Gcard settings for daughter and procID

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Gcard settings

Using the command:

gemc -help-all > gcard_options.txt

We find the command options for gemc:

   Usage: -Option=<option>


   > Option ACTIVEFIELDS: List of activated fields

   > Option ALIGN_ZAXIS: Align z axis to a custom direction. Options:
      - "beamp"  aligns z axis to the beam directions specified by BEAM_P.
      - "custom, theta*unit, phi*unit" aligns z axis to a custom direction, changes BEAM_P reference frame.
   > Option ALLRAWS: Activates step-by-step output for system(s). Example: -ALLRAWS="DC, TOF"
   > Option BANK_VERBOSITY: Controls Bank Log Output.
   > Option BEAM_P: Beam particle, momentum, angles (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -BEAM_P="e-, 6*GeV, 15*deg, 20*deg" sets 6 GeV electrons 15 degrees in theta, 20 degrees in phi.
      Use -BEAM_P="show_all" to print the list of G4 supported particles.

   > Option BEAM_V: Primary Particle Vertex. Example: -BEAM_V="(0, 0, -20)cm".
   > Option CATCH: Catch volumes matching the given string.
   > Option CHECK_OVERLAPS: Checks Overlapping Volumes:
      1.  Check Overlaps at Construction Time
      2.  Check Overlaps based on standard lines grid setup
      3.  Check Overlaps by shooting lines according to a cylindrical pattern

   > Option COSMICAREA: Target (x,y,z) location and radius of area of interest
   > Option COSMICRAYS: Cosmic Generator. The model has a (cos(theta), p) probability function:


      The COSMICRAYS option sets the parameters and the momentum range in the last two numbers.
      By default the parameters are:
       a = 55.6:
       b = 1.04:
       c = 64:
      One can use the defaults or set the pars with the options:
      example 1: -COSMICRAYS="default, 1, 10" will use the default parameterization, and momentum range [1-10] GeV
      example 2: -COSMICRAYS="55, 2, 66, 3, 4" will set the parameterization, and momentum range [3-4] GeV

   > Option DATABASE: Selects mysql Database.
   > Option DAWN_N: Number of events to be displayed with the DAWN driver (also activate the DAWN driver).
   > Option DBHOST: Selects mysql server host name.
   > Option DBPORT: Select mysql server port.
   > Option DBPSWD: mysql password
   > Option DBUSER: Select mysql user name
   > Option DC_MSTAG_R2: Mini Stagger for Region 2. Each layer will alternate +- |this value|
   > Option DC_MSTAG_R3: Mini Stagger for Region 3. Each layer will alternate +- |this value|
   > Option DEFAULT_MATERIAL: Default material for missing material field.

   > Option DF: Selects Detector System and Factory type.
        -DF="CTOF, MYSQL"  selects the MYSQL factory for the detector CTOF

   > Option ENERGY_CUT: Set an energy cut in MeV below which no particle will be tracked further. -1. turns this off.
   > Option EVN: Initial Event Number.
   > Option EXEC_MACRO: Executes commands in macro file.
   > Option FIELD_DIR: Magnetic Field Maps Location.

   > Option FIELD_VERBOSITY: Controls Electro-Magnetic Fields Log Output:
 0: no log  1: field definitions log  2: max field details
   > Option G4P_VERBOSITY: Controls Physical Volumes Construction Log Output.
   > Option G4TRACK_VERBOSITY: Controls Geant4 Track Verbosity.
   > Option GEN_VERBOSITY: Controls Geant4 Generator Verbosity.
   > Option GEO_VERBOSITY: Controls Geometry Construction Log Output.
   > Option GUIPOS: Specify the position of the QT display window. Default is at 50, 50
   > Option GUI_VERBOSITY: Controls GUI Construction Log Output.
   > Option HALL_DIMENSIONS: (x,y,z) semi-dimensions of the experimental Hall.

   > Option HALL_FIELD: Magnetic Field of the Hall.

   > Option HALL_MATERIAL: Composition of the Experimental Hall.
            Air normal simulation
            Air_Opt Simulation with Optical Physics
            Vacuum (default)

   > Option HIGH_RES: Use High Resolution Graphics

   > Option HIT_PROCESS_LIST: Registers Hit Process Routines. Can register multiple experiments, separated by space, e.v. "clas12 aprime"
      clas12.  CLAS12 hit process routines (default)
      aprime.  aprime hit process routines
      gluex.   GlueX  hit process routines

   > Option HIT_VERBOSITY: Controls Hits Log Output.
   > Option INPUT_GEN_FILE: Generator Input. Current availables file formats:
      example: -INPUT_GEN_FILE="LUND, input.dat" or -INPUT_GEN_FILE="StdHEP, darkphoton.stdhep"

   > Option INTEGRATEDDGT: De-activates integrated digitized output for system(s). Example: -INTEGRATEDDGT="DC, TOF"
   > Option INTEGRATEDRAW: Activates integrated geant4 raw output for system(s). Example: -INTEGRATEDRAW="DC, TOF"
   > Option LOG_VERBOSITY: Controls General Log Verbosity.
   > Option LUMI2_EVENT: Luminosity Particle 2 Parameters: number of Particles/Event, Time Between Bunches. The Time Window is specified with the LUMI_EVENT flag
            Example: -LUMI2_EVENT="10000, 2*ns" simulate 10K particles per event at 2ns intervals.

