Difference between revisions of "Gcard settings for daughter and procID"

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Line 382: Line 382:
   | procID
   | procID
   | 25
   | 25
   | Process that created the FP. [[[[Gcard_settings_for_daughter_and_procID#ProcID|See section below.]]
   | Process that created the FP. [[Gcard_settings_for_daughter_and_procID#ProcID|See section below.]]
   | hitn
   | hitn

Revision as of 21:27, 21 July 2016

Gcard settings

Using the command:

gemc -help-all > gcard_options.txt

We find the command options for gemc:

   Usage: -Option=<option>


   > Option ACTIVEFIELDS: List of activated fields

   > Option ALIGN_ZAXIS: Align z axis to a custom direction. Options:
      - "beamp"  aligns z axis to the beam directions specified by BEAM_P.
      - "custom, theta*unit, phi*unit" aligns z axis to a custom direction, changes BEAM_P reference frame.
   > Option ALLRAWS: Activates step-by-step output for system(s). Example: -ALLRAWS="DC, TOF"
   > Option BANK_VERBOSITY: Controls Bank Log Output.
   > Option BEAM_P: Beam particle, momentum, angles (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -BEAM_P="e-, 6*GeV, 15*deg, 20*deg" sets 6 GeV electrons 15 degrees in theta, 20 degrees in phi.
      Use -BEAM_P="show_all" to print the list of G4 supported particles.

   > Option BEAM_V: Primary Particle Vertex. Example: -BEAM_V="(0, 0, -20)cm".
   > Option CATCH: Catch volumes matching the given string.
   > Option CHECK_OVERLAPS: Checks Overlapping Volumes:
      1.  Check Overlaps at Construction Time
      2.  Check Overlaps based on standard lines grid setup
      3.  Check Overlaps by shooting lines according to a cylindrical pattern

   > Option COSMICAREA: Target (x,y,z) location and radius of area of interest
   > Option COSMICRAYS: Cosmic Generator. The model has a (cos(theta), p) probability function:


      The COSMICRAYS option sets the parameters and the momentum range in the last two numbers.
      By default the parameters are:
       a = 55.6:
       b = 1.04:
       c = 64:
      One can use the defaults or set the pars with the options:
      example 1: -COSMICRAYS="default, 1, 10" will use the default parameterization, and momentum range [1-10] GeV
      example 2: -COSMICRAYS="55, 2, 66, 3, 4" will set the parameterization, and momentum range [3-4] GeV

   > Option DATABASE: Selects mysql Database.
   > Option DAWN_N: Number of events to be displayed with the DAWN driver (also activate the DAWN driver).
   > Option DBHOST: Selects mysql server host name.
   > Option DBPORT: Select mysql server port.
   > Option DBPSWD: mysql password
   > Option DBUSER: Select mysql user name
   > Option DC_MSTAG_R2: Mini Stagger for Region 2. Each layer will alternate +- |this value|
   > Option DC_MSTAG_R3: Mini Stagger for Region 3. Each layer will alternate +- |this value|
   > Option DEFAULT_MATERIAL: Default material for missing material field.

   > Option DF: Selects Detector System and Factory type.
        -DF="CTOF, MYSQL"  selects the MYSQL factory for the detector CTOF

   > Option ENERGY_CUT: Set an energy cut in MeV below which no particle will be tracked further. -1. turns this off.
   > Option EVN: Initial Event Number.
   > Option EXEC_MACRO: Executes commands in macro file.
   > Option FIELD_DIR: Magnetic Field Maps Location.

   > Option FIELD_VERBOSITY: Controls Electro-Magnetic Fields Log Output:
 0: no log  1: field definitions log  2: max field details
   > Option G4P_VERBOSITY: Controls Physical Volumes Construction Log Output.
   > Option G4TRACK_VERBOSITY: Controls Geant4 Track Verbosity.
   > Option GEN_VERBOSITY: Controls Geant4 Generator Verbosity.
   > Option GEO_VERBOSITY: Controls Geometry Construction Log Output.
   > Option GUIPOS: Specify the position of the QT display window. Default is at 50, 50
   > Option GUI_VERBOSITY: Controls GUI Construction Log Output.
   > Option HALL_DIMENSIONS: (x,y,z) semi-dimensions of the experimental Hall.

