Metalica TestPulseoutput 12-20-07

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Revision as of 16:50, 21 December 2007 by Oborn (talk | contribs)
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Tamuna and I test the DC preamp + postamp output using a pulse generator to create a 40 mV levelpulse that was 10 ns wide in order to simulate a pulse from the drift chamber proto-type.

This time we used Metalica but the results are not so different.

The bottom line appears to be that we get a x4 attenuation and not a net amplification deispite our efforts the change the configuration for the better. We also not that channels 1-11 of the postamp proto type attenuate by a factor of four but channels 12-16

The coltage was changed

Metalica 160mv input-postamp out 3.7v.jpgMetalica 160mv input-postamp out 5v.jpgMetalica 160mv input-postamp out 5.1v.jpgMetalica 160mv input-postamp out 5.2v.jpg Metalica 160mv input-postamp out 5.3v.jpgMetalica 160mv input-postamp out 5.4v.jpgMetalica 160mv input-postamp out 5.5v.jpg Metalica 160mv input-postamp out 5.6v.jpgMetalica 160mv input-postamp out 5.7v.jpgMetalica 160mv input-postamp out 5.8v.jpg Metalica 160mv input-postamp out 6v.jpg
