R5718-5716 Ba133Analysis

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Ba-133 source lines

Ba-133 ecapture.png

Ba-133 undergoes electron capture to Cs-133. 86% of the time it ends up in the 1/2+ , 437 keV excited state of Cs-133.

Energy(keV) Intensity(rel)
53.1625( 6) 2.199(22)
79.6139(13) 2.62( 6)
80.9971(12) 34.06(27)
160.6109(17) 0.645( 8)
223.2373(14) 0.450( 4)
276.3997(13) 7.164(22)
302.8510( 6) 18.33( 6)
356.0134( 6) 62.05(19)
383.8480(12) 8.94( 3)

Run list

Run Description
5716 Coincidences for Ba-133 10 uCi source. The CFD widths were 10 nsec making the coincidence window 20 nsec. running time 7 hrs , 33 min, 14sec. Rate was 1 Hz
5718 Logic Unit in OR mode for Ba-133 10 uCi source. The CFD widths were 10 nsec making the coincidence window 20 nsec. running time 2 min, 5 sec. Rate was 4 kHz

R5716-5718 Ba-133Coinc.png

Singles Run 5718 Analysis

Photons from the source

ntuple->Draw("(ADC5-62.1537)/2.82207 >>(4096,0,4096)")

ntuple->Draw("(ADC9-39.8)/2.61747 >>(4096,0,4096)")

Did not observe the 53,79,160, 223, lines

Photon Energy (keV) Description
82 Strong, probably the 80.9971 line from the 5/2+ to 7/2+ Cs-133 transition
277 Medium, probably the 276.3997 line from the 1/2+(437 keV) to the 5/2+ (161 keV) Cs-133 transition
303 Medium, probably the 302.8510 line from the 3/2+(383 keV) to 5/2+ (81 keV) Cs-133 transition
356 Strong, likely the 356.0134 line from the 1/2+(437 keV) to 5/2+ (81 keV) Cs-133 transition
384 Medium, likely the 383.8480 line from the 3/2+ (383 keV) excited state of Cs-133 to the ground state
510 Weak
1277 Possibly Na-22 there is a 511 keV line.
1460 Possibly Eu-148 or Tm-168. Eu-148 has a very strong line at 630 keV and 550 keV but it is not seen. Tm-168 has a strong line at 731 but this is not observed.

Coincidence Run 5716 Analysis

[math]E_{\gamma}[/math] Coincidence (decay time in seconds)
53.1622 79.6142 (2.16E-10), 80.9979 (6.49E-9), 160.6120 (2.16E-10), 223.2368 (4.39E-11), 302.8508 (4.39E-11), 383.8485 (4.39E-11)
79.6142 53.1622 (2.16E-10), 80.9979 (6.28E-9), 223.2368 (1.72E-10), 276.3989 (1.72E-10)
80.9979 53.1622 (6.49E-9), 79.6142 (6.28E-9), 223.2368 (6.45E-9), 276.3989 (6.45E-9), 302.8508 (6.28E-9), 356.0129 (6.28E-9)
160.6120 53.1622 (2.16E-10), 223.2368 (1.72E-10), 276.3989 (1.72E-10)
223.2368 53.1622 (4.39E-11), 79.6142 (1.72E-10), 80.9979 (6.45E-9), 160.6120 (1.72E-10)
276.3989 79.6142 (1.72E-10), 80.9979 (6.45E-9), 160.6120 (1.72E-10)
302.8508 53.1622 (4.39E-11), 80.9979 (6.28E-9)
356.0129 80.9979 (6.28E-9)
383.8485 53.1622 (4.39E-11)

The 81 keV and 356 keV lines are the strongest and, when they occur in coincidence, represent the transition from the 436 keV excited state of Cs-133 to the 81 keV excited state and then the ground state.

If I put a cut on the strongest line (356 keV) and ask what photon energies are observed in coincidence with the other HpGe detector I see the spectrum

R5715 356Coin.png

The 83, 276, 302, and 356 lines are observed when a 200 nsec coincidence window is required.

276.3997(13) 7.164(22)

302.8510( 6)     18.33( 6)
356.0134( 6)     62.05(19)

  1. 276 && 306 keV lines http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nsr/nsrlink.jsp?1995JU02
  2. Ba-132 83 && 360 http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nsr/nsrlink.jsp?1996KU01 http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nsr/nsrlink.jsp?2002GA01
  3. Ba-132 383 && 515 http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nsr/nsrlink.jsp?1975GI11
