Kiwi Dipole Mappings

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File:Kiwi Dipole Magnet Mappings.pdf

1st Mapping

Tag Number: 079220

Bending magnet that was to be used with LCS (compact magnets) The horizontal and vertical tranlator have a range for 150 mm i.e. 15 cm.

Power on I = 20.4 A

x (mm) y (mm) B (kG)
127 0 [math] -6.7 \times 10^{-2} [/math]
127 10 -0.106
127 20 -0.169
127 30 -0.2729
127 40 -0.448
127 50 -0.728
127 60 -0.97
127 70 -1.025
127 80 -1.029
127 90 -1.03
127 100 -1.029
127 110 -1.028
127 120 -1.028
127 130 -1.028
127 140 -1.028
127 150 -1.028
y = 150 mm is roughly center of the bend.
127 150 -1.028
127 140 -1.031
127 130 -1.0342
127 120 -1.036
127 110 -1.036
127 100 -1.036
127 90 -1.036
127 80 -1.0355
127 70 -1.03
127 60 -0.977
127 50 -0.7354
127 40 -0.4527
127 30 -0.275
127 20 -0.17
127 10 -0.1066
127 0 -0.0673
x (mm) y (mm) B (kG)
127 0 [math] -0.0672 [/math]
127 10 -0.1062
127 20 -0.1699
127 30 -0.2738
127 40 -0.449
127 50 -0.7283 edge of poles 100 px
127 60 -0.9712
127 70 -1.0253
127 80 -1.03
127 90 -1.03
127 100 -1.0298
127 110 -1.028
127 120 -1.0285
127 130 -1.0286
127 140 -1.0282
127 150 -1.0278

     y (mm)      B (kG)   error B (kG)
    0.00000    -0.06717     0.00015
   10.00000    -0.10627     0.00031
   20.00000    -0.16963     0.00055
   30.00000    -0.27390     0.00105
   40.00000    -0.44990     0.00248
   50.00000    -0.73057     0.00419
   60.00000    -0.97273     0.00374
   70.00000    -1.02677     0.00280
   80.00000    -1.03150     0.00350
   90.00000    -1.03200     0.00346
  100.00000    -1.03160     0.00383
  110.00000    -1.03067     0.00462
  120.00000    -1.03083     0.00448
  130.00000    -1.03027     0.00342
  140.00000    -1.02907     0.00168
  150.00000    -1.02793     0.00012

Mapping Figure 079220 X127 I204A.png

X at 127, Y at 150

x (mm) y (mm) I B (kG)
127 150 20.1 -1.0279
127 150 30.1 -1.53
127 150 25.1 -1.2916
127 150 20.1 -1.0359
127 150 15 -0.781
127 150 10 -0.534
127 150 5 -0.277
127 150 0 -0.017
127 150 0 -0.01726
127 150 5 -0.266
127 150 10 -0.518
127 150 15 -0.7713
127 150 20 -1.02
127 150 25 -1.272
127 150 30 -1.52

  I (Amps)    B (kG)    error B (kG)
   0.00000   -0.01713    0.00018
   5.00000   -0.27150    0.00778
  10.00000   -0.52600    0.01131
  15.00000   -0.77615    0.00686
  20.00000   -1.02795    0.01124
  25.00000   -1.28180    0.01386
  30.00000   -1.52500    0.00707

Mapping Figure 079220 X127 Y150.png

Vertical Scan

Power on I = 20 A

Gap width [math] \approx [/math]5cm.

x (mm) y (mm) B (kG)
135 (lower edge) 150 -1.0369
132 150 -1.0379
129 150 -1.0382
126 150 -1.0384
123 150 -1.0385
120 150 -1.0386
118 150 -1.0387
116 150 -1.0388
114 150 -1.039

   x (mm)      y(mm)       B(kG)
  135.0000   150.0000    -1.0369
  132.0000   150.0000    -1.0379
  129.0000   150.0000    -1.0382
  126.0000   150.0000    -1.0384
  123.0000   150.0000    -1.0385
  120.0000   150.0000    -1.0386
  118.0000   150.0000    -1.0387
  116.0000   150.0000    -1.0388
  114.0000   150.0000    -1.0390

