ISU Coloq 11-3-2014

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Elastic -vs- Inelastic Collisisons

Elastic Collisions: Conserve P and E

Inelastic : Only Conserve P

Definition of Mission Mass

Definition of Momentum Transfer

4-Momentum vector definition using Ryder convention

[math]P_{\mu} \equiv \left ( \frac{E}{c} , - \vec p \right )[/math]
[math]P^{\mu} \equiv \left ( \frac{E}{c} , \vec p \right )[/math]
[math]P_{\mu} P^{\mu} = \left ( \frac{E}{c}\right )^2 - \vec p^2 = E^2-p^2 = m^2[/math] if you define the speed of light as unity

Other conventions used by Perkins
[math]P_{\mu} \equiv \left ( \vec p, -E \right )[/math]
[math]P^{\mu} \equiv \left ( \vec p , E\right )[/math]

or Kollen

[math]P_{\mu} \equiv \left ( \vec p, iE \right )[/math]
[math]P^{\mu} \equiv \left ( \vec p , iE\right )[/math]
