OptiM32 HRRL PositronDesign

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Optim32 beamline design software




Quick Start

The instruction below assume you have successfully installed the software above.

Creat the *.in files

On the windows machine you can open the file below which represent one design for the HRRL positron source

File:Optim32 HRRL Design Script V1.0.txt

save the above file as HRRL.opt.

The launch the Optim executable by double clicking.

After it is launched click on the "file" menu in the GUI and select the "Open" menu item to choose the file HRRL.opt.

After it is loaded you should see the following below.

Optim QS Step1.png

If you click on the icon with the [math]\beta \psi[/math] symbols (9th button from the end of the tool bar) you can get a plot of the beam dispersion