Mapping Figure 079220 X127 I120.png

Horizontal Scan

go for X = 124.5, y = 150 (dipole center), I = 20 A.

x (mm) y (mm) I (A) B (kG)
124.5 150 20 -1.0388
124.5 140 20 -1.04
124.5 130 20 -1.04
124.5 120 20 -1.0409
124.5 110 20 -1.041
124.5 100 20 -1.0411
124.5 90 20 -1.041
124.5 80 20 -1.0408
124.5 70 20 -1.355 This data is problematic.
124.5 60 20 -0.9799
124.5 50 20 -0.74
124.5 40 20 -0.457
124.5 30 20 -0.2776
124.5 20 20 -0.1718
124.5 0 20 -0.0684

Figure according to the data above. There is problem when y = 70 mm. Mapping Figure 079220 X1245 I20 original.png

   x (mm)      y  (mm)       I (A)      B  (kG)   
  124.50000   150.00000    20.00000    -1.03880
  124.50000   140.00000    20.00000    -1.04000
  124.50000   130.00000    20.00000    -1.04000
  124.50000   120.00000    20.00000    -1.04090
  124.50000   110.00000    20.00000    -1.04100
  124.50000   100.00000    20.00000    -1.04110
  124.50000    90.00000    20.00000    -1.04100
  124.50000    80.00000    20.00000    -1.04080
  124.50000    70.00000    20.00000    -1.03550
  124.50000    60.00000    20.00000    -0.97990
  124.50000    50.00000    20.00000    -0.74000
  124.50000    40.00000    20.00000    -0.45700
  124.50000    30.00000    20.00000    -0.27760
  124.50000    20.00000    20.00000    -0.17180
  124.50000     0.00000    20.00000    -0.06840

Figure according to the data above. The problem when y = 70 mm is changed to -1.0355 Mapping Figure 079220 X1245 I20 amended.png

Power on X = 124.5, Y = 150

x (mm) y (mm) I (A) B (kG)
124.5 150 0 -0.0123
124.5 150 5 -0.2676
124.5 150 10 -0.516
124.5 150 15 -0.771
124.5 150 20 -1.028
124.5 150 25 -1.2735
124.5 150 30 -1.5217
124.5 150 30 -1.5218
124.5 150 25 -1.287
124.5 150 20 -1.037
124.5 150 15 -0.7855
124.5 150 10 -0.5313
124.5 150 5 -0.2747
124.5 150 0 -0.0164

    I (A)      B(kG)    error B(kG) 
  30.00000   -1.52175    0.00007
  25.00000   -1.28025    0.00955
  20.00000   -1.03250    0.00636
  15.00000   -0.77825    0.01025
  10.00000   -0.52365    0.01082
   5.00000   -0.27115    0.00502
   0.00000   -0.01435    0.00290

Mapping Figure 079220 X1245 Y150 amended.png

Tag Number: 42125

x (mm) y (mm) I (A) B (kG)
0 0 Power off [math]-3 \times 10^{-4}[/math]
0 0 20 [math]-6 \times 10^{-3}[/math]
111.75 0 20 [math] 0.0405[/math]

x (mm) y (mm) I (A) B (kG)
111.75 10 20 0.0637
111.75 20 20 0.102
111.75 30 20 0.1675
111.75 40 20 0.2774
111.75 50 20 0.4654
111.75 60 20 0.756
111.75 70 20 0.9898
111.75 80 20 1.0312
111.75 90 20 1.0358
111.75 100 20 1.0362
111.75 110 20 1.0363
111.75 120 20 1.0363
111.75 130 20 1.0362
111.75 140 20 1.036
111.75 150 20 1.036
111.75 0 20 0.0402
111.75 10 20 0.0635
111.75 20 20 0.1022
111.75 30 20 0.1674
111.75 40 20 0.2773
111.75 50 20 0.4652
111.75 60 20 0.755
111.75 70 20 0.9828
111.75 80 20 1.0312
111.75 90 20 1.0358
111.75 100 20 1.0362
111.75 110 20 1.0362
111.75 120 20 1.03625
111.75 130 20 1.0362
111.75 140 20 1.036
111.75 150 20 1.036

