October 22, 2008

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Unpolarized Measurents:

A 2x4x8" aluminum brick was placed at the HRRL export in order to destroy the photon polarization. Rate measurements were made with the descriminator and HV settings used the past week. Then the constant fraction descriminator was replaced with a threshold descriminator on two detectors but not the reference detector.

ADC =0 => Reference Detector D

ADC = 1 => NaI

ADC=2 => Detector C

ADC = 3 => Detector A

channel # * 0.1675 ns/chan => ns

Default HV and CF descriminator

Matched HV and Threshold Descriminator

2 Runs were taken with the following settings

100 ms Threshold descrimnaotr

[math]HV_{Det A}[/math] =

[math]HV_{Det_C}[/math] =

Run 234

NaI spectrum monitoring the photon flux during run 234





If I normalize using the Reference detector I see

Run234DetAsideOverRef.gif Run234DetCupOverRef.gif

If I normalize using the NaI detector I see:

Run234DetAsideNorm.gif Run234DetCupNorm.gif

The Difference and Asymmetry measurements.

Run234AsideSubCupNorm.gif Run234AsymAsideCupNorm.gif

The above is just an example of how to analyze the data. Students should take my bad example and improve upon it.

The program I used to generate the above pictures from a ROOT file is given below.

I used the "PhotoFis->MakeClass()" command within root to generate the skeleton program which has 2 files called Media:PhotoFis.h.txt and Media:PhotoFis.C.txt.

You define your histogram variables and the file you are opening to analyze in the file Media:PhotoFis.h.txt.

see the lines which look like

  TH1F *NaiInt229, *RefDetRun229, *Aup, *Cside, *Nai229, *Unity;
  TH1F *NaiInt234, *RefDetRun234, *Aside, *Cup, *Nai234;
  TH1F *AsideOverRefDetRun234, *CupOverRefDet234, , *AupOverRefDet229, *CsideOverRefDet229;
  TH1F *AsideNormSubCupNorm, *AsideNormAddCupNorm, *AsymAsideNormCupNorm;
     TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("DetCup_10_10_08_00234.root");
     if (!f) {
        f = new TFile("DetCup_10_10_08_00234.root");

You create your histograms, loop over the ntuple entries , and perform histogram operations in the file Media:PhotoFis.C.txt

Run 229

NaI spectrum monitoring the photon flux during run 229

The root commands

root [24] TH1F *RefDetRun229=new TH1F("RefDetRun229","RefDetRun229",800,0,800);
root [25] PhotoFis->Draw("evt.ADCval*0.1675 >> RefDetRun229","evt.ADCnum==0 && evt.LastADCval>0");

Will create histogram with 800 channels and 800 bins so we have 1 bin per channel (ns).

Run229RefDet.gif Run229DetAup.gif Run229DetCside.gif

To normalize the data you need to integrate the NaI histogram. To do this a skeleton program is creates using ROOT which will loop through the ROOT ntuple using the command


You will see a file called PhotoFis.C after you execute the above command within the ROOT interpreter window.

300 px 300 px 300 px


Now do Asym plots using the same detector normalize by the Reference detector in one case and the NaI detector in another.

H20 runs

run 136

Det A on side

uses file 194.lst

run 140

Det A on top

http://www.iac.isu.edu/mediawiki/index.php/October_Fission_HRRL_Measurements_2008 go back