HRRL Pos Test 26Jul2012 Data Ana Sub Spcs

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Revision as of 22:39, 5 August 2012 by Setisadi (talk | contribs)
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Cut was done that impose events to be in the 511 keV region on both NaI detectors:

if(run_in==3686) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/1260"); else if(run_in==3688) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/2460"); else if(run_in==3690) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/4228");

         if(run_out==3687) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_out_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/1411");
    else if(run_out==3689) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_out_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/2706");
    else if(run_out==3691) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_out_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/1383");
    else if(run_out==3692) ntuple->Draw("ADC6>>T2_out_NaI_L","ADC6>900 && ADC6<1500 && ADC5>1000 && ADC5<1550","1/1238");

Looks like the time normalization was not working.

runs NaI right NaI left
r3686-r3687 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png
r3686-r3689 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png
r3686-r3691 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png
r3686-r3692 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3686 sub r3687 DL.png
r3688-r3687 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png
r3688-r3689 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png
r3688-r3691 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png
r3688-r3692 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3688 sub r3687 DL.png
r3690-r3687 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png
r3690-r3689 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png
r3690-r3691 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png
r3690-r3692 Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png Hrrl pos 26jul2012 data ana with Cuts r3690 sub r3687 DL.png

runs NaI right NaI left
runs NaI right NaI left

runs NaI right NaI left