x (mm) y (mm) I (A) B (kG)
111.75 150 0 0.0076
111.75 150 5 0.263
111.75 150 10 0.52
111.75 150 15 0.7754
111.75 150 20 1.0313
111.75 150 25 1.2869
111.75 150 30 1.5389
111.75 150 30 1.5389
111.75 150 25 1.3
111.75 150 20 1.0484
111.75 150 15 0.7945
111.75 150 10 0.534
111.75 150 5 0.276
111.75 150 0 0.01386

x (mm) y (mm) I (A) B (kG)
123.25 150 20 1.0339
120.25.25 150 20 1.0338
117.25 150 20 1.034
114.25 150 20 1.034
111.25 150 20 1.0342
111.25 150 20 1.0343
108.25 150 20 1.0342
105.25 150 20 1.0343
102.25 150 20 1.0344
99.25 150 20 1.03435

x (mm) y (mm) I (A) B (kG)
111.25 150 20 1.0339
111.25 0 20 0.04
111.25 10 20 0.0633
111.25 20 20 0.102
111.25 30 20 0.1671
111.25 40 20 0.2767
111.25 50 20 0.4643
111.25 60 20 0.7544
111.25 70 20 0.9818
111.25 80 20 1.0295
111.25 90 20 1.034
111.25 100 20 1.0344
111.25 110 20 1.0345
111.25 120 20 1.0345
111.25 130 20 1.0345
111.25 140 20 4.0343
111.25 150 20 10.342
111.25 0 20 0.04
111.25 10 20 0.0632
111.25 20 20 0.1018
111.25 30 20 0.1669
111.25 40 20 0.2767
111.25 50 20 0.4639
111.25 60 20 0.754
111.25 70 20 0.9816
111.25 80 20 1.0294
111.25 90 20 1.034
111.25 100 20 1.0344
111.25 110 20 1.0344
111.25 120 20 1.0344
111.25 130 20 1.0343
111.25 140 20 4.0342
111.25 150 20 10.342

x (mm) y (mm) I (A) B (kG)
111.25 43 mm 0 [math]3.6 \times 10^{-3}[/math]
111.25 43 mm 5 0.0822
111.25 43 mm 10 0.1615
111.25 43 mm 15 0.242
111.25 43 mm 20 0.3227
111.25 43 mm 25 0.4014
111.25 43 mm 30 0.4793
111.25 43 mm 0 [math]2.8 \times 10^{-3}[/math]
111.25 43 mm 5 0.08
111.25 43 mm 10 0.1613
111.25 43 mm 15 0.242
111.25 43 mm 20 0.3215
111.25 43 mm 25 0.4
111.25 43 mm 30 0.4783

2nd Mapping

Bending radius of dipole is 319 mm. The bending radius in measurement is r = 280 mm.

Mapping of the dipole was divided into 3 parts according to the path of the ideal particle. This trajectory of particle with ideal energy should go through a fringe field (approximately straight line) and dipole field (rotation of near 45 degree with dipole bending radius of 319 mm), and another fringe field (approximately straight line). We called them A2 (entering fringe field), Rotation and A1 (Exiting fringe field).


