Mlr Summ TF

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Moller Summary

Scattering Xsect

Moller Electron Angle Theta in Lab Frame
Figure 2b: GEANT4 Simulation for the Moller electron scattering angle theta distribution for 6E6 incident 11 GeV electrons in the Lab frame of reference. The LH2 target reduces the mean free path of the Moller electron to around 60 degrees in the lab frame. This property of limiting the Moller angle is independent of the target length.

[math]\frac{d\sigma}{d\Omega}=\frac{ e^4 }{8E^2}\left \{\frac{1+cos^4\frac{\theta}{2}}{sin^4\frac{\theta}{2}}+\frac{1+sin^4\frac{\theta}{2}}{cos^4\frac{\theta}{2}}+\frac{2}{sin^2\frac{\theta}{2}cos^2\frac{\theta}{2}} \right \}[/math]


Theory Frame Moller CM Frame
Figure 4a: A plot of the number of Moller scattering angle theta in the center of mass frame versus the theoretical differential cross section. The width of the bins is 0.001 degrees for the angles in the center of mass frame corresponding to angles of 5 to 40 degrees in the lab frame. A weight has been assigned for each value in theta which will give the theoretical differential cross section when applied.
Theory Lab Frame Moller Frame
Figure 4b: A plot of the number of Moller scattering angle theta in the lab frame versus the theoretical differential cross section. The width of the bins is 0.5 degrees for the angles in the lab frame. A weight has been assigned for each value in theta which will give the theoretical differential cross section when applied.


Moller events using an lH2 target geometry No Raster



Magnet Components




DC hits -vs- Solenoid

With the Torus at zero Magnetic field the solenoid is changes to show how moller electrons move off the faces of R1 DC.

With Magnet Components

ChangingRates S1 PhiThetaHits Full.png


ComparingOppositeFields S1 PhiThetaHits.png

Without Magnet Components

ComparingMagnetComponents S1 PhiThetaHits.png

ChangingSolenoidRates wo Magnets.png

With Only S1R1 DC
What happens when Endplate material is vacuum?

ComparingDCcomponents S1 PhiThetaHits.png

Moller Electron Events(1st hits)

S1 50nA PrimaryElectronSigmasWeightedRates Full.png

Photons Hits in R1

S1 PhiThetaGammaHits Full.png


S1 PhiThetaGammaVertex wo MagnetComponents.png


Moller events using an dual polarized target geometry with Raster

Photon Hits in R1 when Raster size has radius of 0.2 cm

Moller rate -vs- length of a single taerget

0.5 cm radius -vs- Z

Target is a one 0.5 cm radius cylinder of length Z.

By how much does the moller rate change at full field ?

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