MiniPrototype SinglesCosmicRuns 2008

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Use singles Cosmic events to measure rate differences between Metalica and Plastica


  • Plastica and Metalica are stacked on top of each other. High Voltage and ionization gas are connected in parallel.
  • A discriminator is connector to the amplified output (an on board preamp and the VPI Post amp) of sense wire 4.
  • The discriminator output is connected to a VME scaler.

Proposed Tests

  1. Measure the singles rate as a function of DC high voltage
  2. Measure the singles rate as a function of Discriminator Threshold


The DC high voltage is on. The DC outputs of Plastika and Metalica from sense wire 4 are connected to the Model 777 Octal Variable Gain Amplifier.

HV settings
Wire Volts
Sense 1450
Field -725
Guard 725

Scope picture below shows the Noise level on the DC measured in infinite persist time mode.

Scope pictures representing the cosmic signals from Plastika and Metalica(Amplifier is connected)

  • Plastika

Plastika output wire 4 amplifier HV on 1450V 9-05-2008 1.png
Plastika output wire 4 amplifier HV on 1450V 9-05-2008 2.png
Plastika output wire 4 amplifier HV on 1450V 9-05-2008 3.png

  • Metalica

Metalica output wire 4 amplifier HV on 1450V 9-05-2008 1.png
Metalica output wire 4 amplifier HV on 1450V 9-05-2008 2.png
Metalica output wire 4 amplifier HV on 1450V 9-05-2008 3.png

Rate -vs- Discriminator Threshold

Gas is ArCo2 . 75/25 mixture

HV settings
Wire Volts
Sense 1700
Field -850
Guard 850

Threshold (mV) Metalica (Events/hr) Plastika (Events/hr) Coincidence
300 701 [math]\pm \sqrt{\frac{1.04194}{730}}[/math] 627 [math]\pm \sqrt{\frac{1.04194}{653}}[/math]
300 560 [math]\pm \sqrt{\frac{1.01639}{569}}[/math] 570 [math]\pm \sqrt{\frac{1.01639}{579}}[/math]
310 [math]592 \pm 11[/math] [math]500 \pm 24[/math]
325 [math]528 \pm 65[/math] [math]465 \pm 30[/math] 32
350 [math]421 \pm 48[/math] [math]379 \pm 40[/math]
400 [math]305[/math] [math]235[/math] 31

Gas is ArCo2 . 90/10 mixture

HV settings
Wire Volts
Sense 1450
Field -725
Guard 725

Threshold (mV) Metalica (Events/hr) Plastika (Events/hr) Coincidence (Event/hr)
100 1915 1912 27(90)
100 2148 1799 13(36)
100 1885 1758 13(37)
100 2012 1912 32(91)
100 1905 1754 8(25)
150 671 588 8(14)
150 645 596 11(11)
150 634 596 19(19)
150 629 563 13(13)
150 634 550 5(5)
175 361 358 27(20)
175 380 329 14(14)
175 396 329 15(14)
175 391 344 10(10)
200 286 256 28(25)?
200 291 232 6(4)
200 291 251 7(6)
250 122 120 34(2)

Threshold (mV) Metalica (Events/hr) Plastika (Events/hr) Coincidence (Event/hr)
100 [math]1973 \pm 98[/math] [math]1827 \pm 71[/math]
150 [math]643 \pm 15[/math] [math]583 \pm 17[/math]
175 [math]382 \pm 13[/math] [math]340 \pm 12[/math]
200 [math]289 \pm 2[/math] [math]246 \pm 10[/math]
250 122 120

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