   > Option LUMI2_P: Luminosity Particle 2, momentum, angles (in respect of z-axis).
            Example: -LUMI2_P="proton, 1*GeV, 25*deg, 2*deg" sets 1 GeV protons, 25 degrees in theta, 2 degrees in phi.
            Use -LUMI2_P="show_all" to print the list of G4 supported particles.

   > Option LUMI2_SPREAD_P: Spread Luminosity Particle 2 energy and angles (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -LUMI2_SPREAD_P="0*GeV, 10*deg, 20*deg" spreads 10 degrees in theta, 20 degrees in phi.

   > Option LUMI2_SPREAD_V: Spread Luminosity Particle 2 Radius, Z position. Example: -SPREAD_V="(0.1, 10)cm".
   > Option LUMI2_V: Luminosity Particle 2 Vertex. Example: -LUMI2_V="(0, 0, -20)cm".
   > Option LUMI_EVENT: Luminosity Particle Parameters: number of Particles/Event, Time Window, Time Between Bunches
            Example: -LUMI_EVENT="10000, 120*ns, 2*ns" simulate 10K particles per event distributed over 120 ns, at 2ns intervals.

   > Option LUMI_P: Luminosity Particle, momentum, angles (in respect of z-axis).
            Example: -LUMI_P="proton, 1*GeV, 25*deg, 2*deg" sets 1 GeV protons, 25 degrees in theta, 2 degrees in phi.
            Use -LUMI_P="show_all" to print the list of G4 supported particles.

   > Option LUMI_SPREAD_P: Spread Luminosity Particle energy and angles (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -LUMI_SPREAD_P="0*GeV, 10*deg, 20*deg" spreads 10 degrees in theta, 20 degrees in phi.

   > Option LUMI_SPREAD_V: Spread Luminosity Particle Radius, Z position. Example: -SPREAD_V="(0.1, 10)cm".
   > Option LUMI_V: Luminosity Particle Vertex. Example: -LUMI_V="(0, 0, -20)cm".
   > Option MATERIAL_VERBOSITY: Controls Geant4 Material Verbosity.
   > Option MAX_FIELD_STEP: Sets Maximum Acceptable Step in Magnetic Field (in mm).

   > Option MAX_X_POS: Max X Position in millimeters. Beyond this the track will be killed
   > Option MAX_Y_POS: Max Y Position in millimeters. Beyond this the track will be killed
   > Option MAX_Z_POS: Max Z Position in millimeters. Beyond this the track will be killed
   > Option MIRROR_VERBOSITY: Controls Mirrors Verbosity.
   > Option N: Number of events to be simulated.
   > Option NGENP: Max Number of Generated Particles to save in the Output.
   > Option NO_FIELD: Sets Magnetic Field of a volume to zero. "all" means no magnetic field at all.

   > Option OUTPUT: Type of output, output filename. Supported output: evio, txt. Example: -OUTPUT="evio, out.ev"
   > Option PARAMETER_VERBOSITY: Controls Parameters Verbosity.
   > Option PHYSICS:     Physics List. The lists are modular and can be added together.
     For example, a choice could be 'QGSC_BERT + STD + HP + Optical'
     Possible Choices:
      - CHIPS
      - FTFP_BERT
      - FTF_BIC
      - LHEP
      - QGSC_BERT
      - QGSP
      - QGSP_BERT
      - QGSP_BERT_HP
      - QGSP_BIC
      - QGSP_BIC_HP
      - QGS_BIC
      - STD
      - EMV
      - EMX
      - EMY
      - EMZ
      - LIV
      - PEN

   > Option PHYS_VERBOSITY: Physics List Verbosity
   > Option PHY_VERBOSITY: Controls Physics List Log Output.
   > Option POLAR: Primary Particle polarization percentage and angles  (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -POLAR="90, 90*deg, 270*deg" sets 90% polarization 90 degrees in theta, 270 degrees in phi.
      Use -POLAR="show_all" to print the list of G4 supported particles.

   > Option PRINT_EVENT: -PRINT_EVENT=N: Print Event Number every N events.
   > Option PRODUCTIONCUT: Production cut for root, in mm

   > Option QTSTYLE: Sets the GUI Style. Available options:
      - QCleanlooksStyle
      - QMacStyle
      - QPlastiqueStyle
      - QWindowsStyle
      - QMotifStyle
   > Option RANDOM: Random Engine Initialization. The argument (seed) can be an integer or the string TIME.
   > Option RECORD_MIRRORS: Set to one if you want to save mirror hits in the output. Default is 0.

   > Option RECORD_PASSBY: Set to one if you want to save zero energy hits in the output. Default is 0.

   > Option RUNNO: Run Number. Controls the geometry and calibration parameters. Default is 1

   > Option RUN_WEIGHTS: Simulate events based on run based conditions table (text file)
      The text file must have two columns, run# and weight.
      For example:

        11 0.1
        12 0.7
        13 0.2

      Will simulate 10% of events with run number 11 conditions, 70% run 12 and 20% run 13.

