June, 7, 2007 Cf rate measurements using Photonics PMT

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Revision as of 21:09, 7 June 2007 by Oborn (talk | contribs)
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Cf source was placed X cm away from face of PHotonics PMT. The PMT output signal was descriminated by a Lecroy Model # YYY descriminator set to pass any voltage below -0.5 mV. The descriminated output was then sent to a scaler Model ####.

Configuration Definitions

1: Placed the Cf source ## cm from face of Scintillator. neutrons passing through scintillator would also pass through PMT

2: Inserted a ### cm thick steel shielding wall between Scintillator and Cf source. Right up against Scintillator

3: Replaced steel wall with ### cm thick lead shielding brick

4: Replaced lead brick with ### cm thick parafin block

5: Increased thickness of parafin block to #### cm

Configuration Rate (counts/min)
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
3 6
3 6