       I= - 6.5 A	I= - 15.25 A	I= - 24 A	I= - 33 A		
Z(mm) 	B (G)	        B (G)	         B (G)	         B (G)		
81.50	-55.2500	-128.3700	200.6800	-273.6085		
82.50	-52.6000	-122.1600	-191.0000	-260.3194		
83.50	-50.0700	-116.2700	-181.7600	-247.6903		
84.50	-47.6700	-110.6800	-173.0100	-235.7135		
85.50	-45.4000	-105.3700	-164.6920			
87.50	-41.1800	-95.5400	-149.2710	-203.2767		
89.50	-37.3800	-86.6600	-135.3760	-184.2830		
91.50	-33.9600	-78.6600	-122.8530	-167.1615		
93.50	-30.8600	-71.4600	-111.5640	-151.7285		
95.50	-28.0800	-64.9700	-101.3870	-137.8432		
98.00	-25.1200	-57.7600	-90.1060	-122.3860		
100.00	-22.8900	-52.6200	-82.0500	-111.3860		
103.00	-19.9800	-45.8400	-71.4230	-96.9286		
105.00	-18.2600	-41.8600	-65.1930	-88.3740		
110.00	-14.6600	-33.5200	-52.1380	-70.5650		
115.00	-11.8500	-27.1700	-41.9210			
120.00	-9.6500 	-22.0600	-34.0260	-45.8887		
130.00	-6.5400 	-14.8400	-22.9290	-30.7577		
140.00	-4.5600	        -10.2500	-15.7670	-21.0309		
150.00	-3.2600	        -7.2600	        -11.0980	-14.7070		


       I= - 6.505 A	I= - 15.25 A		I= - 24 A	        I= - 33 A
Z(mm) 	B (G)	         B (G)		        Z(mm) 	B (G)	        B (G)
137.50	-69.4460	-160.7070		137.50	-252.3900	-342.9800
136.50	-66.4320	-153.7000		136.50	-241.2700	-328.0530
135.50	-63.5170	-146.9330		135.50	-230.6500	-313.6100
134.50	-60.7320	-140.4650		134.50	-220.5150	-299.7060
133.50	-58.0720	-134.2840		133.50	-210.8160	-286.0330
132.50		        -128.3450		133.00	-206.0800	-279.6640
132.00	-54.3030	-125.5330		132.00	-197.0500	-267.3660
131.00	-51.9270	-120.0150		131.00	-188.4130	-255.5850
130.00	-49.6620	-114.7500		130.00	-180.1390	-244.2880
128.00	-45.4210	-104.9110		128.00	-164.6400	-223.1900
126.00	-41.5550	-95.9450		126.00	-150.5300	-204.0060
124.00	-38.0300	-87.7600		124.00	-137.6900	-186.4830
122.00	-34.8100	-80.2900		122.00	-125.9700	-170.5440
120.00	-31.8780	-73.4860		120.00	-115.2900	-156.0020
118.00	-29.2060	-67.2900		118.00	-105.5500	-142.7470
116.00	-26.7690	-61.6400		116.00	-96.6900	-130.6987
114.00	-24.6392	-56.5000		114.00	-88.6240	-119.7218
112.00	-22.6060	-51.5000		112.00	-81.2700	-109.7030
110.00	-20.7550	-47.5500		110.00	-74.5700	-100.6170
105.00	-7.6170	        -38.4870		105.00	-60.3500	-81.2724
100.00	-13.6900	-31.3000		100.00	-49.0700	-65.9450
95.00	-11.2000	-25.6840		95.00	-40.1000	-53.7603
90.00	-9.2140	        -21.1000		90.00	-32.9500	-44.0770
85.00	-7.6170	        -17.4250		85.00	-27.3370	-36.3176
80.00	-6.3283	        -14.4650		80.00	-22.6950	-30.0751
70.00	-4.4300	        -10.1160		70.00	-15.8800	-20.9880
60.00	-3.1525   	-7.2000 		60.00	-11.3140	-14.8445
50.00	-2.2720 	-5.2060 		50.00	-8.1950 	-10.6612
40.00	-1.6530 	-3.8125 		40.00	-6.0240 	-7.7550
30.00	-1.2085 	-2.8200 		30.00	-4.4750 	-5.6980
20.00	-1.8830 	-2.1020 	 	20.00	-3.3570 	-4.2240
10.00	-0.6410 	-1.5740 		10.00	-2.3800 	-3.1460
0.00	-0.4590 	-1.1800 		0.00	-1.9360 	-0.3540