   > Option SAVE_ALL_MOTHERS: Set to 1 to save mother vertex and pid infos in output. High Memory Usage. Default is 0.

   > Option SCALE_FIELD: Scales Magnetic Field by a factor.
      -SCALE_FIELD="fieldname, scalefactor"
      Example: -SCALE_FIELD="srr-solenoid, 0.5"

   > Option SIGNALVT: Activates voltage (t) output for system(s). Example: -SIGNALVT="DC, TOF"
   > Option SPREAD_P: Spread Primary Particle energy and angles (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -SPREAD_P="0*GeV, 10*deg, 20*deg" spreads 10 degrees in theta, 20 degrees in phi.

   > Option SPREAD_V: Spread Primary Particle Radius, Z position. Example: -SPREAD_V="(0.1, 10)cm".
  > Option STEER_BEAM: Steer the beam, and translate the vertex, of an StdHep file by the amount specified in Beam_P, Beam_V, Spread_V

   > Option TSAMPLING: Sampling time of electronics (typically FADC)
   > Option USE_GUI:  GUI switch
      0.  Don't use the graphical interface
      1.  Qt GUI Interface.
      2.  OpenGL Stored mode (can't interact with picture; sliders works well)
      3.  OpenGL Immediate mode (can't interact with picture; sliders works well; slower than Stored mode)
      4.  QT OpenGL Stored mode (can interact with picture; sliders works but picture needs to be updated by clicking on it)

   > Option VTRESOLUTION: Voltage versus time resolution, in ns
   > Option gcard: gemc card file.
   > Option geometry: Specify the size of the QT display window. Default '600x600'

Gcard file

We can construct an eg12.gcard with:


<!-- minumal detectors for HB tracking -->

        <detector name="../../clas12/fc/forwardCarriage" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <detector name="../../clas12/dc/dc"            factory="TEXT" variation="ccdb"/>
        <detector name="../../clas12/ftof/ftof"            factory="TEXT" variation="java"/>
        <option name="SCALE_FIELD" value="clas12-torus-big, -1"/>

        <!--option name="OUTPUT" value="txt, Molr.txt"/-->
        <option name="OUTPUT" value="evio, Molr.evio"/>

        <!--option name="ALLRAWS" value="DC"/-->
        <!--option name="INTEGRATEDDGT" value="DC"/-->
        <option name="INTEGRATEDRAW" value="dc"/>

        <!--option name="PHYSICS" value="FTFP_BERT + STD + Optical"/-->
        <option name="PHYSICS" value="STD"/>

        <!--option name="BANK_VERBOSITY" value="1"/-->
        <option name="HIT_VERBOSITY" value="3"/>
        <!--option name="LOG_VERBOSITY" value="1"/-->
        <option name="G4TRACK_VERBOSITY" value="2"/>
        <!--option name="G4P_VERBOSITY" value="1"/-->
        <option name="GEN_VERBOSITY" value="3"/>
        <option name="SAVE_ALL_MOTHERS" value="2"/>

<!-- Solenoid apparatus and field -->

        <!--detector name="../../clas12/magnets/solenoid" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/-->
          <!--option name="HALL_FIELD"  value="clas12-solenoid"/-->

<!-- other CLAS detectors -->

       <detector name="../../clas12/ec/ec"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../clas12/ctof/ctof"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../clas12/htcc/htcc"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../clas12/pcal/pcal"            factory="TEXT" variation="javageom"/>
       <!--detector name="../../clas12/micromegas/micromegas"  factory="TEXT" variation="original"/-->

<!-- Beamline material -->
         <!--detector name="../../clas12/beamline/beamline" factory="TEXT" variation="ft"/-->


True Information Bank

True Information Bank
Variable Name ID Number Description
pid 1 ID of the FP [4]
mpid 2 ID of the mother of the FP
tid 3 Track ID of the FP
mtid 4 Track ID of the mother of the FP (if enabled)
otid 5 Track ID of the ancestor that generated the FP (if enabled)
trackE 6 Total energy of the FP
totEdep 7 Total energy deposited (in MeV)
avg_x 8 Average X position in the global reference system (in mm)
avg_y 9 Average Y position in the global reference system
avg_z 10 Average Z position in the global reference system
avg_lx 11 Average X position in the local reference system
avg_ly 12 Average Y position in the local reference system
avg_lz 13 Average Z position in the local reference system
px 14 x component of momentum of the FP (in MeV)
py 15 y component of momentum of the FP
pz 16 z component of momentum of the FP
vx 17 x component of the FP’s point of origin (in mm)
vy 18 y component of the FP’s point of origin
vz 19 z component of the FP’s point of origin
mvx 20 x component of the FP mother’s point of origin (if enabled)
mvy 21 y component of the FP mother’s point of origin
mvz 22 z component of the FP mother’s point of origin
avg_t 23 Average time
nsteps 24 Number of geant4 steps
procID 25 Process that created the FP. See section below.
hitn 99 Hit ID