HRRL 03-18-2011

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Tune parameters

Previous Tune at the higher energy

Solenoid 1 5.4 A
Solenoid 2 5.5 A
Gun Ver -0.2 A
Gun Hor +0.4 A
Output Hor -0.5 A
Output Ver -0.5 A
Gun HV +9.75 (Knob Setting)
Gun Grid Voltage 5.25 (Knob Setting)
RF frequency 2855.813 MHz
Modulator HV Power Supply 4.11 (Knob Setting)
RF macro Pulse Length (FWHM) 200 ns

Solenoid comparison with yesterdays higher energy tune

V1 (Gun Vertical) H1 (Gun Horizontal) Sol1 (Gun Sol) V2 (Output Vertical) H2 (Output horizontal Sol 2 (Output solenoid) OTR Pict FC pict
(A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
(-0.3) +0 0 0 -0 -0 OTR Q1Scan03182011 SterOff.png FC Q1Scan03182011 SterOff.png
(-0.2) +0.4 5.4 -0.5 -0.5 5.5 OTR Q1Scan03182011 SterOn.png FC Q1Scan03182011 SterOon.png
(-0.2) +0.4 6.8 -0.5 -0.5 5.5 OTR Q1Scan03182011 1.png FC Q1Scan03182011 1.png
(-0.2) +0.4 6.8 -0.5 -0.5 10.4 OTR Q1Scan03182011 2.png FC Q1Scan03182011 2.png

Quad Scans

To test reproducibility from yesterday. Scan at 40, 20, 10, 5 mA peak currents. Scan twice on each Current.

Do Energy Scan

Bend the beam through 45 bending dipole, take images on the scope of FC and YAG images.

D1 current Energy FC peak Volt Pic
(A) MeV mV
28 11.85 39 FC2 0318011 28A 11.85.png
29 12.3 74 FC2 0318011 28A 12.3.png
30 12.74 93 FC2 0318011 30A 12.74.png
30.5 12.96 65 FC2 0318011 30.5A 12.96.png
30.7 large uncertainty 22 FC2 0318011 30.7A.png

Quad 1 Scan

Quad 1 OTR Pict FC pict
+0 OTR Q1Scan03182011 10.png FC Q1Scan03182011 10.png
+0.2 OTR Q1Scan03182011 11.png FC Q1Scan03182011 11.png
+0.4 OTR Q1Scan03182011 12.png FC Q1Scan03182011 12.png
+0.6 OTR Q1Scan03182011 13.png FC Q1Scan03182011 13.png
+0.8 OTR Q1Scan03182011 14.png FC Q1Scan03182011 14.png
+1.0 OTR Q1Scan03182011 15.png FC Q1Scan03182011 15.png
+1.2 OTR Q1Scan03182011 16.png FC Q1Scan03182011 16.png
+1.4 OTR Q1Scan03182011 17.png FC Q1Scan03182011 17.png
+1.6 OTR Q1Scan03182011 18.png FC Q1Scan03182011 18.png
+1.8 OTR Q1Scan03182011 19.png FC Q1Scan03182011 19.png
+2.0 OTR Q1Scan03182011 20.png FC Q1Scan03182011 20.png

Scan Quad 4


HRRL 03-18-2011 cal 1 source.png HRRL 03-18-2011 cal 1.png

Estimate the error in the above calibration

Data Analysis

Preliminary results

Here is the study on how to fit non_Gaussian curve. I fitted for whole image as well as parts of the image.

Here is beam profile, which is non-Gaussian.