   > Option HALL_FIELD: Magnetic Field of the Hall.

   > Option HALL_MATERIAL: Composition of the Experimental Hall.
            Air normal simulation
            Air_Opt Simulation with Optical Physics
            Vacuum (default)

   > Option HIGH_RES: Use High Resolution Graphics

   > Option HIT_PROCESS_LIST: Registers Hit Process Routines. Can register multiple experiments, separated by space, e.v. "clas12 aprime"
      clas12.  CLAS12 hit process routines (default)
      aprime.  aprime hit process routines
      gluex.   GlueX  hit process routines

   > Option HIT_VERBOSITY: Controls Hits Log Output.
   > Option INPUT_GEN_FILE: Generator Input. Current availables file formats:
      example: -INPUT_GEN_FILE="LUND, input.dat" or -INPUT_GEN_FILE="StdHEP, darkphoton.stdhep"

   > Option INTEGRATEDDGT: De-activates integrated digitized output for system(s). Example: -INTEGRATEDDGT="DC, TOF"
   > Option INTEGRATEDRAW: Activates integrated geant4 raw output for system(s). Example: -INTEGRATEDRAW="DC, TOF"
   > Option LOG_VERBOSITY: Controls General Log Verbosity.
   > Option LUMI2_EVENT: Luminosity Particle 2 Parameters: number of Particles/Event, Time Between Bunches. The Time Window is specified with the LUMI_EVENT flag
            Example: -LUMI2_EVENT="10000, 2*ns" simulate 10K particles per event at 2ns intervals.

   > Option LUMI2_P: Luminosity Particle 2, momentum, angles (in respect of z-axis).
            Example: -LUMI2_P="proton, 1*GeV, 25*deg, 2*deg" sets 1 GeV protons, 25 degrees in theta, 2 degrees in phi.
            Use -LUMI2_P="show_all" to print the list of G4 supported particles.

   > Option LUMI2_SPREAD_P: Spread Luminosity Particle 2 energy and angles (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -LUMI2_SPREAD_P="0*GeV, 10*deg, 20*deg" spreads 10 degrees in theta, 20 degrees in phi.

   > Option LUMI2_SPREAD_V: Spread Luminosity Particle 2 Radius, Z position. Example: -SPREAD_V="(0.1, 10)cm".
   > Option LUMI2_V: Luminosity Particle 2 Vertex. Example: -LUMI2_V="(0, 0, -20)cm".
   > Option LUMI_EVENT: Luminosity Particle Parameters: number of Particles/Event, Time Window, Time Between Bunches
            Example: -LUMI_EVENT="10000, 120*ns, 2*ns" simulate 10K particles per event distributed over 120 ns, at 2ns intervals.

   > Option LUMI_P: Luminosity Particle, momentum, angles (in respect of z-axis).
            Example: -LUMI_P="proton, 1*GeV, 25*deg, 2*deg" sets 1 GeV protons, 25 degrees in theta, 2 degrees in phi.
            Use -LUMI_P="show_all" to print the list of G4 supported particles.

   > Option LUMI_SPREAD_P: Spread Luminosity Particle energy and angles (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -LUMI_SPREAD_P="0*GeV, 10*deg, 20*deg" spreads 10 degrees in theta, 20 degrees in phi.

   > Option LUMI_SPREAD_V: Spread Luminosity Particle Radius, Z position. Example: -SPREAD_V="(0.1, 10)cm".
   > Option LUMI_V: Luminosity Particle Vertex. Example: -LUMI_V="(0, 0, -20)cm".
   > Option MATERIAL_VERBOSITY: Controls Geant4 Material Verbosity.
   > Option MAX_FIELD_STEP: Sets Maximum Acceptable Step in Magnetic Field (in mm).

   > Option MAX_X_POS: Max X Position in millimeters. Beyond this the track will be killed
   > Option MAX_Y_POS: Max Y Position in millimeters. Beyond this the track will be killed
   > Option MAX_Z_POS: Max Z Position in millimeters. Beyond this the track will be killed
   > Option MIRROR_VERBOSITY: Controls Mirrors Verbosity.
   > Option N: Number of events to be simulated.
   > Option NGENP: Max Number of Generated Particles to save in the Output.
   > Option NO_FIELD: Sets Magnetic Field of a volume to zero. "all" means no magnetic field at all.

