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|3735||3736||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DL.png|100 px]]||1.18161e+015||0.25656||2.16258e-013
|3735||3736||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DL.png|100 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DR.png|100 px]]||1.18161e+015||0.25656||2.16258e-013
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3735_sub_r3736_DR.png|100 px]]||1.18161e+015||0.25656||2.16258e-013
|3737||3736||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DL.png|100 px]]||2.16202e+015||0.251457||1.27239e-013
|3737||3736||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DL.png|100 px]]
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DR.png|100 px]]||2.16202e+015||0.251457||1.27239e-013
||[[File:hrrl_pos_27jul2012_data_ana_with_Cuts_r3737_sub_r3736_DR.png|100 px]]||2.16202e+015||0.251457||1.27239e-013

Revision as of 08:47, 24 August 2012

3 MeV

2 ways to calculate electron charge

    NE(Int_t ri, Int_t Reprate, Int_t calc_meth){
    printf("%d %d \n",ri, Reprate);
    if(ri==1) TFile *f = new TFile("C:/Users/sadiq/Documents/phd/Runs_Jul_2012/rootfiles/7-27-12/r3735.root");
    else if(ri==2) TFile *f = new TFile("C:/Users/sadiq/Documents/phd/Runs_Jul_2012/rootfiles/7-27-12/r3737.root");
    TTree *ntuple = (TTree*)f->Get("ntuple");
    TH1F *f9=new TH1F("f9","ADC9",4000,0,4000);	 	 
       TCanvas * c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "c2",600 ,500);
       Long64_t ne;
       printf("%d \n", ne);
      //method 1 is reprate times single pulse charge
       Double_t Qp1=0,Qp2=0;
       if(calc_meth == 1){	
       //Qp2 = (f9->Integral())*(1.22*1e-9)/50; //charge calculate with method 2.
       ADC9_fit_mean = f9->GetMean(1); 
       //ADC9_fit_mean = ADC9->GetMean(1); 
       printf("ADC9_fit_mean = %d \n",ADC9_fit_mean);
       Qp1 = ADC9_fit_mean*(1.22*1e-9)/50; //Qp: charge per pulse. The calibration: 1.22 (9nV s)/(ADC channel), 50 ohm Terminal.
       printf("e- charge per pulse with method 1: %g\n",Qp1);
       //printf("Reprate: %d\n",Reprate);
       Qs=Reprate*Qp1; //Qs: Charge per second.
       //printf("e- charge per second: %g\n",Qs);
       ne=Qs/Q_e; //Ne: number of electrons per second.
       if(calc_meth == 2){	 
       printf("%bin# Bin Content%d\n");
       for(i=1; i<=4000; i++){
       //for(i=0; i<=600; i++){
       bin_content[i] = f9->GetBinContent(i);
       //printf("%d  %d  %g \n",i,bin_content[i],Qp2);
       //printf("Integral = %d \n",f9->Integral());
       //Qp2 = (f9->Integral())*(1.22*1e-9)/50; //charge calculate with method 2.    
       printf("total e- charge in this run with method 2: %g\n",Qp2);
       //printf("Reprate: %d\n",Reprate);
       Qs=Qp2; //Qs: Charge per second.
       printf("e- charge per second: %g\n",Qs);
       printf("e- charge: %g\n",Q_e);	 
       ne=Qs/Q_e; //Ne: number of electrons per second.
       printf("1. total number of electrons in this run: %g\n",ne);
       printf("2. total number of electrons in this run: %g\n",ne);

results on 3 MeV with Method 1

run in run out NaI Left NaI Right NaI Left around 511 keV NaI Right around 511 keV e- rate (Hz) e+ rate (Hz) e+/e+ ratop
3735 3736 Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 sub r3736 DL.png 3.91498e+013 0.25656 6.55329e-015 Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 sub r3736 DR.png 3.91498e+013 0.25656 6.55329e-015
3737 3736 Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 sub r3736 DL.png 4.14545e+013 0.251457 6.06586e-015 Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 sub r3736 DR.png 4.14545e+013 0.251457 6.06586e-015

results on 3 MeV with Method 2

3735 3736 Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 sub r3736 DL.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3735 sub r3736 DR.png 1.18161e+015 0.25656 2.16258e-013
3737 3736 Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 sub r3736 DL.png Hrrl pos 27jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3737 sub r3736 DR.png 2.16202e+015 0.251457 1.27239e-013