Fits for whole image:

HRRL 03-18-2011 Data Analysis Preliminary Results non-Gauss profile 1.png

Fits for x=[362,404] and y=[241,301]:

HRRL 03-18-2011 Data Analysis Preliminary Results non-Gauss profile 2.png

Gaussian fitted for whole image

12.74 MeV

Fitted Gaussian for whole image x-projection:

emit=0.521 +- 0.013 mm*mrad, emit_norm=13.002 +- 0.330 mm*mrad

beta=0.884 +- 0.025, alpha=0.469 +-0.027

HRRL 03-18-2011 Data Analysis Preliminary Results Gauss Fitted Whole Image.png

Gaussian fitted for part 1 of the image

Fitted Gaussian for part 1 of the image

       xl = 362;% center at 382
       xr = 404;
       yl = 241;% center at 271
       yr = 301;
xl: x left, xr: x right. yl: y left, yr: y right.


emit=0.322 +- 0.001 mm*mrad, emit_norm=8.022 +- 0.033 mm*mrad

beta=3.110 +- 0.003, alpha=0.906 +-0.002

HRRL 03-18-2011 Data Analysis Preliminary Results Gauss Fitted Part 1 Image.png

Gaussian fitted for part 2 of the image

Fitted Gaussian for part 2 of the image

       xl = 342;% center at 382
       xr = 424;
       yl = 241;% center at 271
       yr = 301;


emit=0.360 +- 0.001 mm*mrad, emit_norm=8.970 +- 0.031 mm*mrad

beta=1.993 +- 0.001, alpha=0.672 +-0.001

HRRL 03-18-2011 Data Analysis Preliminary Results Gauss Fitted Part 2 Image.png

Gaussian fitted for part 3 of the image

Fitted Gaussian for part 3 of the image

       xl = 342;% center at 382
       xr = 424;
       yl = 221;% center at 271
       yr = 321;


emit=0.360 +- 0.001 mm*mrad, emit_norm=8.970 +- 0.031 mm*mrad

beta=1.993 +- 0.001, alpha=0.672 +-0.001

HRRL 03-18-2011 Data Analysis Preliminary Results Gauss Fitted Part 3 Image.png

Gaussian fitted for part 4 of the image

Fitted Gaussian for part 4 of the image

       xl = 322;% center at 382
       xr = 444;
       yl = 221;% center at 271
       yr = 321;


emit=0.350 +- 0.001 mm*mrad, emit_norm=8.738 +- 0.032 mm*mrad

beta=1.344 +- 0.002, alpha=0.464 +-0.002

HRRL 03-18-2011 Data Analysis Preliminary Results Gauss Fitted Part 4 Image.png

Analysis with root

Q1_Scan, 42mA peak current, Scan Coil Current at positive 1.8_Amp

Image HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-signal.png

Back grounds

HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-1.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-2.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-3.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-4.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-5.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-6.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-7.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-8.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-9.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-10.png

Signal Background
HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-signal.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-bg-1.png
These MATLAB fits are set to fit at 0.7 times above height of the peak.
Matlab fit to x profile Matlab fit to y profile
HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-signal-Matlab Fit-x.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-signal-Matlab Fit-y.png
sigma_x = 24.97 px sigma_y = 44.45 px
Blue: Signal, Red Background, Black: Subtraction HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-signal bg sg-bg.png
signal HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-surf-sg.png
background HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-surf-bg.png
signal - background HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-surf-sg-bg.png
signal HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-contour-sg.png
background HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-contour-bg.png
signal - background HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q1 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-positive-1.8 Amp-contour-sg-bg.png

Q6_Scan, 42mA peak current, Scan Coil Current at negative 2.5_Amp

Signal Background
HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q6 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-negative-2.5 Amp-signal.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q6 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-negative-2.5 Amp-bg-1.png
Matlab fit to x profile Matlab fit to y profile
set to fit at 0.2 times above height of the peak. set to fit at 0.7 times above height of the peak.
HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q6 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-negative-2.5 Amp-signal-Matlab Fit-x.png HRRL-03-18-2011-Analysis-with-root-Q6 Scan-42mA-peak-current-Scan-Coil-Current-at-negative-2.5 Amp-signal-Matlab Fit-y.png
sigma_x = 31.37 px sigma_y = 18.63 px