   > Option OUTPUT: Type of output, output filename. Supported output: evio, txt. Example: -OUTPUT="evio, out.ev"
   > Option PARAMETER_VERBOSITY: Controls Parameters Verbosity.
   > Option PHYSICS:     Physics List. The lists are modular and can be added together.
     For example, a choice could be 'QGSC_BERT + STD + HP + Optical'
     Possible Choices:
      - CHIPS
      - FTFP_BERT
      - FTF_BIC
      - LHEP
      - QGSC_BERT
      - QGSP
      - QGSP_BERT
      - QGSP_BERT_HP
      - QGSP_BIC
      - QGSP_BIC_HP
      - QGS_BIC
      - STD
      - EMV
      - EMX
      - EMY
      - EMZ
      - LIV
      - PEN

   > Option PHYS_VERBOSITY: Physics List Verbosity
   > Option PHY_VERBOSITY: Controls Physics List Log Output.
   > Option POLAR: Primary Particle polarization percentage and angles  (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -POLAR="90, 90*deg, 270*deg" sets 90% polarization 90 degrees in theta, 270 degrees in phi.
      Use -POLAR="show_all" to print the list of G4 supported particles.

   > Option PRINT_EVENT: -PRINT_EVENT=N: Print Event Number every N events.
   > Option PRODUCTIONCUT: Production cut for root, in mm

   > Option QTSTYLE: Sets the GUI Style. Available options:
      - QCleanlooksStyle
      - QMacStyle
      - QPlastiqueStyle
      - QWindowsStyle
      - QMotifStyle
   > Option RANDOM: Random Engine Initialization. The argument (seed) can be an integer or the string TIME.
   > Option RECORD_MIRRORS: Set to one if you want to save mirror hits in the output. Default is 0.

   > Option RECORD_PASSBY: Set to one if you want to save zero energy hits in the output. Default is 0.

   > Option RUNNO: Run Number. Controls the geometry and calibration parameters. Default is 1

   > Option RUN_WEIGHTS: Simulate events based on run based conditions table (text file)
      The text file must have two columns, run# and weight.
      For example:

        11 0.1
        12 0.7
        13 0.2

      Will simulate 10% of events with run number 11 conditions, 70% run 12 and 20% run 13.

   > Option SAVE_ALL_MOTHERS: Set to 1 to save mother vertex and pid infos in output. High Memory Usage. Default is 0.

   > Option SCALE_FIELD: Scales Magnetic Field by a factor.
      -SCALE_FIELD="fieldname, scalefactor"
      Example: -SCALE_FIELD="srr-solenoid, 0.5"

   > Option SIGNALVT: Activates voltage (t) output for system(s). Example: -SIGNALVT="DC, TOF"
   > Option SPREAD_P: Spread Primary Particle energy and angles (in respect of z-axis).
      Example: -SPREAD_P="0*GeV, 10*deg, 20*deg" spreads 10 degrees in theta, 20 degrees in phi.

   > Option SPREAD_V: Spread Primary Particle Radius, Z position. Example: -SPREAD_V="(0.1, 10)cm".
  > Option STEER_BEAM: Steer the beam, and translate the vertex, of an StdHep file by the amount specified in Beam_P, Beam_V, Spread_V

   > Option TSAMPLING: Sampling time of electronics (typically FADC)
   > Option USE_GUI:  GUI switch
      0.  Don't use the graphical interface
      1.  Qt GUI Interface.
      2.  OpenGL Stored mode (can't interact with picture; sliders works well)
      3.  OpenGL Immediate mode (can't interact with picture; sliders works well; slower than Stored mode)
      4.  QT OpenGL Stored mode (can interact with picture; sliders works but picture needs to be updated by clicking on it)

   > Option VTRESOLUTION: Voltage versus time resolution, in ns
   > Option gcard: gemc card file.
   > Option geometry: Specify the size of the QT display window. Default '600x600'

Gcard file

We can construct an eg12.gcard with:


