Mlr Summ TF

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Moller Summary

Scattering Xsect

[math]\frac{d\sigma}{d\Omega}=\frac{ e^4 }{8E^2}\left \{\frac{1+cos^4\frac{\theta}{2}}{sin^4\frac{\theta}{2}}+\frac{1+sin^4\frac{\theta}{2}}{cos^4\frac{\theta}{2}}+\frac{2}{sin^2\frac{\theta}{2}cos^2\frac{\theta}{2}} \right \}[/math]

Theory Frame Moller CM Frame
Figure 3a: A plot of the number of Moller scattering angle theta in the center of mass frame versus the theoretical differential cross section. The width of the bins is 0.001 degrees for the angles in the center of mass frame corresponding to angles of 5 to 40 degrees in the lab frame. A weight has been assigned for each value in theta which will give the theoretical differential cross section when applied.
Theory Lab Frame Moller Frame
Figure 3b: A plot of the number of Moller scattering angle theta in the lab frame versus the theoretical differential cross section. The width of the bins is 0.5 degrees for the angles in the lab frame. A weight has been assigned for each value in theta which will give the theoretical differential cross section when applied.

Weight the E-vs-Theta plot with Xsect
Moller Electron Energy vs Angle Theta in Lab Frame
Figure 2: Using the theoretical differential cross section, the distribution of Moller electrons for a CM energy of approximately 53Mev can be distributed through the CM scattering angle Theta. Using Lorentz transformations, these distributions can be transformed to the lab frame. At around 60 degrees in the lab the Moller electron has an energy of close to 1 MeV. Such a low energy does not allow the Moller electron to leave the constrains of the target where they are created.


Moller events using an lH2 target geometry No Raster

DC hits -vs- Solenoid

Starting the clas12 Moller simulation with a simple configuration, most components downstream with respect to the drift chambers are taken out of the gcard file. The remaining components, the Drift Chamber (DC), the Solenoid, and the Magnetic Components (CAD) are all that remain as shown below. The Torus field is held at zero Tesla, and the Solenoid field strength is increased from 0 to it's max of 5T.

Moller Electron Energy vs Angle Theta in Lab Frame
Figure 2: With the Torus strength at zero Telsa, the solenoid is varied to show the hits within the DC moving off the faces of R1. These hits consist of primary Moller electrons, as well as secondary electrons and photons created by the Moller electrons.

As the Solenoid field strength increases, the Moller electrons are forced to into a helical path of decreasing radius, effectively "rotating" off the DC face. However, as the field reaches maximum, there are still particles which are found at higher values of [math]\theta[/math] that would have been expected to have remained after the effects of the Solenoid. To understand the causes of this phenomena, the hits on Region 1 can be broken into the most common types of particles that are detected; Primary Moller electrons and secondary electrons and photons caused by the Moller electron. Looking more closely at this particle makeup as the solenoid field is increased, we can see that the ratio of primary electrons to total hits decreases while the ratio of photons to total hits increases.

Moller Electron Energy vs Angle Theta in Lab Frame
Figure 2: The relative ratio of primary Moller electrons to total hits in S1R1 decreases as the solenoid field strength is increased.

ComparingOppositeFields S1 PhiThetaHits.png

Without Magnet Components

ComparingMagnetComponents S1 PhiThetaHits.png

ChangingSolenoidRates wo Magnets.png

With Only S1R1 DC
What are the particles in the R1S1 only plot and where are they from

ComparingDCcomponents S1 PhiThetaHits.png

ComparingDCEndplates S1 PhiThetaHits.png

Moller Electron Events(1st hits)

S1 50nA PrimaryElectronSigmasWeightedRates Full.png

Photons Hits in R1

S1 PhiThetaGammaHits Full.png


S1 PhiThetaGammaVertex wo MagnetComponents.png


Moller events using an dual polarized target geometry with Raster

Photon Hits in R1 when Raster size has radius of 0.2 cm

Moller rate -vs- length of a single taerget

0.5 cm radius -vs- Z

Target is a one 0.5 cm radius cylinder of length Z.

By how much does the moller rate change at full field ?

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