Hz
5718 Logic Unit in OR mode for Ba-133 10 uCi source. The CFD widths were 10 nsec making the coincidence window 20 nsec. running time 2 min, 5 sec. Rate was 4 kHz

R5716-5718 Ba-133Coinc.png

Singles Run 5718 Analsysis

Photons from the source

ntuple->Draw("(ADC5-62.1537)/2.82207 >>(4096,0,4096)")

Photon Energy (keV) Description

Coincidence Run 5716 Analysis