<!-- minumal detectors for HB tracking -->

        <detector name="../../clas12/fc/forwardCarriage" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
        <detector name="../../clas12/dc/dc"            factory="TEXT" variation="ccdb"/>
        <detector name="../../clas12/ftof/ftof"            factory="TEXT" variation="java"/>
        <option name="SCALE_FIELD" value="clas12-torus-big, -1"/>

        <!--option name="OUTPUT" value="txt, Molr.txt"/-->
        <option name="OUTPUT" value="evio, Molr.evio"/>

        <!--option name="ALLRAWS" value="DC"/-->
        <!--option name="INTEGRATEDDGT" value="DC"/-->
        <option name="INTEGRATEDRAW" value="dc"/>

        <!--option name="PHYSICS" value="FTFP_BERT + STD + Optical"/-->
        <option name="PHYSICS" value="STD"/>

        <!--option name="BANK_VERBOSITY" value="1"/-->
        <option name="HIT_VERBOSITY" value="3"/>
        <!--option name="LOG_VERBOSITY" value="1"/-->
        <option name="G4TRACK_VERBOSITY" value="2"/>
        <!--option name="G4P_VERBOSITY" value="1"/-->
        <option name="GEN_VERBOSITY" value="3"/>
        <option name="SAVE_ALL_MOTHERS" value="2"/>

<!-- Solenoid apparatus and field -->

        <!--detector name="../../clas12/magnets/solenoid" factory="TEXT" variation="original"/-->
          <!--option name="HALL_FIELD"  value="clas12-solenoid"/-->

<!-- other CLAS detectors -->

       <detector name="../../clas12/ec/ec"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../clas12/ctof/ctof"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../clas12/htcc/htcc"            factory="TEXT" variation="original"/>
       <detector name="../../clas12/pcal/pcal"            factory="TEXT" variation="javageom"/>
       <!--detector name="../../clas12/micromegas/micromegas"  factory="TEXT" variation="original"/-->

<!-- Beamline material -->
         <!--detector name="../../clas12/beamline/beamline" factory="TEXT" variation="ft"/-->


True Information Bank

True Information Bank
Variable Name ID Number Description
pid 1 ID of the FP [4]
mpid 2 ID of the mother of the FP
tid 3 Track ID of the FP
mtid 4 Track ID of the mother of the FP (if enabled)
otid 5 Track ID of the ancestor that generated the FP (if enabled)
trackE 6 Total energy of the FP
totEdep 7 Total energy deposited (in MeV)
avg_x 8 Average X position in the global reference system (in mm)
avg_y 9 Average Y position in the global reference system
avg_z 10 Average Z position in the global reference system
avg_lx 11 Average X position in the local reference system
avg_ly 12 Average Y position in the local reference system
avg_lz 13 Average Z position in the local reference system
px 14 x component of momentum of the FP (in MeV)
py 15 y component of momentum of the FP
pz 16 z component of momentum of the FP
vx 17 x component of the FP’s point of origin (in mm)
vy 18 y component of the FP’s point of origin
vz 19 z component of the FP’s point of origin
mvx 20 x component of the FP mother’s point of origin (if enabled)
mvy 21 y component of the FP mother’s point of origin
mvz 22 z component of the FP mother’s point of origin
avg_t 23 Average time
nsteps 24 Number of geant4 steps
procID 25 Process that created the FP. See section below.
hitn 99 Hit ID


Process ID
Process Name ID
1 e ionization
2 compton scattering
3 e bremsstrahlung
4 Photo Electric Effect
5 Gamma Conversion
6 e+ Annihilation
7 photon-Nuclear
8 electron-Nuclear
9 positron-Nuclear
10 Hadronic Elastic
11 Proton Inelastic
12 Neutron Inelastic
13 pi- Inelastic
14 pi+ Inelastic
15 hadron ionization
16 neutron capture
17 decay
18 muon ionization
19 Coulomb Scattering
20 Cherenkov
21 deuteron Inelastic
22 muPairProd
23 ion ionization
24 hadron pair production
25 triton Inelastic
26 kaon- Inelastic
27 kaon+ Inelastic
28 kaon0 Inelastic
29 kaon0L Inelastic
30 alpha Inelastic
31 lambda Inelastic
32 sigma- Inelastic
33 hadronic bremsstrahlung
34 muon decay With Spin
90 na